AB/2014 London FTF
The location is the Google office at
123 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9SH
United Kingdom
PLEASE NOTE: Google has two offices in this area, about a block apart, both "across the street" from Victoria Station. This is the smaller of the two; if you happened upon a random Googler wandering around the area and asked them where the Google office is, they would probably point you to the wrong place by default. The office we're in is generally referred to as the "123" office, rather than the "Belgrave House" office (which is what shows up when you map "Google London"). You're looking for the "Colonnade Walk" shopping area that's at the corner of Buckingham Palace Road (aka the A3214) and Eccleston Bridge Road.
London Underground / Tube: Victoria Station
From Heathrow airport:
- Cheaper: Piccadilly line to Victoria via
- transfer at South Kensington station to
- District line towards Upminster
- disembark Victoria Station
- Faster: Heathrow Express to Paddington Station
- Circle line to Victoria Station
I found an old map of hotels in the area, but it's definitely out of date (for example, the "Hesperia" on it is now a Doubletree) - and the "Google" point on it is the other office. There are MANY hotels within a mile or so, however, so your preferred search mechanism should work to find a good place to stay.
- Chris
- Virginie
- David
- Jeff
- Coralie
- Mike
- Art
- Jay
- Chaals
- Soohong
- Tantek