Webat25.org is a joint endeavor of the World Wide Web Consortium and World Wide Web Foundation. The following applies to non-logged-in interactions with webat25.org.

We use the Piwik open-source site statistics software in a local installation, with recommended privacy settings enabled.

We make no effort to identify public users of our site. No identifying data is disclosed to any third party for any purpose. Data that we collect is used only for server administration, site improvement, usage statistics, and Web protocol research.

As is typical, we log http requests to our site. We store partial IP addresses (the first two octets of an IPv4 address) of a user agent requesting a URL. We also know the Referer and User-Agent (browser) information accompanying an HTTP request. We do not log the specific identity of visitors. We occasionally analyze the log files to determine which files are most requested and the previous site or user agent which prompted the request. We use cookies for purposes including understanding usage patterns of the site, maintaining session state, and enabling single-sign-on (SSO) for the different software installations among our subdomains, including the blog, forums, wiki, etc.

Pages may link to or embed content such as video from other sites. Those resources are governed by the privacy policy of their originating site.

Logged information may be kept indefinitely as administrative, diagnostic, and research material; it is not disclosed outside of host site personnel. Aggregate (non-identifying) statistics generated from these logs may be reported publicly as part of research results.

If you set the Do-Not-Track header, which is an option in the preferences of many browsers, we do not collect any information about your visit, other than the fact that a particular page was visited.

Law enforcement and other compelled disclosures

In the event that we are required by law (including a court order) to disclose the information you submit, we will make an effort to provide you with notice (unless we are prohibited) that a request for your information has been made and give you an opportunity to object to the disclosure. We will attempt to provide this notice by email, if you have given us an email address. We will independently object to over-broad requests for access to information about users of our site. If you do not challenge the disclosure request we may be legally required to turn over information.