
Web Testing Interest Group

This Interest Group is closed. The mailing list remains active and used for general Web testing topics.

The mission of the Web Testing Interest Group, part of the Web Testing Activity, is to develop and deploy testing mechanisms and collateral materials for testing of Web technologies. In particular, tests developed as well as the testing framework should work on non-desktop devices such as mobile devices, web-enabled television sets etc.

General Components

The general components the group is expected to deliver include (but are by no means explicitly limited to) the following.

The group is also expected to develop test runners. Test runners are responsible for running a series of tests within a specific class of applications (such as a browser or an authoring tool). Further details about test runners are available in the list of requirements in the Testing section of the main W3C Wiki.


The following milestones will be refine by the Group:

We have a preliminary meeting on October 28. Contact us for details.

Steps for joining

Per charter, participation in the Web Testing Interest Group is open both to W3C members and to public participants.

The Contact for the Testing Interest Group is Michael Smith (W3C) <mike@w3.org>

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