LVTF Meeting Minutes - Thursday, December 8th

Link to minutes pasted below and at: erich

Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
08 Dec 2016

See also: IRC log

      allanj, Erich, AlastairC, Shawn, Glenda, Laura, wayne
         1. December meetings

         2. SC Manager
         3. WCAG survey New SCs

         4. Overlaps/reconcilliation between LFTF and COGA
         5. LVTF FAQs
         6. Issues 8 and 80
         7. Close Text Size
         8. Finish low vision requirements -
         9. graphics contrast
      Summary of Action Items
      Summary of Resolutions

<allanj> who is here?

<allanj> s/

<scribe> Scribe: Erich

scribe+ erich

December meetings

JA: open to meeting on the 22nd if others are

AC: likely to miss at least 1 due to work

GS: will be off

SH: if everyone could go update the survey to reflect, that would help

<laura> I can attend 22 but not 29th

SH: Survey currently suggests next week (12/15) we are good, but the
following 2 weeks are questionable

SC Manager


JA: This page talks about various roles and responsibilities of SC manager
... Alastair, Glenda, Laura, David MacDonald have picked up some SC to
shepherd, so we have 6 of 11 covered
... John Rochford has agreed also to take up any (3) that overlap with COGA
group SC
... Seeing All Interface Elements is Issue 80, so will clarify with David
MacDonald that we have the correct one

<laura> See All Elements #80

<allanj> issue 10 (interactive images), Issue 78 (spacing), Issue 80
(seeing all interface elements) overlap with COGA

JA: Alastair, was there a procedure to sign up?


JA: Do you need GitHub account?

AC: Likely that we'll just be keeping in the wiki, and place link to
current version of the wiki on GitHub

JA: For example, on Font Family, rather than having SC text in the
description, I would write 'here is the latest version' and link back to
the wiki?

<alastairc> Example:

AC: yes, i've already done this on Informational Graphics Contrast, noting
anything I've changed in it

GS: I like the idea of including in the description, so people don't
necessarily need to read the comments to get it

JA: I will wait to hear from Josh and Andrew, and then I can go update and
link back to the wiki

WD: I have a process question
... When we were developing we had a few contending statements of the
criteria, and it looks like in the larger community we'll have that again,
so are we going to have the possibility of having take 1, take 2, take 3 in
the SC statement, or how are we going to do that?

AC: That's why I suggested SC manager, so that there is really 1 person
looking after it
... If fresh eyes are used, a concern that they would lack the history of
how a SC got to that point

WD: So part of the thing as a manager is to keep the most updated comments
... I understand

JA: Another thing, I believe all discussion will happen on WCAG, so need to
watch that list
... It's imperative for us to be involved in the WCAG group and to comment

AC: I think when an SC has only positive comments and feedback has died
down, they may open to a survey

LC: Participating in the surveys is really important too, there's one out
there now on the Contrast issues, if people haven't filled that out they

WD: I have difficulty with some of those really long WCAG threads

<alastairc> Email archive:

<laura> WCAG List in Thread:

EM: I agree, and point of regard can be tricky also on where to pick up the

WCAG survey New SCs

<shawn> Shawn: I find it easier to read long threads from the archives. You
can get a list "by thread" then read a message and select "[ Next in
thread ]"

JA: Here is the survey, it is also useful to review what people are saying
in the comments

<laura> Results:

GS: Was having a hard time with how to do the SC work, but sharing a Google
sheet with each comment and how I plan to handle


<allanj> close item 1

<allanj> close item 6

JA: Thank you for sharing that Glenda. Let's please all jump in and add
your comments

Overlaps/reconcilliation between LFTF and COGA

JA: Let's go to Overlap, let me add the link


JA: For those who are SC Managers, and COGA has a similar sort of thing

AC: The first 5 are a current AAA issue

JA: And this table also has a summary of all the new SC's proposed by
different people, and what level if modifications
... There is more to this spreadsheet than just overlaps, but wanted to
focus, to see where we have commonalities

WD: In the case between Issue 8 and 51, this has a whole bunch

AC: Issue 51 on COGA appears to be an update to 1.4.8, so best to get that
sorted before SC manager does any major work on it

<allanj> ACTION: jim to contact David update issue 8 to 80. 80 is more
current [recorded in]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-90 - Contact david update issue 8 to 80. 80 is
more current [on Jim Allan - due 2016-12-15].



LC: I saw that Lisa had an FAQ for the COGA group, thought it might be a
good idea for us too
... Many of the duplicates as Glenda has seen, questions that come up
repeatedly, can be included

WD: angry about Issue 8, feels it should be scratched

JA: That one is closed, I closed it a few days ago

Issues 8 and 80

AC: Would say the same about Issue 80, thinks it's a duplicate



WD: Should we do a resolution to just remove that?

AC: In GitHub terms "closed" means you've dealt with it, it's gone

JA: Issue 80 says users can see and interact with all content..., we're
saying this is covered by reflow and text size

WD: So it seems we want to keep 80 and not 8

<laura> 80 SC Text: Users can see and interact with all content and user
interface controls presented visually, including when users have changed
display settings such as text size.

JA: So Alastair is saying this one can be closed because it's covered

AC: Yes, I think they even use those graphics in the description of resize

WD: We could drop it

JA: Let's verify
... If I put the benefits example, we can close Issue 80?

<Glenda> +1

<allanj> +1

<laura> +1

<Wayne> +1

RESOLUTION: Move benefits from Issue 80 to Issue 77 and close Issue 80 -

<allanj> ACTION: Jim to write DavidM to say issue 80 is closed and
superseded by 77 and 58 [recorded in]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-91 - Write davidm to say issue 80 is closed and
superseded by 77 and 58 [on Jim Allan - due 2016-12-15].

Close Text Size

JA: This was one piece of information about very old SC from back in
September, that has also been superceded by several and didn't want people
spending time trying to deal with it

<Wayne> +111

Finish low vision requirements -

WD: The resize content that Alastair did really covered it globally

JA: Last week we discussed communicating to WCAG that these are our SC's,
but that more are needed

<shawn> [ Shawn hopes to work on the low vision user requirements over
vacation ]

AC: It would be helpful to highlight the things which haven't been tackled

<shawn> +1 for documenting what's not included in the 2.1 SCs and what
needs are met in UAAG 2.0 and if there are any others not included in
either yet

WD: The pushback seem to be getting is on the user agent side

AC: some pushback about including user agent and authoring tools, some on
using incubation for sliver

<allanj> +1 for documenting what's not included in the 2.1 SCs and what
needs are met in UAAG 2.0 and if there are any others not included in
either yet


<Glenda> +1

<laura> +1

<Glenda> I agree with Alastair, let’s focus on moving our proposed SC

<allanj> current Requirements document -

<laura> agree with focusing on moving our proposed SC forward

JA: Shawn was going to work on requirements over vacation, so if anyone has
thoughts, contact her

SH: I can plug away at that, but not take taskforce time until stuff
settles down, so can keep a list of what open issues are, but not slow down
the SC work

JA: That is the agenda, we have lots to do and SC to shepherd. Happy to let
us go early to get to it

AC: Question for the group - could you see VR having an impact on other SC?

graphics contrast


GS: One thing I keep bouncing back and forth, I love where you said VR
isn't content, it's a monitor. I am leaning in that direction, but we've
been talking about static images, as opposed to moving images. What about
exceptions for live video, how do I describe that?


AC: James pinged me off list, and has an example
... Basically a pie chart, but if you mouse over to it, it has pop-ups that
have the label and the value
... This is an interactive version of the plain pie chart


AC: I changed the test procedure in Graphics Contrast
... To say check whether there is an input agnostic way
... Not sure we need to change the text, but open to others thoughts

<alastairc> New part of the test criteria: Check whether there is an input
agnostic way of showing more information (e.g. pop-overs or enhanced
contrast shown with mouse, touch or keyboard interaction), if so that
element can be skipped.

WD: This is much like what we see in the higher education realm

AC: Oracle example is good

<allanj> overlap between graphics and interactive

GS: My brain keeps going back and forth between interactive and immersive
content. Remember things like Second Life. What if I'm doing VR to walk
through a video of downtown Rome

<alastairc> NB: Good article on VR accessibility:

GS: Maybe we want to limit this to 2D images, static images, I don't want
to get in to video. I think will be a whole other area we need to consider,
and I don't think we have the time for it

AC: We could possibly even say things like 'for a photo-realistic
... we have plenty in WCAG already that covers video

GS: though nothing that covers real vs. fake things, don't have time to go

<alastairc> Sensory: Non-text content that is primarily intended to create
a visual sensory experience has no minimum contrast requirement.

<alastairc> I'll add that to the graphics contrast SC

<Glenda> Should we add that we want to defer VR to silver?

<shawn> +1 for your attention moved to the scolling then have to find your
way back to the line

+1 for your attention moved to the scolling then have to find your way back
to the line

GS: Do we want to document that we're moving VR to Silver, or add to agenda
to discuss next time

<Glenda> +1 to defer VR to silver


<allanj> +1 defer VR to silver

<laura> +1

RESOLUTION: Defer any VR SC's to Silver group


Summary of Action Items
[NEW] ACTION: jim to contact David update issue 8 to 80. 80 is more current
[recorded in]
[NEW] ACTION: Jim to write DavidM to say issue 80 is closed and superseded
by 77 and 58 [recorded in]

Summary of Resolutions
   1. Move benefits from Issue 80 to Issue 77 and close Issue 80 -

   2. Defer any VR SC's to Silver group
[End of minutes]
                    Erich Manser                                                       
                    IBM Research                                                       
                    MA / tel:                                                          
                    Search for                                                         

You don't need eyesight to have vision.

Received on Thursday, 8 December 2016 17:37:02 UTC