DAP Request: Feedback on Applicability and implementation plans for Network Service Discovery

Dear Mark, Justin and Mark:

The Device APIs working group [1] has produced an updated  "Network Service Discovery" draft [2]. We’ve noted this on the blink-dev Intent to Implement page, and have noted the discussion on that list [3]. We’ve tried to address concerns, resulting in the most recent draft publication, and it looks like the last comment on the thread is generally positive about those changes.

That said, we do not have good visibility into plans to implement or deploy and thus are seeking your direct feedback. We are concerned that we if we do not have adequate implementer interest in this specification we cannot justify progressing it further.

We are seeking your feedback to the following questions:

1. Does this specification address use cases and needs of concern to you? 

2. In particular, in light of the recent additional requirement of CORS support from local network services, it is likely that this specification would only work with recently updated devices. Do you believe implementation of CORS support in UPnP/DIAL/Zeroconf based devices will be an issue; are you aware of such implementations?

3. Are you working on implementations of this specification? How likely is this to get adopted in blink and thus in browser deployments?

4. Can you provide any assistance in determining implementation plans at this point and/or provide specification feedback?

Feedback you give us is important to DAP taking appropriate next steps and will be much appreciated. Please send any comment to the DAP public list (cc’d) , public-device-apis @ w3.org


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia, @fjhirsch
Chair Device APIs Working Group

[1] http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/

[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/WD-discovery-api-20140220/

[3] https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!searchin/blink-dev/network$20service$20discovery/blink-dev/HT0KZKuTLxM/S3w-SdvjZfUJ

For tracker, relevant to ACTION-688

Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2014 20:19:00 UTC