ISSUE-426: MHP vs W3C reference for PNG [TTML IMSC 1.0]

ISSUE-426: MHP vs W3C reference for PNG [TTML IMSC 1.0]

Raised by: Glenn Adams
On product: TTML IMSC 1.0

The phrase "complete image" should simply read "image". If it conforms to the cited PNG coding, then it is "complete".

Why is the [MHP] specification referenced for the PNG coding when the W3C publishes a spec at [1]? If the MHP version is to be used, then an explanation is needed about the divergence this may produce. Note that most presentation engines are not going to use the MHP profile of PNG unless they are part of an MHP implementation, which we certainly cannot assume here.


Received on Monday, 21 September 2015 18:17:38 UTC