Re: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 14 December 2011



On 2011-12-13 23:15, ""
<> wrote:

>Agenda ‹ Device APIs Working Group ‹ Distributed Meeting 14 December 2011
>Meeting details at the bottom of this email.
>1) Welcome, agenda review, scribe selection, announcements
>€ Note any additions or changes to agenda
>1a) HTML Speech Incubator Group completes,
>1b) Upcoming schedule
>Teleconference 21 December? , 28 December? 4 January...
>2) Minutes approval
>proposed RESOLUTION: Minutes from 30 November 2011 are approved.
>3) March F2F 
>Date and location confirmation
>Week of 19 March (Tue - Thur ?)
>Shenzhen (adjacent to Hongkong), Beijing offers...
>3) Media Capture
>3a) Media Stream Capture Scenarios , ACTION-461 (Travis)
>3b) Task force highlights
>4) Battery API
>Additional comments on list?
>5) Web Intents
>5a) Web and TV IG has just published his first group note document:
>"Requirements for Home Networking Scenarios".
>5b) Task force highlights
>6) Action and Issue review
>6a) Pending actions - closed without discussion unless concern raised.
>6b) Open Action review
>Please review your actions at
>When completed change status to "Pending" and send email to public list
>indicating conclusion, as well as referencing ACTION-nnn in email (for
>open actions,
>6c) Issue review
>open issues,
>7) Other Business
>8) Adjourn
>Meeting Details:
>Zakim Bridge: +1.617.761.6200, +, or +44.117.370.6152
>Conference code: 3279 ("DAPW", or "EASY")
>IRC channel: 
>Instructions on meetings :
>regards, Frederick
>Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
>Co-Chair, W3C DAP Working Group

Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2011 14:28:12 UTC