Minutes: Low Vision Taskforce 18 Nov 2015

source: http://www.w3.org/2015/11/18-lvtf-minutes.html

​- DRAFT - Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 18 Nov 2015

See also: IRC log <http://www.w3.org/2015/11/18-lvtf-irc>
PresentAWK, Shawn, Jim, Laura, Katie, ChuckOp, Haritos-SheaRegretsErich,
Wayne, JonA, AlanChairJim and AndrewScribeallanj

   - Topics <http://www.w3.org/2015/11/18-lvtf-minutes.html#agenda>
      1. Low Visions User Requirements
      2. discussion of def of med terms
      3. requirements doc
   - Summary of Action Items

Summary of Action Items *[NEW]* *ACTION:* Jim to adding hardware, UA, OS in
the notes for each requirement, withl working group [recorded in
*[NEW]* *ACTION:* jim to create reference section add NIH and UN documents
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/11/18-lvtf-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot> Date: 18 November 2015

rrsabent, make minutes

close item 2

close item 3


<scribe> agenda:

<scribe> scribe: allanj

*RESOLUTION: Meeting on 25 Nov 2015 cancelled*

close item 4

close item 5
Low Visions User Requirements


<shawn> in GitHub - fork, edit, then pull request


shawn: wants to reorg, to match categories in the overview.

jim: need brief into to luminance

<ChuckOp> FYI, I just joined the conf call. The meeting password in the
email wasn't accepted. Had to have WebEx call me instead.

shawn: do we have an overall overview and/or section overview.
... need to decide at some time

<shawn> ... but can just try one and see

laura: either could work

<ChuckOp> +ChuckOp

chuck: definition or link to photophobia?

awk: we will use lots of words that are unfamiliar. should link to external
resources. would need to maintain the links
... trying to get away from medical.

katie: WHO has good defs. will look for link

jim: should we link to each instance of TAdER

<shawn> http://www.tader.info/display.html


katie: are user requirements posed as success criteria

shawn: focus on requirements, then craft success criteria in the future.
focus on the requirements
... hardware vs user agent vs os

jim: a note calling out which apply to which requirement?

shawn: would be good to have in notes so we can reference as needed.
... how people manage luminance

jim: +1 to adding hardware, UA, OS in the notes for each requirement

<scribe> *ACTION:* Jim to adding hardware, UA, OS in the notes for each
requirement, withl working group [recorded in

<trackbot> Created ACTION-12 - Adding hardware, ua, os in the notes for
each requirement, with working group [on Jim Allan - due 2015-11-25].

https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/LVTF_Documents#Scope says
"Minor mention of hardware aspects (like turning down screen brightness)
and OS aspects (like high contrast mode)"

awk: reviewing hardware information, thought we didn't want to do that. it
would be another layer. thought before we decided it would be too long and
out of date quickly.
... if we try and be comprehensive it will be painful.

jim: something simple as platform, AT, OS, author, UA

awk: different for each platform, UA, etc. gets complex.
... these are the problems users are having...these can be solved in a
variety of ways...author, UA, AT stuff.

<Ryladog> WHO does not have the word: photophobia. However the AMA Glossary
of Medical Terms: http://file.lacounty.gov/dmh/cms1_159358.pdf does, as
well as U.S. National Library of Medicine at:

awk: until we get further along may get complicated.
... perhaps do a short section as a sample

*RESOLUTION: use Font section as sample for platform, OS, author, AT, UA*
discussion of def of med terms

katie: who not as comprehensive.

<shawn> [ prefers international rather than US if possible ]

katie: NIH seems better
... +1 international

jim: language, terminology difference

<AWK> also this: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/disability/pdfs/ac.81-b4.pdf

shawn: can use what we want.

<Ryladog> International Classification of Functioning, Disability and
Health this is the name of the link Andrew provided

katie: add NIH and UNstats to references.
requirements doc

jim: if there are other groups working on same topics, it should be noted.
... leading mentioned in tracking and spacing and reading.

shawn: a cross reference

jim: reference section?

awk & shawn: goes here.

jim: what goes in it?

<scribe> *ACTION:* jim to create reference section add NIH and UN documents
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/11/18-lvtf-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-13 - Create reference section add nih and un
documents [on Jim Allan - due 2015-11-25].

jim: appendix?

awk: appendix is to be mapping user needs to visual conditions

chuck: capitalization - writing all caps instead of text styling markup.
with styling control of presentation is in hands of author or user. should
point this out

<laura> Bye

<AWK> trackbot, end meeting

[End of minutes]​

Jim Allan, Accessibility Coordinator
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756
voice 512.206.9315    fax: 512.206.9264  http://www.tsbvi.edu/
"We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." McLuhan, 1964

Received on Wednesday, 18 November 2015 16:34:44 UTC