Re: Feedback (Re: [all] Call for consensus on disambiguation [ACTION-181])

Great then, Tadej. I'll bring a copy of the draft you provided with some notes, so we can discuss there. We might want to grab Felix as well since he is more or less the keeper of the overall document.



On 2012 Sep 24, at 11:39 , Tadej Štajner <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd be glad for any help with consolidating this with the terminology used elsewhere. It seems that the domains covered here are diverse enough to have conflicting terms ("target", as Dave pointed out). 
> -- Tadej
> On 24. 09. 2012 11:34, Arle Lommel wrote:
>> Agreed. When I was looking through the disambiguation text for editing last week (I didn't get far because I was out sick on Friday), one thing I noticed was that this section, unlike most of the others, had a fairly extensive terms and definitions section. We need to ensure, if at all possible, that the terms there match the terms elsewhere, or we need to specifically note that the term is used differently in this section (and this only as a last resort). Ideally we should have all terms and definitions in a separate section for the entire document, but since these apply only to the section and it is different in kinds from many of the others, I think it may well make sense to leave them in it.
>> I also wasn't sure about some of the definitions, which seem to presume a discourse that I'm not sure we can assume (and if it makes me confused, I think we can assume that the typical audience for this may be confused as well). For example, we have this:
>>  Entity: an object that has a real existence.
>> In a technical sense (i.e., assuming specific definitions of "object," "real," and "existence") this may be true, but for the typical reader this would seem to limit entities to concrete objects, which isn't what we want. (After all, Sauron from the Lord of the Rings, is a named entity, but I don't think Sauron is “an object that has a real existence” in the common understanding of those words since Sauron is a fictional entity.)
>> Tadej, it might make sense for me to join with you in reviewing this since I have spent some time with it. I don't have a problem with the technical content: my only issues are with terminology, so I imagine we can pretty quickly arrive at a good text.
>> Best,
>> -Arle
>> On 2012 Sep 24, at 10:32 , David Lewis <> wrote:
>>> One small comment, in the general context of the specification, "target" refers more often to target language in the localisation industry sense. So to avoid confusion we should try and find an alternative names for the "target" and "target type".
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dave
>>> On 20 Sep 2012, at 14:00, Tadej Štajner <> wrote:
>>>> Hi, all,
>>>> I'd keep with the coarse-grained distinction for now, as this can get pretty complex, and I believe we've reached the level of expressivity we need. I'd still be flexible in terms of adding a definition for another level if it would prove necessary.
>>>> I like the idea of automatically inferring the disambigLevel from targetType - there definitely is a clear mapping, but would this work in general? I understand that for lexical concepts and skos:Concepts it could work, but for entity types it may be a stretch. 
>>>> I'm attaching a revised version with some additional revisions and term definitions. I've kept the disambigLevel for now, but added that the implementors may infer it from the type if they have the capability to do so. If we can come up with a clear mapping, we could even drop the disambigLevel altogether. 
>>>> -- Tadej
>>>> On 07. 09. 2012 09:53, Felix Sasaki wrote:
>>>>> 2012/9/7 Sebastian Hellmann <>
>>>>> Hi Felix,
>>>>> Am 06.09.2012 20:54, schrieb Felix Sasaki:
>>>>> Some people said that we should also drop the "its-disambig-level"
>>>>> attribute. The three values "lexicalConcept", "ontologyConcept" and
>>>>> "entity" are just too hard to justify.
>>>>> Well, it is obvious that you can not represent *all* NLP layers with three values.  One problem seems to be the distinction between its-­‐target-­‐type-­‐ref
>>>>>  and its-­‐disambig-­‐level. Target type ref gives the concrete type of the annotation, while disambig level is more coarse grained and on a meta level.
>>>>> In some cases, level is implied by type:
>>>>>  -> "entity"
>>>>> with type:
>>>>> -> "lexicalConcept"
>>>>> So currently, disambigLevel is more of a coarse-grained type.
>>>>> Maybe we just use its-target-type for strings and its-target-type-ref?
>>>>> On the other hand, I had the impression that this coarse grained type are really useful and practical and it can really help to put the target type information into boxes fast.
>>>>> One proposal would be to limit disambigLevel to coarse-grained types:
>>>>> In the semantic web world, there are probably 2-5 relevant classes for each level,
>>>>> so "entity" could be one of:  foaf:Person,,
>>>>> while "lexicalConcept" can be one of:,
>>>>> ontologyConcept is more difficult maybe skos:Concept ?
>>>>> This grounding/mapping can be done quite fast and is easy to maintain. Alternatively, data producer could either use the types directly or we provide such a mapping. This would produce an easy to handle and robust infrastructure.
>>>>> More comments below.
>>>>> A lot of discussion during the seminar was related to existing ISO
>>>>> standards like LAF/MAF/GrAF. So far we haven't yet taken the effort to see
>>>>> what could be re-used from this realm.
>>>>> Finally, we were asked whether we have looked into the work of the open
>>>>> annotations community group
>>>>> and (along the lines of LAF/MAF/GrAF) whether there is something we could
>>>>> re-use.
>>>>>  From this I am wondering whether somebody would take actions to talk to
>>>>> LAF/MAF/GrAF people, and the openannotation group? For the former, I would
>>>>> recommend  Christian Chiarcos "" as a contact, but
>>>>> there may be others.
>>>>> These two communities have quite a different scope and their efforts seem very far-stretched.  For LAF/GrAF I would recommend that somebody with superb XML knowledge has a quick look at the ISO standard. I think, you can quickly see how this is not relevant for this group. The main focus of LAF/GrAF is to represent multi-layers of annotations in a graph and encode that into XML.
>>>>> You might as well start looking at UIMA CAS XML, Gate XML, and TCF by Clarin. I am not sure, what the open annotation community will say about this, they have other annotation targets and use cases: e.g. annotating images or web sites with user comments.
>>>>> Instead of asking more academics, I really hoped, we would ask somebody from industry, now. The list of relevant tools can be found here:
>>>>> I can forward ask my colleague Ali Khalili  (who implemented ) to check whether Spotlight, OpenCalais, Alchemy, Extractiv, Evri, Saplo and Lupedia can produce this information and whether they produce something else that might be important.  I can also offer to establish a contact to Semantic Web Company, Zemanta and Ontos about the proposal. Raphael and Giuseppe might know more people.
>>>>> That would be ... just great.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Felix
>>>>> All the best,
>>>>> Sebastian
>>>>> It's important - that was also mentioned - that we get feedback of these
>>>>> and other groups before going to last call, to avoid surprises.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Felix
>>>>> 2012/8/30 Sebastian Hellmann <>
>>>>> Sounds like a very good solution to me, simple, clear and absolutely
>>>>> sufficient.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Sebastian
>>>>> Am 30.08.2012 16:29, schrieb Tadej Stajner:
>>>>>   Hi, all,
>>>>> Co-existence of disambiguaton is not that important - I also can't
>>>>> justify a real use case for it. The point is more about specifying what
>>>>> level we're disambiguating on. I'm in favor of keeping the disambigLevel
>>>>> solution and not introducing a new set of attributes, trading off
>>>>> coexistence.
>>>>> I also propose a different solution for the 'disambigSource' and
>>>>> 'entityTypeSource' scenario, which are mostly redundant in RDF: the user
>>>>> can use either only a disambigIdentRef to specify a URI for the target
>>>>> entity, or a pair of disambigSource and disambigIdent strings in order to
>>>>> cover use cases, where the meanings don't have addressable URIs.
>>>>> Major differences:
>>>>> * entityType -> generalize to targetType, cover all levels;
>>>>> * disambigType -> rename to disambigLevel, change constants from
>>>>> literals to URIs.
>>>>> * disambigSource* -> disambigSource, restrict usage to disambiguating
>>>>> with non-URI identifiers
>>>>> * disambigIdentRef -> disambigIdentRef* for URI identifier +
>>>>> disambigIdent for local identifiers in the scope of a disambigSource
>>>>> * entityTypeSource* -> dropped
>>>>> -- Tadej
>>>>> On 8/20/2012 5:01 PM, Sebastian Hellmann wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> digging to the core of the problem:
>>>>> How many layers of annotations do you need? entity, dictionaryEntry,
>>>>> lexicalMeaning, pragmaticMeaning,  some other layer ... The problem is that
>>>>> the XML attribute data structure is not appropriate to handle this kind of
>>>>> information. So we really need to decide how many layers we need. If you
>>>>> were to leave this open, I would suggest:
>>>>> its-disambig-type-ref-1, its-entity-type-ident-ref-1 ,
>>>>> its-disambig-type-ref-2, its-entity-type-ident-ref-2,
>>>>> its-disambig-type-ref-3, its-entity-type-ident-ref-3, ....
>>>>> But that is not XML-like.
>>>>> So question is for how many levels/layers do we require coexistence?
>>>>> Otherwise its-disambig-type-ref would be sufficient to give the level/layer
>>>>> (even more fine grained informationm, e.g. an entity of type place) .
>>>>> Regarding isDefinedBy : It is recommended to use it, but, of course,
>>>>> you don't go to prison, if you forget it ;) Especially with # - OWL
>>>>> classes, isDefinedBy is not necessary, as the # part is cut away for any
>>>>> retrieval request, anyhow.
>>>>> All the best,
>>>>> Sebastian
>>>>> Am 20.08.2012 12:11, schrieb Tadej Štajner:
>>>>> Hi, Pablo,
>>>>> correct. The feedback I got was that this distinction is very
>>>>> important, but I can't think of an example with the scenario you mention.
>>>>> Perhaps for spans where one is contained within the other, such as
>>>>> assigning a lexical meaning to a word, while the whole phrase is an entity,
>>>>> for example 'agriculture' in 'Ministry of agriculture'.
>>>>> I think it boils down to this: could this property be reliably
>>>>> inferred from the target itself? For instance, if someone points to
>>>>> capital-noun-3<>- can we expect that is definitely a case of lexical disambiguation?
>>>>> -- Tadej
>>>>> On 20. 08. 2012 11:42, Pablo N. Mendes wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>      I would suggest  to merge "its-entity-type-ident-ref" into
>>>>>      "its-disambig-type-ref".
>>>>> If I understand correctly this is the same proposal I made at the
>>>>> call?
>>>>> "<pablomendes> wrt. its:disambigType = (word | entity) can't the
>>>>> distinction between word and entity be inferred from entityTypeRef? e.g.
>>>>> wiktionary:doc is a word, dbpedia:Dog is an entity" [1]
>>>>> If so, this is the answer that Tadej gave:
>>>>> "tadej: disambiguation use cases are often used in cases where text
>>>>> is short and lacks context
>>>>> ... and computational lingusitic community draw a clear distinction
>>>>> ebtween lexical and conceptual meaning" [1]
>>>>> Perhaps one way to test how strong is this requirement would be to
>>>>> think of use cases where one could assign both lexical and conceptual
>>>>> meaning to the same span.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Pablo
>>>>> [1]**mlw-lt-minutes.html<>
>>>>> On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Felix Sasaki <<mailto:
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>      Hi Sebastian,
>>>>>      2012/8/20 Sebastian Hellmann <hellmann@informatik.uni-**
>>>>> <>
>>>>>      <mailto:hellmann@informatik.**<>
>>>>>          Hi Felix,
>>>>>          your proposal is based on the assumption, that more data is
>>>>>          available at these three URLs:
>>>>>          http:/**ontology#Place<>
>>>>>          <**ontology#Place<>
>>>>> capital-noun-3<>
>>>>>          While this assumption is ok for the Semantic Web, I am not
>>>>>          sure about the ITS world.
>>>>>      You are right that in the "ITS world" one cannot be sure that more
>>>>>      data is available. But I would argue that implementors who process
>>>>>      links also in the ITS world very likely need to know (not
>>>>>      automatically, but as a prerequisite for implementation ) what the
>>>>>      URL is about. So I'd rather encourage implementors towards that
>>>>>      "Semantic Web like" approach than defining so many attributes.
>>>>>      Feedback from the people who want to process "disambiguation"
>>>>>      without Semantic Web processing is of course very important here.
>>>>>          Furthermore, if you are attempting to minimize it, I would
>>>>>          suggest  to merge
>>>>>          "its-entity-type-ident-ref" into "its-disambig-type-ref". You
>>>>>          wouldn't be limited to entity types and could use any of:
>>>>>      Makes sense to me, thanks for the proposal - let's see what Tadej
>>>>>      and others say.
>>>>>      Best,
>>>>>      Felix
>>>>>          - http:/**ontology#Place<>
>>>>>          <**ontology#Place<>
>>>>>          -**Place<>
>>>>>          -**lemon#LexicalSense<>
>>>>>          -**lemon#LexicalEntry<>
>>>>>          -**wndatamodel#NounWordSense<>
>>>>>          -**wndatamodel#Synset<>
>>>>>          All the best,
>>>>>          Sebastian
>>>>>          Am 20.08.2012 09:44, schrieb Felix Sasaki:
>>>>>              Hi Sebastian, all,
>>>>>              thanks, Sebastian. From what you say in the wiki and in
>>>>>              the previous mail,
>>>>>              I think one could simplify things a lot.
>>>>>              The HTML example from Tadej *could* look like this:
>>>>>              <html lang="en">
>>>>>                  <head>
>>>>>                     <meta charset="utf-8" />
>>>>>                     <title>Entity: Local Test</title>
>>>>>                  </head>
>>>>>                  <body>
>>>>>                      <p><span
>>>>> its-entity-type-ident-ref="**http:/**ontology#Place<>
>>>>>              <**ontology#Place<>
>>>>> "
>>>>> its-disambig-ident-ref="http:/**/<>
>>>>> ">**Dublin</span>
>>>>>              is the <span
>>>>>              its-disambig-ident-ref="
>>>>> capital-noun-3<>">capital</span>
>>>>>              of Ireland.</p>
>>>>>                  </body>
>>>>>              </html>
>>>>>              That is, no explicit "resource" references for entity
>>>>> type and
>>>>>              disambiguation source, and no disambig-type.
>>>>>              Also, I think one could get rid of adding this kind of
>>>>>              information via
>>>>>              global rules - I really don't see a use case for that.
>>>>>              Tadej, others, thoughts? Maybe Yves as one of the
>>>>>              implementors processing
>>>>>              the output and other have some thoughts too?
>>>>>              Best,
>>>>>              Felix
>>>>>              2012/8/17 Sebastian Hellmann
>>>>>              <hellmann@informatik.uni-**<>
>>>>> <mailto:hellmann@informatik.**<>
>>>>>                  Dear Felix,
>>>>>                  to solve this issue I prepared a page:
>>>>> <http://****Spotlight<>>
>>>>>                  It is a rough draft, so there are many mistakes,
>>>>>                  still. Once it is mature,
>>>>>                  I will send it to the DBpedia Spotlight and Apache
>>>>>                  Stanbol lists to get
>>>>>                  their feedback.
>>>>>                  Note that I don't have a problem with these properties
>>>>>                  as XML attributes,
>>>>>                  where they can naturally occur only once and encoding
>>>>>                  an implicit
>>>>>                  dependency (attribute refering to another attribute)
>>>>>                  is unproblematic. They
>>>>>                  are, however, difficult to handle in RDF, even when
>>>>>                  declaring them
>>>>>                  functional.
>>>>>                  I will report back, if there are any news,
>>>>>                  All the best,
>>>>>                  Sebastian
>>>>>                  Am 14.08.2012 21:34, schrieb Felix Sasaki:
>>>>>                      Hi Sebastian, all,
>>>>>                      August is taking its tribute ... I am wondering if
>>>>>                      there any thoughts on
>>>>>                      Sebastian's mail below. It seems that some of the
>>>>>                      proposed ITS attributes
>>>>>                      are not needed, but I don't have the competence to
>>>>>                      evaluate this. Thoughts
>>>>>                      from others?  Sebastian, could you confirm that
>>>>>                      the output mentioned in
>>>>>                      this other thread
>>>>> lt/2012Aug/0168.html<http://****
>>>>> public-multilingualweb-lt/**2012Aug/0168.html<>>
>>>>>                      is correct for NIF? I then would create a test
>>>>>                      case for our test suite,
>>>>>                      see
>>>>> lt-tests/2012Aug/0003.html<htt**p://**
>>>>> Public/public-multilingualweb-**lt-tests/2012Aug/0003.html<>>
>>>>>                      Thanks,
>>>>>                      Felix
>>>>>                      Am Donnerstag, 9. August 2012 schrieb Sebastian
>>>>>                      Hellmann :
>>>>>                        Hi Felix,
>>>>>                          below mostly my opinion on this. Nothing,
>>>>>                          wrong with including these
>>>>>                          properties, but they might not make sense in
>>>>>                          RDF. If you think, that
>>>>>                          there
>>>>>                          are people who would really use these
>>>>>                          properties in RDF, then go ahead
>>>>>                          and
>>>>>                          include them. Personally, *I* wouldn't know
>>>>>                          for what *I* could use them.
>>>>>                          More comments inline.
>>>>>                          Am 09.08.2012 15 <tel:09.08.2012%2015>:20,
>>>>>                          schrieb Felix Sasaki:
>>>>>                            its:entityTypeSourceRef
>>>>>                                I really do not find this property
>>>>> helpful.
>>>>>                          Do you see any sense in saying that
>>>>>                ******<****>
>>>>>                          Dublin
>>>>> <****Dublin<**Dublin>
>>>>> <**
>>>>>                          resource/Dublin
>>>>> <**Dublin<>>>is
>>>>> from
>>>>>                 ? In the linked data world
>>>>>                          **Dublin
>>>>> <****Dublin<**Dublin>
>>>>> <**resource/Dublin<>>>
>>>>>                          comes from
>>>>> <**resource/**Dublin<**Dublin>><
>>>>> <**resource/Dublin<>>>.
>>>>>                          So you might specify a way to convert that to
>>>>>                          ITS, but we might not need
>>>>>                          an RDF property for this.
>>>>>                             its:disambigType
>>>>> "(******its/lexicalConcept|<****its/lexicalConcept%7C>
>>>>> <******its/lexicalConcept%7C<****its/lexicalConcept%7C>
>>>>> <http:/**/**its/**lexicalConcept%7C<**its/lexicalConcept%7C>>
>>>>> <http://****its/**lexicalConcept%7C<**lexicalConcept%7C>
>>>>> <**its/**lexicalConcept%7C<**lexicalConcept%7C>
>>>>> <http:**//**lexicalConcept%7C<>>
>>>>> www.**w3.**<****ontologyConcept%7Chttp://www.**w3.**>
>>>>> <**its/****ontologyConcept%**
>>>>> 7Chttp://www.**w3.**<****ontologyConcept%7Chttp://www.**w3.**>
>>>>> <http://******ontologyConcept%7Chttp://www.**
>>>>> w3.**<**ontologyConcept%7Chttp://www.w3.**>>
>>>>> org/2005/11/its/<http://www.******<**>
>>>>> <**>
>>>>> ontologyConcept%7Chttp://www.****
>>>>> <><h**ttp://**
>>>>> ontologyConcept%7Chttp://www.**<>>
>>>>>                              entity)"
>>>>>                                I am unsure about this one.
>>>>>                             its:entityTypeRef
>>>>>                          is already rdf:type, so it would be a
>>>>>                          duplicate to have its:entityTypeRef
>>>>>                          in RDF. For
>>>>> <**resource/**Dublin<**Dublin>>
>>>>> <****resource/Dublin<**resource/Dublin>
>>>>> <http://**<>>
>>>>>                              its:**entityTypeRef would be one of:
>>>>> <http://******PopulatedPlace<**PopulatedPlace>>
>>>>> <http://dbpedia.**org/**ontology/PopulatedPlace<http:/**
>>>>> /**PopulatedPlace<>>
>>>>> <http://dbpedia.**org/ontology/**Settlement<**Settlement>>
>>>>> <****ontology/Settlement<**ontology/Settlement>
>>>>> <http://****Settlement<>>
>>>>> <http://umbel.**org/umbel/rc/**PopulatedPlace<**PopulatedPlace>>
>>>>> <http://umbel.**org/umbel/rc/**PopulatedPlace<http://umbel.**
>>>>> org/umbel/rc/PopulatedPlace<>>
>>>>> <**ontology/**Place<**Place>><
>>>>>                ****Place<**Place>
>>>>> <**Place<>
>>>>> <**umbel/rc/**Village<**Village>><
>>>>>                ****Village<**Village>
>>>>> <**Village<>
>>>>> <http:/**/****Location_Underspecified<**Location_Underspecified>>
>>>>> <http:/**/**Location_**Underspecified<**Underspecified>
>>>>> <**Location_**Underspecified<**Underspecified>
>>>>> <htt**p://**Location_Underspecified<>>
>>>>> <**2002/07/owl#**Thing<**Thing>>
>>>>> <**2002/07/**owl#Thing<**2002/07/owl#Thing>
>>>>> <**2002/07/owl#Thing<>>
>>>>> <http://www.opengis.**net/gml/_**Feature<**Feature>>
>>>>> <http://www.opengis.**net/gml/**_Feature<http://www.opengis.**
>>>>> net/gml/_Feature <>>
>>>>>                          +
>>>>> http:/******ontology#Place<****ontology#Place>
>>>>> <******ontology#Place<****ontology#Place>
>>>>> <http://nerd.****ontology#Place<**ontology#Place>>
>>>>> <http://nerd.****ontology#Place<>
>>>>> <**Place<>
>>>>> <**ontology#Place<>>
>>>>>                          If you have a Problem with this plurality.
>>>>>                          Then it might be good to
>>>>>                          include an annotation property
>>>>>                           its:preferedEntityTypeRef
>>>>>                          So the data is there already in RDF, the
>>>>>                          problem is rather to find a way
>>>>>                          to convert it back to ITS.
>>>>>                          All the best,
>>>>>                          Sebastian
>>>>>                          Thanks,
>>>>>                          Felix
>>>>>                          2012/8/9 Felix Sasaki <
>>>>>                          <>>
>>>>>                             Thanks for this, Tadej, looks good. There
>>>>>                          is just one comment I don't
>>>>>                          see
>>>>>                          reflected:
>>>>>                          7) A question on the data category in general
>>>>>                          and the "rules" element:
>>>>>                          does it make sense to make some attributes
>>>>>                          mandatory? Currently, this
>>>>>                          would
>>>>>                          be valid:
>>>>>                          <its:disambiguation
>>>>> selector="/text/body/p[@id='******dublin']/>
>>>>>                          It seems that still all metadata items /
>>>>>                          attributes are optional. Is
>>>>>                          there
>>>>>                          a way to be more specific about what must or
>>>>>                          must not appear together,
>>>>>                          what
>>>>>                          is optional etc?
>>>>>                          Best,
>>>>>                          Felix
>>>>>                          2012/8/9 Tadej Stajner <
>>>>> <>>
>>>>>                               Hi,
>>>>>                              thanks for the tips. I covered them, and I
>>>>>                          agree towards removing the
>>>>>                          local XPath, since it has very limited use.
>>>>>                          Here is another incorporating
>>>>>                          all these comments.
>>>>>                          -- Tadej
>>>>>                          On 8/3/2012 1:07 PM, Felix Sasaki wrote:
>>>>>                          Hi Tadej, all,
>>>>>                              thanks a lot for this. Just a few comments
>>>>>                          / questions:
>>>>>                              1) About "The information applies to the
>>>>>                          textual content of the
>>>>>                          element, including child elements and
>>>>>                          attributes.": wouldn't it make more
>>>>>                          sense to say that this applies to only the
>>>>>                          content of the element? E.g.
>>>>>                          if
>>>>>                          you annotate the "span" element in
>>>>>                              <p>I have seen <span id="timbl"><span
>>>>>                          class="firstame">Tim</span>
>>>>>                          <span
>>>>> class="lastname">Berners-Lee</******span></span>
>>>>>                          in the olympics opening
>>>>>                          ceremony</p>
>>>>>                              You want to express disambiguation
>>>>>                          information about the "span"
>>>>>                          element
>>>>>                          with the "id" attribute, but not about the
>>>>>                          "id" attribute or the nested
>>>>>                          span elements. So inheritance probably should
>>>>>                          be: "There is no
>>>>>                          inheritance". What do you think?
>>>>>                              2) About "The Entity data category can be
>>>>>                          expressed with global rules,
>>>>>                          or locally on an individual element.": This
>>>>>                          should probably be "The
>>>>>                          Disambiguation data category can be expressed
>>>>>                          with global rules, or
>>>>>                          locally
>>>>>                          on an individual element."
>>>>>                              3) About local markup: for other data
>>>>>                          categories, we don't have the
>>>>>                          "pointer" attributes as local markup, since
>>>>>                          processing of XPath in local
>>>>>                          markup can be very expensive. So I would
>>>>>                          propose to drop the local
>>>>>                          pointer
>>>>>                          attributes here too.
>>>>>                              4) In the table at the end, "Global
>>>>>                          pointing to existing information"
>>>>>                          should be "yes" I think.
>>>>>                              5) This selector
>>>>>                          <its:disambiguation
>>>>>                          selector="/text/body/p/#******dublin" ...
>>>>>                          In XPath should be
>>>>>                          <its:disambiguation
>>>>> selector="/text/body/p[@id='******dublin']
>>>>>                              6) To follow the conventions from other
>>>>>                          data categories, the
>>>>>                          "its:disambiguation" element should probably
>>>>>                          be called
>>>>>                          "its:disambiguationRule".
>>>>>                              7) A question on the data category in
>>>>>                          general and the "rules" element:
>>>>>                          does it make sense to make some attributes
>>>>>                          mandatory? Currently, this
>>>>>                          would
>>>>>                          be valid:
>>>>>                          <its:disambiguation
>>>>> selector="/text/body/p[@id='******dublin']/>
>>>>>                              8) A question to the others in this thread
>>>>>                          (Guiseppe, Pablo, Raphael,
>>>>>                          Sebastian): is this a representation that
>>>>>                          makes sense to you and that
>>>>>                          your
>>>>>                          tools could produce?
>>>>>                              9) A question to the MT guys: is the way
>>>>>                          "entity and disambiguation"
>>>>>                          information is represented here useful for
>>>>> you?
>>>>>                              Best,
>>>>>                              Felix
>>>>>                          2012/8/3 Tadej Štajner <
>>>>> <>>
>>>>>                             Hi,
>>>>>                          I incorporated some comments that 'entity' was
>>>>>                          still conflated from
>>>>>                          several distinct things in the data category
>>>>>                          proposal. Now, we
>>>>>                          distinguish
>>>>>                          between disambiguation of word sense, ontology
>>>>>                          concept and entity
>>>>>                          instance.
>>>>>                          Following that, it seems that 'Disambiguation'
>>>>>                          was the better name for
>>>>>                          the
>>>>>                          data category.
>>>>>                          Thanks for everyone's input!
>>>>>                          -- Tadej
>>>>>                          On 02. 08. 2012 17
>>>>> <tel:02.%2008.%202012%2017>:**26, Tadej Štajner
>>>>>                          wrote:
>>>>>                             Apologies -- wrong link on the previous
>>>>>                          mail. This is the relevant one:
>>>>> **lt/track/actions/181<http://****International/**
>>>>> multilingualweb/**lt/track/**actions/181<**International/multilingualweb/**lt/track/actions/181>>
>>>>> <http://****International/****multilingualweb/lt/track/**<**multilingualweb/lt/track/**>
>>>>> <**International/****multilingualweb/lt/track/**<**multilingualweb/lt/track/**>
>>>>> actions/181<**International/multilingualweb/**
>>>>> lt/track/actions/181<>>
>>>>>                          -- Tadej
>>>>>                          On 02. 08. 2012 17
>>>>> <tel:02.%2008.%202012%2017>:**22, Tadej Štajner
>>>>>                          wrote:
>>>>>                          Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann
>>>>>                          Department of Computer Science, University of
>>>>>                          Leipzig
>>>>>                          Events:
>>>>>                              *
>>>>> <http://sabre2012.infai.**org/**mlode<**mlode>><
>>>>>                ****mlode<**mlode>
>>>>> <**mlode<>
>>>>> (Leipzig,
>>>>>                          Sept. 23-24-25, 2012)
>>>>>                              * (*Deadline:
>>>>>                          July 31st 2012*)
>>>>>                          Projects: ,
>>>>>                          Homepage:
>>>>> http://bis.informatik.uni-****le**
>>>>> <**SebastianHellmann<>
>>>>> <http://**<>>
>>>>> <htt**p://bis.informatik.uni-****
>>>>> <**SebastianHellmann<>
>>>>> <http://bis.****SebastianHellmann<>>
>>>>>                          Research Group:
>>>>>                  --
>>>>>                  Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann
>>>>>                  Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
>>>>>                  Events:
>>>>>                     *****mlode<**mlode>
>>>>> <**mlode<>>(Leipzig,
>>>>> Sept.
>>>>>                  23-24-25, 2012)
>>>>>                     * (*Deadline: July 31st
>>>>>                  2012*)
>>>>>                  Projects: ,
>>>>>                  Homepage:
>>>>> http://bis.informatik.uni-**le**<>
>>>>> <**SebastianHellmann<>
>>>>> <http://bis.****SebastianHellmann<>>
>>>>>                  Research Group:
>>>>>          --         Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann
>>>>>          Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
>>>>>          Events:
>>>>>            ***mlode<>(Leipzig, Sept. 23-24-25,
>>>>>          2012)
>>>>>            * (*Deadline: July 31st 2012*)
>>>>>          Projects: ,
>>>>>          Homepage: http://bis.informatik.uni-**
>>>>>          Research Group:
>>>>>      --     Felix Sasaki
>>>>>      DFKI / W3C Fellow
>>>>> --
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Pablo N. Mendes
>>>>> Events: <>
>>>>> --
>>>>> Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann
>>>>> Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
>>>>> Events:
>>>>>    ***mlode <>(Leipzig, Sept. 23-24-25, 2012)
>>>>>    * (*Deadline: July 31st 2012*)
>>>>> Projects: ,
>>>>> Homepage: http://bis.informatik.uni-**<>
>>>>> Research Group:
>>>>> --
>>>>> Felix Sasaki
>>>>> DFKI / W3C Fellow
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann
>>>>> Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
>>>>> Events:
>>>>>   * (Leipzig, Sept. 23-24-25, 2012)
>>>>>   * (*Deadline: July 31st 2012*)
>>>>> Projects: ,
>>>>> Homepage:
>>>>> Research Group:
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Felix Sasaki
>>>>> DFKI / W3C Fellow
>>>> <>

Received on Monday, 24 September 2012 09:44:16 UTC