Minutes of UAWG Face to Face - 26 February


IRC Log:

Text of Minutes

       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

    User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference

26 Feb 2010

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2010/02/26-ua-irc


           Greg_Lowney, Jeanne_Spellman, Jim_Allan, Kim_Patch,
           Mark_Hakkinen, Simon_Harper, Kelly_Ford


           Jim_Allan, Kelly_Ford

           jallan, greg


      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]review of morning's work
          2. [5]definition of 'focus' 3.11
          3. [6]3.10 implementions
          4. [7]Conformance
          5. [8]principle 5
          6. [9]Principle 1
      * [10]Summary of Action Items

    <trackbot> Date: 26 February 2010

    <jeanne2> trackbot, start meeting

    <trackbot> Meeting: User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working
    Group Teleconference

    <trackbot> Date: 26 February 2010

    <jeanne2> Meeting: User Agent Working Group Face to Face Day 2

    <kford> Morning, you all have a lite night in Texas there or what

    <kford> can someone paste the url to the working draft.

    <greg> The group is dividing into pairs to continue working on
    Implementing details for 3.x

    <kford> Yesterday's writing

    <kford> Jeanne capturing in document.

    <kford> MH I'll start on 3.6.1 if you want to do 3.6.2.

    <jeanne2> Old Editors draft with reference to UAAG 1 checkpoints:

      [11] http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/2008/WD-UAAG20-20081120/Overview.html

    <kford> 3.10.7 and 3.10.8 viewport on request and viewports do not
    grab focus

    <kford> Intent:

    <kford> Unexpected focus and viewport changes can be disorienting
    for all users, requiring time and effort for the user to orient to
    the change. These success criteria are intended to allow the user to
    be in control of when viewport changes happen so the user can orient
    to the changes in a predictable fashion.

    <kford> Example:

    <kford> A web page is loaded in the browser that triggers a
    secondary page (typically known as a pop-up) to open. The user agent
    presents the user with the initial page requested and an alert that
    additional content is available. The user can choose to have this
    pop-up content shown or not, remaining in control of what is
    displayed in the user agent’s viewport. A user agent may also be

    <kford> ...so that pop-ups do open automatically because the user
    has chosen to automatically have this content available. The user
    has a setting however to configure pop-ups such that they open in
    the background. Hence when visiting a web page with this secondary
    content, focus remains in the primary viewport with the initial page
    content requested. The user agent alerts the user that secondary...

    <kford> ...content is available in another viewport and the user can
    activate this viewport on request, perhaps with a click on the
    notification mechanism.

    <kford> 3.10.9 viewport on top

    <kford> Intent:

    <kford> The purpose of this item is to ensure that the active
    viewport is always available to the user due to the multiple ways
    the user may be accessing it. Assistive technology for example keys
    off of the foreground window to report what is happening to the end

    <kford> Example:

    <kford> The user agent has multiple viewports to convey the status
    of what is happening. A filedown may be happening and status
    displayed in one viewport while a web page is being read in a
    second. The user wants to determine the file download status so
    switches to this viewport. The viewport becomes the top most window
    in the user agent.

    <kford> Example:

    <kford> The user agent has multiple viewports to convey the status
    of what is happening. A file download may be in progress with status
    displayed in one viewport while a web page is being read in a
    second. The user wants to determine the file download status so
    switches to the viewport displaying the file download status. The
    viewport becomes the top most window in the user agent.

    <kford> 3.10.10 close viewport

    <kford> Intent: Put the user in control of what viewports the user
    agent has opened.

    <kford> Example:

    <kford> A user has multiple viewports open and is finished viewing
    content in one or many of them. The user can easily close these
    viewports, reducing potential distractions from having undesired
    viewports in the browsing environment.

    <kford> 3.10.11 Same UI

    <kford> Intent:

    <kford> Users orient themselves to a browsing environment with a
    variety of techniques. This success criteria is designed to ensure
    that the user does not have to learn multiple strategies to use the
    browsing viewport.

    <kford> Example:

    <kford> An individual using magnification software may know that web
    content begins one inch from the top of the screen in the user agent
    and has magnification software configured to present content
    starting at this location. Offering the ability to have all
    viewports open with the same user interface means the user can
    quickly focus on the web content of interest without having to
    orient to...

    <kford> ...different environments each time a viewport opens.

    <kford> 3.10.12 Viewport Position

    <kford> Intent:

    <kford> This criteria targets the ability for a user to easily
    understand where they are located relative to the total content
    available for rendering.

    <kford> Example:

    <kford> A user is reading through a web page and a scroll bar makes
    it possible to easily determine how much content has been read and
    how much remains to be read.

    <mhakkinen> 3.10.1 Highlight Viewport: The viewport with the current
    focus is highlighted (including any frame that takes current focus)
    using a highlight mechanism that does not rely on rendered text
    foreground and background colors alone (e.g., a thick outline).
    (Level A)

    <mhakkinen> Intent of Success Criterion 3.10.1

    <mhakkinen> When a user agent presents content using multiple
    viewports, users benefit from a clear indication of which viewport
    has focus. Simply relying upon text foreground and background colors
    to indicate focus may not provide sufficient, visually perceivable
    indication for users with low vision. Highlighting of viewport
    frames using both color, with sufficient contrast, and increase in
    viewport border thickness can provide multiple visual cues that

    <mhakkinen> focus.

    <mhakkinen> Examples of Success Criterion 3.10.1

    <mhakkinen> A music Web site allows the user to select which of the
    top 10 songs are available for listening. Each song is presented in
    a graphical viewport providing a music player. Using a keyboard
    based screen magnification tool, a low vision user tabs between
    songs, with the currently selected player viewport highlighted with
    a thick, yellow border against a dark grey background.

    <mhakkinen> 3.10.2 Move Viewport to Selection: When a viewport's
    selection changes, the viewport moves as necessary to ensure that
    the new selection is at least partially in the viewport. (Level A)

    <mhakkinen> Intent of Success Criterion 3.10.2

    <mhakkinen> When content is presented within a viewport and the
    content extends horizontally or vertically beyond the visible bounds
    of the viewport, the user must be able to move to a selectable
    element or elements which may be out of view, and to have the
    selected content automatically move into view. For keyboard based
    users and users of screen magnification tools, this allows users an
    efficient means to view selected content without having to utilize

    <mhakkinen> controls to locate and view the selection.

    <mhakkinen> Examples of Success Criterion 3.10.2

    <mhakkinen> A screen magnification user is performing a spell check
    of a blog posting that is contained within a scrollable viewport.
    The text of the blog posting exceeds the vertical size of the
    viewport. The blogging software provides a key to move to the first,
    and then any subsequent, unrecognized words. With two unrecognized
    words in the posting, the user ignores the first selected word, and
    presses the keystroke to move to the next which is currently out of

    <mhakkinen> view in the last sentence of the posting. As the key is
    pressed, the viewport scrolls to show the selected word.

    <mhakkinen> 3.10.3 Move Viewport to Focus: When a viewport's content
    focus changes, the viewport moves as necessary to ensure that the
    new content focus is at least partially in the viewport. (Level A)

    <mhakkinen> Intent of Success Criterion 3.10.3

    <mhakkinen> When content is presented within a viewport and the
    content extends horizontally or vertically beyond the visible bounds
    of the viewport, the user must be able to move to any focusable
    elements which may be out of view, and to have the element receiving
    focus automatically move into view. For keyboard based users and
    users of screen magnification tools, this allows users an efficient
    means to view a focused element without having to utilize scrolling

    <mhakkinen> controls to locate and view the element with focus.

    <mhakkinen> Examples of Success Criterion 3.10.3

    <mhakkinen> A user of a screen reader is showing a sighted colleague
    how to complete a registration form contained within a viewport. The
    form exceeds the veritical bounds of the viewport, requiring
    vertical scrolling to view the complete form content. As the screen
    reader completes each form entry and presses the tab key, the next
    form control in the tab order scrolls into view if it is not already
    visible in the viewport.

    <mhakkinen> 3.10.4 Resizable: The user has the option to make
    graphical viewports resizable, within the limits of the display,
    overriding any values specified by the author. (Level A)

    <mhakkinen> Intent of Success Criterion 3.10.4

    <mhakkinen> If a graphical viewport contains complex content that
    exceeds the dimensions of the viewport, users should have the option
    to increase the size of the viewport to allow the full image to be
    displayed without scrolling, within the limits of the physical
    display screen. This benefits users keyboard users who may find it
    difficult to scroll content and users with cognitive or learning
    disabilities whose understanding of the content is aided by being

    <mhakkinen> to view the complete image.

    <mhakkinen> Examples of Success Criterion 3.10.4

    <mhakkinen> A viewport is used to display an image depicting an
    orgnaization chart. A user with a learning disability cannot
    maintain a mental representation of the organizational linkages for
    items out of view. In order to facilitate their understanding of the
    organization, the user drags the sizing icon on the corners of the
    viewport to allow the entire chart to be displayed.

    <mhakkinen> re-edit of intent & example:

    <mhakkinen> Intent of Success Criterion 3.10.4

    <mhakkinen> If a graphical viewport contains content that exceeds
    the dimensions of the viewport, users should have the option to
    increase the size of the viewport to allow the full image to be
    displayed without scrolling, within the limits of the physical
    display screen. This benefits keyboard users who may find it
    difficult to scroll content and users with cognitive or learning
    disabilities whose understanding of the content is aided by being
    able to view the

    <mhakkinen> complete image.

    <mhakkinen> Examples of Success Criterion 3.10.4

    <mhakkinen> A viewport is used to display an image depicting an
    organization chart. A user with a learning disability has difficulty
    maintaining a mental representation of the organizational linkages
    for items out of view. In order to facilitate their understanding of
    the organization, the user drags the sizing icon on the corners of
    the viewport to allow the entire chart to be displayed.

    <mhakkinen> 3.10.5 Scrollbars: Graphical viewports include
    scrollbars if the rendered content (including after user preferences
    have been applied) extends beyond the viewport dimensions,
    overriding any values specified by the author. (Level A)

    <mhakkinen> Intent of Success Criterion 3.10.5

    <mhakkinen> When rendered content exceeds the horizontal and/or
    vertical bounds of a graphical viewport, scrollbars provide an
    visible indication that not all of the rendered content is currently
    visible within the viewport. The scrollbars provide indication to
    users who may not be able to otherwise recognize that the rendered
    content is not fully visible.

    <mhakkinen> Examples of Success Criterion 3.10.5

    <mhakkinen> A Web site presents a recipe within a viewport, and the
    length of the recipe exceeds the vertical and horizontal dimension
    of the viewport, though the step by step graphical depiction of the
    recipe does not make this obvious. A user following the recipe, uses
    the scroll bar to recognize that additional steps may be present,
    and scrolls them into view.

    <kford> Simon, just so you know we've been writing some intent and
    such. Mark and I are working over skype and phone. Feel free to
    comment on Mark's example.

    <Kim> link for greg


    <mhakkinen> edit of 3.10.5 Intent & Example:

    <mhakkinen> Intent of Success Criterion 3.10.5

    <mhakkinen> When rendered content exceeds the horizontal and/or
    vertical bounds of a graphical viewport, scrollbars provide a
    visible indication that not all of the rendered content is currently
    visible within the viewport. The scrollbars provide indication to
    users who may not be able to otherwise recognize that the rendered
    content is not fully visible.

    <mhakkinen> Examples of Success Criterion 3.10.5

    <mhakkinen> A Web site presents a recipe within a viewport, and the
    length of the recipe exceeds the vertical and horizontal dimension
    of the viewport, though the step by step graphical depiction of the
    recipe does not make this obvious. A user following the recipe, uses
    the scroll bar to recognize that additional steps may be present,
    and scrolls them into view.

    <kford> 3.10.12 Viewport Position revised example

    <kford> Intent:

    <kford> This criteria targets the ability for a user to easily
    understand where they are located relative to the total content
    available for rendering and the amount of content relative to the
    total being displayed.

    <kford> Example:

    <kford> A user navigates to a lengthy web page and begins paging
    through the content. A scroll bar visually indicates the position
    within the content as the user pages and also that with each paging
    action only a small portion of the content is being rendered.
    Another user accesses this web page with a screen reader and has the
    percentage that the page is scrolled communicated by the screen

    <kford> ...because the user agent makes information from the scroll
    bar available programmatically.

    <kford> And a revised close.

    <kford> 3.10.10 close viewport revised example

    <kford> Intent: Put the user in control of what viewports the user
    agent has opened.

    <kford> Example:

    <kford> A user has multiple viewports open such as from a user agent
    that supports tabbed browsing and is finished viewing content in one
    or many of them. The user activates a close button on the viewports
    that are to be closed and they are closed by the user agent. This
    reduces distractions from undesired viewports being opened for the

    <jallan> discussion meeting last evening

    <jallan> SH: perhaps a list of extensions or other tools that
    provide for accessibility (taking up the slack) for what base UAs
    are not providing.

    <jallan> most folks did not get what user agents do for
    accessibility. they were focused on broader issues

review of morning's work



    <greg> Mark and Kelly worked on 3.10; Jim worked on 3.6; Kim and
    Greg worked on definitions related to 3.11; Jeanne worked on
    integrating yesterday's changes into the draft document.

definition of 'focus' 3.11

    <jallan> lack of definitions

    <jallan> all is reconciled, used some ISO definitions, and some old
    UAAG10 definitions

    <jallan> all new definitions -




    <jallan> we need to reword definitions from ISO

    <jallan> proposing to use the reworded definition set from ISO

    <jallan> proposed: delete content focus definition


    <jeanne2> I want to be clear that we can make sure that we are not
    in conflict with the ISO definitions, but we cannot use the ISO

    <jallan> new definitions are more operationally defined.

    <jallan> issue: editorial--review document for normalization of
    terms that match new definition

    <trackbot> Created ISSUE-66 - Editorial--review document for
    normalization of terms that match new definition ; please complete
    additional details at
    [17]http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/tracker/issues/66/edit .

      [17] http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/tracker/issues/66/edit

    <jallan> scribe: jallan

    SH: some of the definitions overlap
    ... different kinds of focus, how you get to it or use it. and that
    cursor, pointer, and caret are different things.

    GL: these are a hierarchy, but not written that way yet.

    SH: the pointers are defined by their interaction type. instead of
    conflating focuses and cursor, discuss each separately.
    ... really suggesting grouping.

    KP: is this a good direction?

    JS: good to use similar terms, and normalize definitions.

    KP: need to group and put in hierarchy. Keyboard focus was in the
    document but not defined.

    <jeanne2> +1

    <kford> I think the proposal is fine.

    all present agree with dropping the definition.

    scribe: GL wants to pass it by the entire group. add to a survey for
    next week.
    ... 3.11.x implementation not yet done. now that the terms are
    defined implementation writing will be easier. some SC may need to
    be rewritten based on new definitions.

3.10 implementions

    <scribe> scribe: greg





    MH: Questioned whether Back button is an accessibility issue.

    JA: Back button important for users with cognitive impairments, and
    usability issue particularly important for people for whom
    navigating within the page is difficult.

    General agreement to keep 3.6 (Back button).

    JA: It was 9.4 in UAAG 1.0, discussed in Techniques.

    Draft techniques for 3.10.1 through 3.10.5 (from Jim) and 3.10.7
    through 3.10.8 (from Kelly) were sent in email and will be put into
    the survey for next week.

    Correction, 3.10.7 through 3.10.12 from Kelly.

    <mhakkinen> correction 3.10.1 through 3.10.5 from Mark

    JA: While an SC required allowing font size differences to be
    preserved during zoom, but nothing required zoom.

    <jallan> ACTION: jallan to write sc for allow user to scale text and
    images [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-312 - Write sc for allow user to scale
    text and images [on Jim Allan - due 2010-03-05].

    <kford> /me I am back.

    JA: 3.6.4 (Maintain contrast) is nice but doubts any UA will
    implement it.

    Greg: Could be relatively easily implemented as an add-in.

    GL: the user can accomplish nearly the same thing by turning off all
    author-specified colors, but that's the "big hammer" approach.

    KF: More of a wish-list item.

    MH: Definitely doable.

    JA: Nice but seems low on the priority list.

    JS: Contrast is the largest issue for users with vision difficulties
    related to albinism; it would be a big benefit to them.

    General agreement to remove it, as good but not compelling.

    Resolution: remove 3.6.4 (Maintain Contrast)

    <jeanne2> ACTION: jeanne to remove SC 3.6.4 (Maintain Contrast) from
    draft. [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-313 - Remove SC 3.6.4 (Maintain Contrast)
    from draft. [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2010-03-05].


    JA: The remainder of his items posted to the list.



    GL: Noted that we have not yet addressed the issue that Conformance
    Requirements don't allow exceptions for inapplicability.



    <jeanne2> ACTION: jeanne to draft a section of Conformance dealing
    with Not Applicable. See the email from Greg 2010JanMar/0077.html
    [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-314 - Draft a section of Conformance
    dealing with Not Applicable. See the email from Greg
    2010JanMar/0077.html [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2010-03-05].

    JA: UAAG1 allowed conformance on with "conformance profiles",
    subsets such as audio, video, selection, keyboard input. No browser
    developer ever filed a conformance claim, so there was no feedback
    on the value of this approach.

    <jeanne2> GL: there are two approaches for handling exclusions: 1)
    is to have the claimant list everything that they are exempt from,
    or 2) reword all the SC to qualify that "For those User Agents that
    produce speech output..."

    GL: As yet undecided whether formal conformance claims will be
    required (as with WCAG) or optional (as with ATAG). Note that W3 had
    no method of monitoring.

    Correction: That was JA.

    <jallan> UAAG10 has implementation reports (closest thing to
    conformance claim) [25]http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/impl-pr2/

      [25] http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/impl-pr2/

    SH: Not in favor of making it optional, but would be OK to have it
    included in product documents.

    GL: Current wording requires a URI for the claim, so it must be on
    the Web, not be just in the product documentation.

    SH: Concerned by requirement to list supported technologies (as
    Kelly expressed yesterday).

    <jallan> 3 categories. included - UA supports in accessible way;
    excluded - ua supports in inaccessible way, and not supported - UA
    does not support at all.

    <jallan> SH: could a UA claim conformance but exclude HTML

    <jallan> GL: if a UA supports something, then you must include or
    exclude it

    <jallan> JS: canvas, UA XYZ, does not support canvas accessibly.

    <jallan> JA: canvas is part of html5, if a UA supports HTML5, can a
    claim exclude a specific element (canvas), seems a slippery slope.

    <jallan> GL: guideline 1 says must implement full features of
    published standards

    <jallan> KF: can't blanket statement

    <jallan> UA supports all 4.01, no UA does

    <jallan> SH: UA could claim conformance for 4.01, but exclude HTML5?

    <jallan> JS: propose item 5 & 6 of conformance (included & excluded
    technologies) be removed.

    <jeanne2> JA: I think the technologies which are really different,
    they are much larger than the elements of the HTML. "I support HTML,
    but not Canvas". You either support HTML and support it accessibly,
    or not.

    JA: Feels that listing Included or Excluded technologies is
    different from included or excluded elements (e.g. specific CSS
    attributes). Would prefer to just say that a product supports or
    fails to support a larger tech such as HTML 4.01 in an accessible

    <jallan> JA: can include/exclude technology. but UA would say 'fail
    SC xxx, because yyy element is not accessible'

    <jallan> ... this is different from excluding an element. don't want
    to go there.

    <jallan> GL: discusses major and minor features of a UA, the major
    parts should be accessible

    <jallan> GL: conformance is a can of worms

    <jallan> +1 all around

    <jallan> KP: can claim conformance by stating a collection of

    <jallan> JS: yes, item 4

    <jallan> GL: surely the UA does not have to file a separate
    conformance claim for each extension...

    <jeanne2> ACTION: JS to reword #4 of Required Components to clarify
    that the information provided for each collection of components is
    simply the name, vendor, version #, etc. [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-315 - Reword #4 of Required Components to
    clarify that the information provided for each collection of
    components is simply the name, vendor, version #, etc. [on Jeanne
    Spellman - due 2010-03-05].

    <jallan> JS: no, just file one claim and list all technologies

    <jallan> MH: what if there are conflicting conformance claims.

    <jallan> KF: don't see as an issue. more important as to who is
    making the claim.

    <jallan> ... style sheets, claim conformance, what should I say. UA
    XYZ supports style sheet because, user can choose two different

    <jallan> JA: conformance claim vs implementation report. need
    testing tools, etc.

    <jeanne2> [27]http://www.headstar.com/eablive/?p=397

      [27] http://www.headstar.com/eablive/?p=397

    <jallan> scribe: jallan

    <scribe> scribe: greg

    Discussion of whether/how we should pursue HTML5 issues.

    MH: If we comments on or raises concerns about HTML5 Video, should
    he do it as a member of UAWG or as an individual?

principle 5

    <kford> Zakim: Sorry, can someone paste the link to the doc again?



    <kford> Here is some text for 5.3.5 and 5.3.x. Anyone care to

    <kford> Here is some text for 5.3.5 and 5.3.x. Anyone care to

    <kford> 5.3.5 Context Sensitive Help: There is context-sensitive
    help on all user agent features that benefit accessibility. (Level

    <kford> Intent:

    <kford> The purpose of this criteria is to help maximize the
    discovery of user agent features that benefit accessibility.

    <kford> Example:

    <kford> A user is exploring the menus of a user agent and finds a
    feature named Use My Style Sheet. Activating help the user quickly
    learns that this feature allows custom CSS stylesheets to be created
    to help make web content more accessible.

    <kford> 5.3.x Appropriate Language If characteristics of your user
    agent involve producing an end user experience such as speech, you
    need to react appropriately to language changes.

    <kford> Intent:

    <kford> The goal of this criteria is to ensure that user agents
    present spoken web content with in the language appropriate to the
    content as indicated by the lang attribute. Authors use this tag to
    indicate the language of content.

    <kford> Example:

    <kford> A user agent has a feature to read web pages verbally using
    synthetic speech. A user is browsing a web site devoted to language
    translation. As the browser is speaking the content of the page, the
    synthetic speech switches to the language of the content, using
    appropriate pronunciation and related characteristic’s for the

    <jeanne2> 5.2.1 Form Submission: The user has the option to confirm
    (or cancel) any form submission made while content focus is not on
    the submitting control (e.g., forms that submit when Enter is
    pressed). (Level AA)

    <jeanne2> proposed: The user has the ability to set a global option
    disable any form submission made by a control that is not the submit
    control (e.g. forms that submit when Enter is pressed). Should login
    be an exception?

    <jeanne2> Intent:

    <jeanne2> Users need to be protected against accidently submitting a
    form. Some assistive technologies use the Enter key to advance to
    the next field. If the form is designed to submit on Enter, the user
    can unknowingly submit the form. Those users need to be able to
    disable the ability to submit on Enter.

    <jeanne2> Example:

    <jeanne2> Upon installation of a web browser, a screenreader user
    selects an option to disable form submission on Enter. This is a
    preference option that can be easily discovered and changed by the
    user in the future. This allows the user to complete forms from the
    banking website knowing that the submit button must be selected in
    order to submit the form.

    <jallan> 5.3.3 Changes Between Versions: Changes to features that
    affect accessibility since the previous version of the user agent
    are documented. (Level AA)

    <jallan> # Intent of Success Criterion 5.3.3

    <jallan> As accessessibility features are implemented in new
    versions it is important for users to be able to be informed about
    these new features and how to operate them. The user should not have
    to discover which new features were implemented in the new version.

    <jallan> # Examples of Success Criterion 5.3.3

    <jallan> In this version, we added the ability to display tooltips
    on elements with a title attribute when using the keyboard. With
    caret browsing turned on simply arrowing onto an element with a
    title the tooltip will remain visible while the caret is within the

    <jallan> @@should the user be able to set a time limit for how long
    a tooltip remains visible? or should they (distraction disorders,
    cognitive issues) be able to turn them off all together?

    <jallan> 5.3.4 Centralized View: There is a centralized view of all
    features of the user agent that benefit accessibility, in a
    dedicated section of the documentation. (Level AA)

    <jallan> # Intent of Success Criterion 5.3.4

    <jallan> Specific accessibility features are important for users to
    know about and how to operate. The user should not have to discover
    where the accessibility features are documented in context (although
    that too is very useful). A specific section devoted to only
    accessibililty features (eg. keyboard shortcuts, how to zoom the
    viewport, where to find accessibility configuration settings),

    <jallan> ...would make it easier for user to become more functional
    more quickly with the user agent.

    <jallan> # Examples of Success Criterion 5.3.4

    <jallan> A specific section in the documentation (local or online)
    detailing accessibility features of the user agent.

    <jallan> @@what about accessibility features of plugins, extensions,
    etc. they are not user agents by them selves. how do user find out
    about accessibility features if any in the extension?

    <mhakkinen> 5.3.1 Accessible Format: At least one version of the
    documentation is either (Level A):

    <mhakkinen> (a) "A" accessible: Web content and conforms to WCAG 2.0
    Level "A" (although it is not necessary for the documentation to be
    delivered on-line), or,

    <mhakkinen> (b) accessible platform format: not Web content and
    conforms to a published accessibility benchmark that is identified
    in the conformance claim (e.g., when platform-specific documentation
    systems are used).

    <mhakkinen> Intent of Success Criterion 5.3.1:

    <mhakkinen> User agents will provide documentation in a format that
    is accessible. If provided as Web content, it must conform to WCAG
    2.0 Level "A" and if not provided as Web content, it must be in
    conformance to a published accessibility benchmark and identified in
    any conformance claim for the user agent. This benefits all users
    who utilize assistive technology or accessible formats.

    <mhakkinen> Examples of Success Criterion 5.3.1

    <mhakkinen> A user agent installs user documentation in HTML format
    conforming to WCAG 2.0 Level "A". This documentation is viewed
    within the user agent and is accessible in accordance with the
    conformance of the user agent to UAAG 2.0.

    <mhakkinen> A user agent provides documentation in HTML format
    conforming to WCAG 2.0 Level "AA" and is available online. In
    addition, the user agent provides user documentation in a locally
    installed digital talking book content format in conformance with a
    recognized, published format.

    <Kim> 5.1.1 Option to Ignore

    <Kim> Intent of Success Criterion 5.1.1:

    <Kim> Messages designed to inform the user can be a burden to users
    for whom keypress is time-consuming, tiring, or painful. It's
    important that these users be able to turn off unnecessary messages.

    <Kim> Examples of Success Criterion 5.1.1:

    <Kim> The browser has an update ready. The user should have the
    option to be informed of an update or, instead, only get update
    information when the user actively requests it.

    <mhakkinen> 5.3.2 Document Accessibility Features: All user agent
    features that benefit accessibility @@DEFINE - as specified in the
    conformance claim@@ are documented. (Level A)

    <mhakkinen> Intent of Success Criterion 5.3.2:

    <mhakkinen> User agent documentation that includes listings and
    descriptions of features supporting or benefitting accessibility
    permits users to have access to a description of the accessibility
    and compatibility features. This benefits all users with
    disabilities who may require assistance in identifying which
    accessibility features may be present or how to configure those
    features to work with assistive technology.

    <mhakkinen> Examples of Success Criterion 5.3.2:

    <mhakkinen> In a section entitled "Browser Features Supporting
    Accessibility", a vendor provides a detailed description of user
    agent features provide accessibility, describing how they function,
    and listing any supported third party assistive technologies that
    may be supported or required.

    Suggested rewrite of 5.4.1:

    5.4.1 The user has a global option to disable recognized mechanisms
    used by web pages to specify default focus.

    (@@ Issue: Is there a *recognized* way to set the default focus? Or
    are we expecting the user agent to block all javascript attempts to
    set the keyboard focus, or during initial page load? Or should we
    remove this and delegate to WCAG 2.4.3. If the UA blocks all
    attempts to move focus, would that break pages?)

    * Intent of Success Criterion 5.4.x:

    Users need to know that navigation in a web page is going to start
    in a predictable location. While we recognize that it may be
    desirable for accessibility to set focus to specific link on a page
    other than the first link, the user needs to be in control of this

    * Examples of Success Criterion 5.4.x:

    o Example: the page has a default focus to search box, the user has
    to take additional scrolling or navigation to get to the content
    that was not in the search box. The user may want to set their page
    so it follows the default behavior of starting with the keyboard
    input focus at the top of the page, starts at the first link, rather
    than not the search box.

    o Example: The user loads a page that contains instructions followed
    by a form. If the page automatically moves the keyboard focus to the
    form, a user relying on a screen reader or screen enlarger may not
    realize there were instructions. To avoid this problem, the user
    sets an option to prevent default focus changes.

    * Related Resources for Success Criterion 5.4.x:

    o NA

    Ignore that, it included all the deleted text. Trying again:

    Suggested rewrite of 5.4.1:

    5.4.1 The user has a global option to disable recognized mechanisms
    used by web pages to specify default focus.

    (@@ Issue: Is there a *recognized* way to set the default focus? Or
    are we expecting the user agent to block all javascript attempts to
    set the keyboard focus, or during initial page load? Or should we
    remove this and delegate to WCAG 2.4.3. If the UA blocks all
    attempts to move focus, would that break pages?)

    * Intent of Success Criterion 5.4.x:

    Users need to know that navigation in a web page is going to start
    in a predictable location. While we recognize that it may be
    desirable for accessibility to set focus to specific link on a page
    other than the first link, the user needs to be in control of this

    * Examples of Success Criterion 5.4.x:

    o Example: the page has a default focus to search box, the user has
    to take additional scrolling or navigation to get to the content
    that was not in the search box. The user may want to set their page
    so it follows the default behavior of starting with the keyboard
    input focus at the top of the page, rather than the search box.

    o Example: The user loads a page that contains instructions followed
    by a form. If the page automatically moves the keyboard focus to the
    form, a user relying on a screen reader or screen enlarger may not
    realize there were instructions. To avoid this problem, the user
    sets an option to prevent default focus changes.* Related Resources
    for Success Criterion 5.4.x:

    o NA

    Minor edit of 5.4.2 plus new intent and examples:

    5.4.2 Unpredictable focus: Don't move the focus without telling the
    user, and provide a global option to block focus changes that are
    not initiated by the user.

    * Intent of Success Criterion 5.4.x:

    Users can become confused or disoriented when the window scrolls
    when they haven't requested it. This is particularly problematic for
    users who can only see a small portion of the document, and thus
    have to use more effort to determine their new context. Such users
    also are more likely to continue typing, not immediately realizing
    that the context has changed. Users for whom navigation is t

    ime consuming, tiring, or painful (including those using screen
    readers or with impaired dexterity) may also need more work to
    return to the area where they want to work.

    * Examples of Success Criterion 5.4.x:

    o A speech user issues a command to execute at a specific location,
    and the focus changes without the user's control, so the command
    fails or executes with unpredictable results.

    o The user is entering a phone number in a form that uses a separate
    field for the three-digit area code. When they finish typing the
    third digit, the form automatically moves the keyboard focus to the
    next field, but the user, not realizing this, is already pressing
    the Tab key to move the focus. The result is that the keyboard focus
    is moved out of the second field, which is left blank. ...


    o The users clicks on a button in a form, which recognizes they have
    entered invalid data. The page then moves to the keyboard focus to
    the field containing the error, and scrolls the window to make that

    * Related Resources for Success Criterion 5.4.x:

    o UAAG 2.0 3.10.8 Don't Move Focus

    Everyone sent rewrites to the list.

Principle 1

    JS would like to work on Implementing details for Principle 1.

    GL: Before lunch the major issue was raised of whether requiring
    compliance with standards would prevent any UA from conforming,
    since few if any are 100% compliant with even widespread standards
    such as HTML4 and CSS2.

    <jallan> specifically 1.4.1 Follow Specifications: Render content
    according to the technology specification. This includes any
    accessibility features of the technology.

    GL: We have two possible approaches: either reword the SC to not be
    so rigidly binding, or else leave the SC and try to weasel out of it
    and introduce loopholes in the Implementing document.

    Discussion of whether any other standards have such broad
    requirements for standards compliance.

    <jallan> JS: what if " render content according to features
    implemented by the user agent"

    JS: Could we not require complete implementation of a spec, but the
    portions implemented be accessible?

    GL: Might a UA then leave out some portions of HTML or CSS that are
    important for accessibility, and still comply?

    JS reviews origin of this principle in UAAG 1.0.

    <jallan> KF & GL: but a UA could implement all of HTMLx and not
    implement the accessibility bits. that is too big of an out

    GL: 1.1.1 requires compliance with "Level A" requirements in
    standards, but are there any such?
    ... 1.1.1 seems to require compliance with platform accessibility
    standards like MSAA, but that is already required by 2.1.1.

    <jallan> GL: where your UI is not based on html, etc comply with
    accessibility standards

    <jallan> where your UI is based on html, etc comply with WCAG

    <jallan> 1.4 is tough, but if a UA is going to support htmlx it
    should implement the accessibility bit properly

    <jallan> GL drop 1.1, it is redundant to 2.1.1.

    <jallan> reword 1.2 - 'webbased UA" user agent UI that is based on
    HTML,... change to Web Standards User interface then it needs to
    conform to WCAG

    <jallan> KF: +1

    Suggest rewording 1.2.x to say something like "User agent user
    interfaces that are implemented using Web standard technologies
    conform to WCAG Level..."

    JS: +1

    KP: +1

    <jallan> +1

    <jallan> Proposed: delete GL 1.1 as it is redundant to 2.1

    <jallan> MH: iphone app to grab webcontent and present to the user
    as a phone app. could be written as standard html, or as iphone
    native controls

    <jallan> GL: then should say Rendering. "User agent user interfaces
    that are rendered using Web standard technologies conform to WCAG

    <jallan> MH: is rendered sufficient?

    <jallan> discussion of rendered vs implemented. we care about how it
    is rendered, not actually what the backend is.

    <jallan> ACTION: Jeanne to reword GL 1.2 to "User agent user
    interfaces that are rendered using Web standard technologies conform
    to WCAG Level..." for 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3 (wcag a, aa, aaa)
    [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-316 - Reword GL 1.2 to "User agent user
    interfaces that are rendered using Web standard technologies conform
    to WCAG Level..." for 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3 (wcag a, aa, aaa) [on
    Jeanne Spellman - due 2010-03-05].

    <jeanne2> ACTION: JS to add proposals for Principle 5 to document.
    5.3.3 to 5.4.x [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-317 - Add proposals for Principle 5 to
    document. 5.3.3 to 5.4.x [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2010-03-05].

    GL: We are deleting 1.1 because we interpret it as saying that user
    agent user interfaces that are not rendered using Web standard
    technologies should comply with platform standards for

    <jallan> which is 2.1

    GL: But, that demonstrates that it is NOT entirely redundant to 2.1,
    which only deals with platform standards for communicating with
    assistive technology.
    ... Let's take the example: on Windows it is a platform convention
    to put underlined access keys on all menus, menu items, buttons,
    etc., that that is clearly a platform convention that benefits
    ... Therefore any UA running on Windows should comply with that
    ... But that should not be limited to UA whose UI is not implemented
    using W3 standards.
    ... Thus, we could rewrite 1.1 along the lines of "User agent user
    interfaces comply with standard and/or operating environment
    conventions that benefit accessibility."

    <jallan> what about refrigerator or TV that has no keyboard, or any
    bolt on AT, what are the accessibility requirements. it should have
    some kind of UI and virtual keyboard, etc.

    GL: In ISO these are covered under a separate set of success
    criteria that only apply to "stand-alone systems".

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: jallan to write sc for allow user to scale text and
    images [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: jeanne to draft a section of Conformance dealing with
    Not Applicable. See the email from Greg 2010JanMar/0077.html
    [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: jeanne to remove SC 3.6.4 (Maintain Contrast) from
    draft. [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Jeanne to reword GL 1.2 to "User agent user interfaces
    that are rendered using Web standard technologies conform to WCAG
    Level..." for 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3 (wcag a, aa, aaa) [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: JS to add proposals for Principle 5 to document. 5.3.3
    to 5.4.x [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: JS to reword #4 of Required Components to clarify that
    the information provided for each collection of components is simply
    the name, vendor, version #, etc. [recorded in

    [End of minutes]

Received on Friday, 26 February 2010 22:01:20 UTC