[Minutes] 2016-06-06

The minutes of today's POE WG meeting are at 
https://www.w3.org/2016/06/06-poe-minutes with a text snapshot below.


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

   Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference

06 Jun 2016

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/06/06-poe-irc


           michaelS, phila, renato, smyles, jo, Patrick, Sabrina,
           Ivan, victor, benws, James

           serena, caroline, Mo

           Ben, Renato



      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]Approve last week's minutes
          2. [5]Use Cases
          3. [6]Actions
          4. [7]Instant Licence Mapping
          5. [8]TPAC
      * [9]Summary of Action Items
      * [10]Summary of Resolutions

    <renato> [11]https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Scribes

      [11] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Scribes

    <scribe> scribe: phila

    <scribe> scribeNick: phila

Approve last week's minutes

    <renato> [12]https://www.w3.org/2016/05/30-poe-minutes

      [12] https://www.w3.org/2016/05/30-poe-minutes

    PROPOSED: Accept last week's minutes

      [13] https://www.w3.org/2016/05/30-poe-minutes

    <victor> my tiny comment to last minutes' is that I regretted
    my absence in advance

    renato: Speak now if you have any objections to those minutes

    RESOLUTION: Accept last week's minutes

      [14] https://www.w3.org/2016/05/30-poe-minutes

    renato: Take naming issue to next week

    ben: I still need to come up with some ideas

    <James> I added a use case last night

    victor: Is it between ODRL and POE?

    Ben: I#ve been asked to make a proposal

Use Cases

    renato: I'll hand over to the co-editors: Simon Ben and Michael
    ... Any discussion we need to have on this call?

    michaelS: Compared with last week's, we only have 1 additional
    UC, no. 17
    ... In the meantime, the three editors have discussed how to
    work on the UCs
    ... Proposal is to split the UCs between the three of us

    ben: Yes, agree with that, and good that we're not looking at
    our own use cases.

    michaelS: In the meantie, Simon confirmed that he would take
    the final step of moving the content from the wiki to GitHib,
    transforming them along the way.
    ... I have retrived thge requirements from 'my' use cases - and
    this is what you find in the requirements page

    <renato> [15]https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Requirements

      [15] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Requirements

    michaelS: I will be away next week
    ... One deatil - while working on the reqs, I made two
    proposals to extend the categories by adding 'processing rules'
    - we haven't had much about that in ODRL
    ... How to process a policy properly and let policies interact
    with each other
    ... So that makes sense to me
    ... And then we also had 'implementation guidelines' - how we
    shoud encourage people

    renato: Any comments so far?
    ... On that list of reqs, we probably need to annotate... we
    need to discuss those reqs before they move to GH and become
    part of the Note
    ... is that the plan?

    michaelS: The last discussion should be on 27 June but any
    earlier is welcome of course.
    ... I circulated a note on what I've done so far

    <victor> I raise my hand. I also have some questions

    victor: I have a question regarding the vocabularies.
    ... In previous versions of ODRL we have a voc adequate for
    multimedia content... we have actions like display, distribute,
    but this is a possible application domain?
    ... Will it be media centric again? For e.g. we could derive
    some terms from the language terms from UC 1
    ... and from UC 2 we could have some related to data domain -
    create, update, merge etc.

    renato: Let me try and answer that question, Victor. I don't
    think wewant to be domain specific. We shouldn't have a a
    complete set of terms per domain
    ... It was about what were common terms from common assets
    ... I think we even had translate at one time but we took it
    out because no one was using it
    ... Translate happens in multiple domains so we could add that
    back in.
    ... we don't need to cluster things into domains
    ... we can have the terms any way we like
    ... a group could create a Note of new terms. The core specs
    should be agnostic I'd say.

    victor: The actions from UC 2 are very generic and there aren't
    many of them.

    renato: UC2 is the Linked Data one. That's not in the
    requirements set yet.
    ... In the e-mail from michaelS that wasn't reflected yet.

    michaelS: That's Simon's use case

    simonstey: I haven't done a lot yet but I was part of the LD
    Profile work. We came up with those requirements.

    renato: So it's a timing issue. OK.

    ivan: A completely editorial thing. It so hapopens that another
    group is working on a UCR doc so I played with a script that
    can be used with ReSpec that makes it easy to have references
    to link between use cases and reqs
    ... What usually happens is that one UC generates 2 or 3
    differnet Reqs that may be shared by several UCs so one decent
    way of doing it is that each UC has a list of Reqs
    ... And then a separate section gives details of the reqs
    ... So I came up with some JS that can handle that. It's a bit
    shaky but it's getting there.

    renato: Please send it to the editors

    ivan: I'll send a copy of the mail I sent to the other WG's

    <Zakim> phila, you wanted to talk about domains

    phila: If we list actions, we must define an extension
    mechanism for adding more

    benws: A concept like real time data - is that domain specific?
    Does it exist in its own?
    ... My way around it was to see whether I could think of 3
    domains where a term could be used.
    ... I don't think ODRL is domain-specific. Additional profiles
    can be added
    ... That was my feeling anyway
    ... And on the issue of profiles
    ... I'm looking at creating a profile for stock exchanges which
    have a very specific language

    phila: Talked about a likely workshop on the topic of vocab
    management and profiles

    benws: Are profiles sufficient for an extension mechanism

    phila: I believe so, yes

    michaelS: From my activity area of action vocab in ODRL, I was
    aware that it has to have a shared view of what an asset it
    ... Which we don't actually define

    <Zakim> ivan, you wanted to comment on purely editorial

    michaelS: If people feel that their domain is not covered, then
    we need to know.
    ... We can only discuss things when we have an issue

    victor: Regarding hte implementation of software based on ODRL,
    there should be levels of compliance. Which profiles am I
    complyign with
    ... So we can check that the syntax is right, but with
    additional validation
    ... Will a profile only define new terms, or can it also define
    structural extensions
    ... In the current ODRL, there is a non-normative anne that
    defines how to use Boolean operators but it's not official
    ... So I wonder whetehr a profile can define these structural
    ... I support using SHACL for validation, but it doesn't extend
    to XML

    phila: (For XML you'd use XSD)

    renato: Two quick ones. For profiles, we need to more work on
    how we handle profiles
    ... In ODRL alll the onus is on the external community.
    ... On conformance, we need to discuss that more. ODRL is only
    an expression language

    <michaelS> The current ODRL Profile specs

      [16] https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/model/2.1/#section-212

    renato: What I wanted to get back to is the requirements.
    ... Some the requirements are a bit ambiguous.
    ... For example, under model, usage facet of an action.
    Distinguishing between academic, commercail, etc. I'm not sure
    what that means so I don't know what to do with the
    ... I'll go through the requirements but they need to be as
    unambiguous as possible.

    benws: I take your point. My answer is that when all threee
    editors have gone over the doc, hopefully the clarity will be a
    lot better.
    ... I don't understand all the reqs. We can iterate until we
    all understand the reqs.

    michaelS: This is a good example where I came to the conclusion
    that I can feel I undersdtand it, but I can't alweays prove
    that I understanbd
    ... My decision is whether to include it as it is, or add in
    some assumptions that might change the req
    ... I think it sould be good to have a face to face to Skype
    call to understand.

    benws: E-mail not good enough?

    michaelS: Not really
    ... It's a case of terminology too. What is a condition?
    ... It's not a term we've used in ODRL, for example

    <simonstey> +q

    <simonstey> -q

    benws: If Simon and I get involved then hopefully these things
    will become clearer

    phila: It's normal for editors to need to get together

    victor: I'm available for extrea Skype calls if needs be


    <renato> [17]https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/open

      [17] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/open


    <trackbot> action-7 -- Benedict Whittam Smith to Provide use
    cases on financial data -- due 2016-04-18 -- OPEN

    <trackbot> [18]https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/7

      [18] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/7

    benws: I provided 8 use cases for this

    close action-7

    <trackbot> Closed action-7.

    <simonstey> action-5

    victor: I'd like to be release from actrions 5 and 8

    <trackbot> action-5 -- Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel to Provide 2 use
    cases from upm -- due 2016-04-18 -- OPEN

    <trackbot> [19]https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/5

      [19] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/5

    <simonstey> action-8

    <trackbot> action-8 -- Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel to Add more
    example use cases for poe.uc.01 -- due 2016-04-25 -- OPEN


    <trackbot> [20]https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/8

      [20] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/8

    <trackbot> action-5 -- Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel to Provide 2 use
    cases from upm -- due 2016-04-18 -- OPEN

    <trackbot> [21]https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/5

      [21] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/5


    <trackbot> action-7 -- Benedict Whittam Smith to Provide use
    cases on financial data -- due 2016-04-18 -- CLOSED

    <trackbot> [22]https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/7

      [22] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/7


    <trackbot> action-8 -- Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel to Add more
    example use cases for poe.uc.01 -- due 2016-04-25 -- OPEN

    <trackbot> [23]https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/8

      [23] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/8

    close action-5

    <trackbot> Closed action-5.

    close action-8

    <trackbot> Closed action-8.

    phila: My problem is the deadline

    benws: I'm expecting to iterate

    phila: Would like to leave them open but I have not been
    ignoring them

    benws: Any other issues

Instant Licence Mapping

    renato: last month I posted a link to the Licence Picker from
    the ODI
    ... And Serena posted a similar tool from INRIA
    ... What's common across both is that they have mapped the
    common licences and mapped them to ODRL terms and others
    ... That seems a useful service that the community might want
    to use
    ... I want a licence that does XYZ and see what it looks like
    in machine terms

    benws: Would that be a W3C service?

    renato: I see it as a Note, on how we've mapped terms
    ... If we brought them together that might be useful to the
    open data world

    phila: Woiuld like that very much, yes, and could work on it.

    benws: So you could say, this is what a CC-By looks like
    ... What would scare me is the potential number of such
    licences. 30? 40?

    renato: I think there are 2030 at the moment

    James: On our platform, which uses ODRL, we're doing some work
    on creating offers
    ... we'd like to make those intelligible. We'd like to use the
    relevant elements of ODRL and use icons along the way.

    benws: Do you allow people to apply CC licences or is it all
    about specific offers?

    <renato> License Picker licenses:


    James: We have a simple model. We've slightly extended ODRL 2.1
    ... We do have CC modelled within that.

    <renato> ... and ontology:


    James: We want to experiment with differnet software licences

    benws: Do you think it would be useful to provide a Note of how
    to describe ODRL versions of common licences.

    James: The issue is where would the vocab come from?

    benws: I think we could use ccREL but you had to extend it?

    James: Yes. Common licences so far have things like
    'commercial' but that means different things to different

    <victor> Just as a reminder, since 2014 we maintain a set of
    nearly 200 licenses at [26]http://rdflicense.appspot.com/

      [26] http://rdflicense.appspot.com/

    <jo> my regrets, I have to drop off the call

    victor: Our list implements ODRL, conng, for software etc. I
    worked with Serena on that
    ... I never looked for the sanction of W3C as mappings are
    ... But I actively maintain that dataset

    James: An authoritative list would be useful.

    benws: It is always *our* interpretation
    ... It's who gives the authority of the interpretation

    renato: So it may not be useful

    benws: It would be very useful!

    victor: We include who provides the mapping
    ... It's very useful and practical but has no legal value
    ... I like it because it has multilingual support


    <James> [27]https://tldrlegal.com

      [27] https://tldrlegal.com/

    James: As a demo of the issues...
    ... These are crowdsourced definitions of what the constraints
    are on GPL3 for exammple
    ... People may miss bits that i think are important

    phila: Rambles about what otehrs have said and, unusually,
    offers to help (under BDE)

    smyles: I was going to express enthusiasm for this idea.


    renato: if you are planning to come, or not, please let us know
    ... If you're still trying to come, please let us all know.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

     1. [28]Accept last week's minutes

    [End of minutes]

Received on Monday, 6 June 2016 14:20:55 UTC