Re: HTML+RDFa source updated (ISSUE-97, ISSUE-144, ISSUE-146)

On 1 Jan 2013, at 21:06, Gregg Kellogg <> wrote:

>> 2. Item #13, HTML Literal, Note: is this correct? I mean, if we are talking about an HTML datatype, setting the prefixes would mean adding xmlns:XXX to the generated HTML literal. Isn't that a big no-no? Or are we talking about @prefix declarations to be put here?
> That's how the DT is defined in Concepts, but IMO, this should only be for XHTML. The purposes of node naming require the @xmlns; I don't think this is to maintain prefix state. If one of the purposes of rdf:HTML is to create a simpler, more usable type, I think we should consider not promoting @prefix and only promoting @xmlns for XHTML.

Yep. XHTML include xmlns. But when talking about HTML we should not mention xmlns

>> 3. Section 3.5.1, note on 'at risk': I wonder whether we should call out in the text that this feature has a strong relationship to @itemref...
> I don't think we should reference microdata at all.

I missed the examples... and found them. I guess you are right,


>> 5. Section 3.4.2, first paragraph: I am not sure it is worth referring here to the entailment rules of RDF Semantics. First of all, it will tend to scare away people; but, in fact, the text here can/should be self-consistent anyway, so that referenced does not really add any new information. I propose to remove it.
> Okay, then we'll probably need to expand on the pattern notation.

I guess what is there is pretty straightforward.

>> 6. Section 3.4.2, did we say that a simple example would be useful here?
> Did you mean 3.5.1? There is no 3.4.2. If so, there are two examples in 3.5, which I think are adequate.

Oops, I missed them because I got there by jumping to the reference. You are right, the examples are indeed there. One minor thing: you have at least at two different places rdf:Prototype instead of rdfa:Prototype. Worth making a general search for the pattern.

We are getting there!


> Gregg
>> Note to ourselves:
>> - add an example (or two) on the reference folding into the new version of the primer
>> - we have to publish a new version of the RDFa namespace document, including rdfa:ref and rdfa:Prototype
>> Thanks!
>> Ivan
>> On Dec 28, 2012, at 01:57 , Gregg Kellogg <> wrote:
>>> Prior to the next conference call, I updated the HTML+RDFa spec to include some missing elements and added a "Reference Folding" section. That section, in particular, could benefit from some more editorial work.
>>> * Relevant to ISSUE-97, I added text to use the text content of a <time> element, if the element has no @datetime or @content attributes.
>>> * Relevant to ISSUE-144, I added a "Reference Folding" section with a short description of the feature, and nomative language specified using Ivan's SPARQL UPDATE.
>>> * Relevant to ISSUE-146, I added missing steps for head/body.
>>> Gregg Kellogg
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>> ----
>> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Tuesday, 1 January 2013 21:04:50 UTC