Re: Invitation for WebID XG to become WebID Community Group

Just to be clear, XGs are being phased out as of April. You will be able
to continue with your present charter of course, but there will be no new
XGs, and we expect some XGs to switch to Community Groups, while those
that do not will expire when their charter expires.

To clarify, work from both XGs and CGs can go Rec track, CGs are actually
widely scoped to include specifications and test-suites, rather than the
traditional overview report of XGs, which historically do not go Rec track
since they are overviews rather than specs. So, for example, ODRL and
PaySwarm are both going with Community Groups and both have mature specs,
code, and even vendor support.  The general idea is if that a spec has
working implementations, adequate vendor support, test-suites, and a
mature specifications - then it will be taken more seriously as Rec-level
work. Community Groups will allow bottom-up implementation to drive W3C
Rec process more than before.  The main advantage of the Community Group
process is a more well-defined IPR for individual code and spec
contributions, optimization to deal with individuals on a process level,
improved infrastructure re microblogging and integration, and - perhaps
most importantly - no charter expiration date, so a group can run as long
as it is required to mature its work to Rec level work either at the W3C
or elsewhere, as long as adequate activity is maintained.

Community Groups will offer the same level of W3C support as XGs, and are
made to work with existing and new communities that have well-defined
agendas as well as more broadly scoped work. The main difference is that
new community groups will not have Zakim teleconferences. However, XGs
that transition into Community Groups will be able to maintain their
existing Zakim telecons as a Community Group. Which is one advantage of
transitioning in the first generation.

> In my view the WebID XG is not the best candidate for a community group.
> For the following reasons:
> - its task is very well defined
> - it can  deliver a specifications, test suites and working
> implementations
> The above are enough to fulfil most criteria for a maturing standard.
> Instad, the WebID XG should be moving to full Working Group status.
> Community groups are more appropriate for communities with flexible
> agendas. The foaf-protocols list would be such a group, since it has come
> up with ideas in many different areas such as
>   -webid
>   -access control
>   -RESTful mail
>   -pingback protocol
>   ....
>   Each one of those when implemented widely enough are good candidates for
> incubator or working groups.
> On 22 Mar 2011, at 23:14, Harry Halpin wrote:
>> So, the W3C would like to formally invite the WebID XG to transition
>> into
>> a Community Group. The advantages include:
>> - No charter expiration
>  I really want the WebID stuff not to last for ever. It has gone on long
> enough as it is.
>> - Easier membership for individuals
>> - Continued access to W3C
>   Those are useful for lists such as foaf-protocols, which are more biased
> if you want than the federated social web.
>> See more info here [1].
>> We'd like a decision by the WebID XG after your next meeting by
>> possible,
>> so please discuss. I'm happy to answer questions.
>>    cheers,
>>         harry
>> [1]
>>> It looks like we forgot to get rrsagent going. So here are the meeting
>> minutes presented via Adium.
>>> Harry Halpin gave a very detailed overview of the two meetings: the
>> california one and the Berlin meeting. Attendees really liked this less
>> formal meeting finding it very useful. So we will try to have more
>> informal meetings...
>>> 16:01
>>> Zakim
>>> + +1.781.866.aabb
>>> 16:02
>>> scor
>>> Zakim, +1.781.866.aabb is me
>>> 16:02
>>> Zakim
>>> +scor; got it
>>> 16:05
>>> mischat
>>> Zakim: what is the code ?
>>> 16:05
>>> Zakim
>>> + +1.805.416.aacc
>>> 16:07
>>> bblfish
>>> hi
>>> 16:07
>>> Zakim
>>> +??P2
>>> 16:07
>>> scor
>>> zakim, ??P6 is laszlo
>>> 16:07
>>> Zakim
>>> +laszlo; got it
>>> 16:07
>>> mischat
>>> zakim, ??P2 is me
>>> 16:07
>>> Zakim
>>> +mischat; got it
>>> 16:07
>>> mischat
>>> zakim, mute me
>>> 16:07
>>> Zakim
>>> mischat should now be muted
>>> 16:07
>>> laszlo
>>> thx
>>> 16:07
>>> scor
>>> zakim, who is making noise?
>>> 16:08
>>> bblfish
>>> zakim, who is making noise?
>>> 16:08
>>> Zakim
>>> scor, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: laszlo
>> (38%), bblfish (15%)
>>> 16:08
>>> laszlo
>>> zakim, mute me
>>> 16:08
>>> Zakim
>>> laszlo should now be muted
>>> 16:08
>>> Zakim
>>> bblfish, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following:
>> bblfish (43%), +1.574.277.aaaa (5%)
>>> 16:08mischat	hello all
>>> 16:08
>>> scor
>>> I will be mostly talking via IRC
>>> 16:09
>>> laszlo
>>> for some reason, my connection is always noisy, not sure why, probably
>>> a
>> client issue, as I kept relocating, will be in listen only mode
>>> 16:09
>>> scor
>>> though I can hear everyone on the call
>>> 16:09
>>> scor
>>> bblfish:
>>> 16:09
>>> bblfish
>>> laszlo, have you tried voip?
>>> 16:10
>>> scor
>>> bblfish: nope,
>>> 16:10
>>> laszlo
>>> im on voip
>>> 16:10
>>> bblfish
>>> I am on voip today
>>> 16:10
>>> laszlo
>>> with ekiga
>>> 16:10
>>> scor
>>> just browsing the mailing list
>>> 16:10
>>> scor
>>> bblfish:
>>> 16:11
>>> scor
>>> I can scribe,
>>> 16:11
>>> harry [harry@] entered the room.
>>> 16:11
>>> scor
>>> though I;m not an expert
>>> 16:11
>>> harry
>>> \me will dial in shortly
>>> argh spanish keyboard :)
>>> 16:12
>>> bblfish
>>> what is [on] [the] agenda?
>>> zakim, what is [on] [the] agenda?
>>> 16:12
>>> Zakim
>>> I don't understand your question, bblfish.
>>> 16:12
>>> harry
>>> Zakim, what's the code?
>>> 16:12
>>> Zakim
>>> the conference code is 93243 (tel:+1.617.761.6200tel:+
>> tel:+44.203.318.0479), harry
>>> +??P1
>>> 16:13
>>> mischat
>>> zakim, what's the agenda?
>>> 16:13
>>> Zakim
>>> I see nothing on the agenda
>>> 16:13
>>> harry
>>> Zakim, ??P1
>>> 16:13
>>> Zakim
>>> I don't understand '??P1', harry
>>> 16:13
>>> harry
>>> Zakim, ??P1 is harry
>>> 16:13
>>> Zakim
>>> +harry; got it
>>> 16:13
>>> harry
>>> whatever works for the group
>>> 16:13
>>> bblfish
>>> Today is a less ordered conf call, due to circumstances
>>> of this being on Tuesday and not the usual monday
>>> So we start with Harry talking on Confs
>>> 16:14
>>> scor
>>> harry: starts the conf call
>>> 16:14
>>> harry
>>> "Identity in the Browser"
>>> hosted by Mozilla May 24-25th in Mountain View
>>> 16:14
>>> scor
>>> this is the first workshop hosted by Mozilla in Mountain View
>>> 16:15
>>> harry
>>> what roles browser vendors can play in securing identity and help out
>> higher-levels of assurance
>>> OpenID, SAML
>>> 16:15
>>> scor
>>> what roles browser vendor can play in security
>>> discussion on certificates likely to happen
>>> 16:15
>>> harry
>>> UProve
>>> 16:15
>>> scor
>>> google, Microsoft (IE), Opera, Apple
>>> 16:16
>>> harry
>>> Tom Smedinghoff EV certificates
>>> 16:16
>>> scor
>>> we should get a position paper at this workshop
>>> 16:16
>>> peterw [home_pw@] entered the room.
>>> 16:16
>>> harry
>>> Aza Raskin's "Identity in the Browser"
>>> 16:16
>>> scor
>>> and at least a member of the XG attending
>>> 16:17
>>> mischat
>>> 16:17
>>> scor
>>> position paper can be short, due April 22nd
>>> focus on the fact there will most of the browser vendor in the room. be
>> light on the semantic web, rather focus on the low hanging fruits for
>> vendor to fix
>>> be specific on what bugs to fix
>>> 16:18
>>> bblfish
>>> sounds questions?
>>> sounds good, any questions?
>>> 16:18
>>> scor
>>> WebID spec would be one input
>>> 16:19
>>> jeffsayre
>>> q+
>>> 16:19Zakim	sees jeffsayre on the speaker queue
>>> 16:19
>>> peterw
>>> a main point of FOAF+SSL (webid) was that semantic web was (in a RDFa
>> foaf
>>> card) low hanging fruit. This was the premise of this initiative. Is
>> foaf
>>> itself too semwebby?
>>> 16:19
>>> jeffsayre
>>> Zakim, unmute
>>> 16:19
>>> Zakim
>>> I don't understand 'unmute', jeffsayre
>>> 16:19
>>> harry
>>> Well, FOAF is something that folks can use in HTML.
>>> 16:19
>>> bblfish
>>> q?
>>> 16:19Zakim	sees jeffsayre on the speaker queue
>>> 16:19
>>> peterw
>>> q+
>>> 16:19Zakim	sees jeffsayre, peterw on the speaker queue
>>> 16:20
>>> scor
>>> jeffsayre: how many papers would be presented?
>>> 16:20
>>> mischat
>>> Zakim, unmute jeffsayre
>>> 16:20
>>> Zakim
>>> sorry, mischat, I do not know which phone connection belongs to
>> jeffsayre
>>> 16:21
>>> scor
>>> harry: attendance will be capped, 30 ppl in PC => 10 to 20
>>> presentations
>> short presentations (15min)
>>> intention is to get vendors to fix bugs for WebID to work better across
>> browsers
>>> be concrete with the vendors, what the can do fast...
>>> 16:22
>>> bblfish
>>> q?
>>> 16:22Zakim	sees jeffsayre, peterw on the speaker queue
>>> 16:22
>>> scor
>>> hopefully the Opera folks can have something working
>>> 16:23
>>> harry
>>> However, browsers do not have native RDFa support, nor do they seem
>> particularly interested right now, although that may change. See David
>> Baron's comment on RDFa charter. However, Mozilla has hired Ben Adida,
>> so
>>> maybe RDFa support will kick in.
>>> 16:23mischat	how many people here are on the west coast of the US ?
>>> 16:23
>>> Zakim
>>> - +1.805.416.aacc
>>> 16:23
>>> harry
>>> 16:24
>>> Zakim
>>> + +1.805.416.aadd
>>> 16:24
>>> scor
>>> workshop colocated with IEEE 2011 on security and privacy
>>> 16:24
>>> bblfish
>>> q?
>>> 16:24Zakim	sees jeffsayre, peterw on the speaker queue
>>> 16:24
>>> mischat
>>> ack jeffsayre
>>> 16:24Zakim	sees peterw on the speaker queue
>>> 16:25
>>> scor
>>> peterw: although WebID started within the SW realm, be light on this at
>> a
>>> workshop which is not SW centric
>>> harry: Mozilla's RDF implementation was broken and not maintained.
>> Yahoo's recent stats saying RDFa is doing quite well, though unclear who
>> is using it
>>> still a lot of interest in it
>> 16:26
>>> bblfish
>>> q+
>>> 16:26Zakim	sees peterw, bblfish on the speaker queue
>>> 16:26
>>> mischat
>> 16:27
>>> webr3 [nathan@] entered the room.
>>> 16:27
>>> claudio [qw3birc@] entered the room.
>>> 16:27
>>> scor
>>> Mozilla hired Ben Adida, so fair to think browser vendor will have a
>> closer look at RDFa
>>> vendors might want to prioritize certificates (e.g. firesheep), WebID
>> could benefit
>>> peterw: it's the usable browser vendor in the PC,
>>> 16:29mischat	wonders how webid fits in the web tracking and user
>>> privacy
>> :
>>> 16:29
>>> Zakim
>>> + +1.781.273.aaee
>>> -laszlo
>>> 16:29mischat	harry i am not of committee
>>> 16:29
>>> MacTed
>>> Zakim, aaee is OpenLink_Software
>>> 16:29
>>> Zakim
>>> +OpenLink_Software; got it
>>> 16:29
>>> MacTed
>>> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me
>>> 16:29
>>> Zakim
>>> +MacTed; got it
>>> 16:29mischat	s/of/not/
>>> 16:30
>>> scor
>>> I'm having trouble distinguishing who is saying what - could speaker
>> give
>>> there name when they speak?
>>> 16:30
>>> Zakim
>>> +??P6
>>> 16:30
>>> harry
>>> ?
>>> 16:30
>>> jeffsayre
>>> Zakim, who's noisy?
>>> 16:30
>>> scor
>>> zakim, who is making noise?
>>> 16:30
>>> harry
>>> Zakim, who's making noise?
>>> 16:30
>>> laszlo
>>> zakim, ??P6 is me
>>> 16:30
>>> Zakim
>>> +laszlo; got it
>>> 16:30
>>> laszlo
>>> zakim, mute me
>>> 16:30
>>> Zakim
>>> laszlo should now be muted
>>> 16:30
>>> mischat
>>> zakim, mute +??P6
>>> 16:30
>>> Zakim
>>> sorry, mischat, I do not know which phone connection belongs to +??P6
>>> 16:30
>>> harry
>>> Zakim, mute laszlo
>>> 16:30
>>> Zakim
>>> laszlo was already muted, harry
>>> 16:30
>>> Zakim
>>> jeffsayre, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following:
>> ??P6
>>> (19%), +1.805.416.aadd (23%), bblfish (33%), +1.574.277.aaaa (14%)
>>> 16:30
>>> Zakim
>>> scor, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: MacTed
>> (32%)
>>> harry, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following:
>>> MacTed
>> (42%)
>>> 16:31
>>> MacTed
>>> Zakim, mute me
>>> 16:31
>>> Zakim
>>> MacTed should now be muted
>>> 16:31
>>> MacTed
>>> even if I am already quiet!
>>> 16:31
>>> Zakim
>>> -mischat
>>> 16:31mischat	brb
>>> 16:32
>>> scor
>>> bblfish: we might want to have more than 20min for the WebID XG as it's
>> hard to explain WebId in less than 20mins
>>> 16:32
>>> yngve [yngve@] entered the room.
>>> 16:32
>>> scor
>>> harry: let's see when we have the papers ready. would like to see the
>> spec
>>> more mature so there can be feedback on it
>>> 16:33
>>> Zakim
>>> +??P2
>>> 16:33
>>> scor
>>> bblfish: loads of conferences. WebID is dangerous for some because it's
>> so
>>> simple and solves so much problems
>>> 16:33
>>> yngve
>>> Zakim, ??P2 is yngve
>>> 16:33
>>> Zakim
>>> +yngve; got it
>>> 16:34
>>> scor
>>> difficult if we don't have enough time to explain that with such
>> simplicity you can do a lot
>>> harry: will consider it
>>> using certificated will be a natural fit because most of the audience
>> will
>>> be familiar with it
>>> 16:35
>>> scor
>>> bblfish:  you wanted to talk about the Berlin talk
>>> 16:35
>>> jeffsayre
>>> The focus of position paper should thus be, from browser community
>> perspective, How much benefit WebID brings with little additional
>> effort.
>>> 16:35
>>> scor
>>> harry: announcement later in the week
>>> 16:35
>>> harry
>>> Federated Social Web Europe
>>> This time we got both Mischa and Henry on the PC.
>>> 16:36
>>> scor
>>> both mischat bblfish on the PC
>>> 16:36
>>> harry
>>> 16:36
>>> Zakim
>>> +??P13
>>> 16:36
>>> scor
>>> workshop, panels, quite a lot of space (1,5 day), open space for
>>> hacking
>> and coding
>>> 16:37
>>> Zakim
>>> +??P14
>>> 16:37
>>> mischat
>>> zakime, ??P14 is me
>>> zakim, ??P14 is me
>>> 16:37
>>> Zakim
>>> +mischat; got it
>>> 16:37
>>> scor
>>> focused on WebID server-side
>>> 16:37
>>> mischat
>>> zakim, mute me
>>> 16:37
>>> Zakim
>>> mischat should now be muted
>>> 16:37
>>> harry
>>> Jan Schallab?ck, ULD
>>> Berlin June 3-5th
>>> position papers are optional!
>>> 16:38mischat	is sorry, I had to take another call, been building saml
>> stuff :(
>>> 16:38mischat	didn't know that i was on the pc for this ;)
>>> 16:38
>>> harry
>>> \me we moved you when you said you could not attend the west coast
>> attendance!
>>> 16:39
>>> bblfish
>>> q?
>>> 16:39Zakim	sees peterw, bblfish on the speaker queue
>>> 16:39
>>> bblfish
>>> q-
>>> 16:39Zakim	sees peterw on the speaker queue
>>> 16:39
>>> scor
>>> bblfish: WebID meeting in Berlin, great place to meet other WebID
>>> people
>> 16:39
>>> bblfish
>>> and also great place to meet SocialWeb people !
>>> 16:40
>>> scor
>>> the Germans take privacy more seriously than other countries
>>> 16:41
>>> peterw
>>> the issue is that webid needs to recast itself, beyond semweb benefits.
>> it
>>> has to be about UCI - and self assertions. (the old openid message)
>>> 16:41
>>> scor
>>> peterw: UCI?
>>> 16:41
>>> jeffsayre
>>> Federated Social Web XG folks are planning on meeting at that
>> conference,
>>> I believe
>>> 16:41
>>> harry
>>> +1 peterw
>>> 16:41
>>> peterw
>>> user centric identity
>>> 16:41
>>> scor
>>> ppl from European parliament speaking
>>> 16:42
>>> bblfish
>>> +1
>>> 16:42
>>> peterw
>>> the workshop doesnt allow individuals for example, only organizations.
>> its
>>> an example of how webid distinguishes itself
>>> 16:42mischat	i.e. "right to be forgotten" and the eu cookie laws are
>> probably the two relevant european initiatives
>>> 16:42
>>> scor
>>> 1 day of panels, 1day of position papers and 1 day of hakcing
>>> 16:42
>>> bblfish
>>> q?
>>> 16:42Zakim	sees peterw on the speaker queue
>>> 16:42
>>> harry
>>> both workshops accept individuals. The USA one requires position
>>> papers,
>> the EU one does not.
>>> 16:42
>>> peterw
>>> q-
>>> 16:42Zakim	sees no one on the speaker queue
>>> 16:44
>>> scor
>>> the workshop in CA does accept individuals as long as they have a
>> position
>>> paper
>>> 16:45
>>> bblfish
>>> the European meeting is sponsored by EU and W3C and so has wider range
>> The Freedbom Box people?
>>> 16:46
>>> mischat
>>> mattl is on the PC fwiw
>>> s/mattl/matt lee/
>>> 16:46
>>> bblfish
>>> cool :-)
>>> 16:46
>>> jeffsayre
>>> +1
>>> 16:47
>>> scor
>>> bblfish: ought to try to get ppl from america to come to the European
>> events
>>> 16:47
>>> scor
>>> harry: lack of funding
>>> 16:47
>>> harry
>>> Yes, Matt Lee also needs travel funding :)
>>> 16:47
>>> bblfish
>>> we need to get more  US people on webid bandwaggon
>>> 16:47
>>> scor
>>> bblfish: we need more US in WebID HX in general
>>> s/bblfish: we need more US in WebID HX in general/bblfish: we need more
>> US
>>> people in the WebID XG in general
>>> 16:48
>>> harry
>>> 16:48mischat	has
>>> 16:49
>>> harry
>>> "Community Groups"
>>> Individuals can join, as individuals
>>> 16:49
>>> jeffsayre
>>> +1
>>> 16:49
>>> harry
>>> There will be no FEE
>>> 16:49
>>> scor
>>> harry: allow incubator groups to transition to community groups
>>> 16:49
>>> harry
>>> for joining a community group.
>>> It will not Team Contact
>>> 16:50
>>> scor
>>> will not have a team contact
>>> 16:50
>>> peterw
>>> q+
>>> 16:50Zakim	sees peterw on the speaker queue
>>> 16:50
>>> harry
>>> We provide some (hopefully) blogging, in a dencentralized and
>>> microblogging
>>> 16:50
>>> scor
>>> might have federated microbloging
>>> 16:50
>>> harry
>>> There is no charter end-date
>>> 16:51
>>> bblfish
>>> q?
>>> 16:51Zakim	sees peterw on the speaker queue
>>> 16:51
>>> scor
>>> CG would be more appealing than current XG, or others. transition
>>> around
>> April
>>> peterw: how to get involved in the workshop in CA/MV?
>>> harry: goals is to get IPs out of the standards
>>> 16:53
>>> bblfish
>>> peterw: how did the W3C get involved in the California workshop. 16:53
>>> scor
>>> CG would be more lightweight, individuals can participate without any
>>> IP
>> conflict with their employer
>>> good move, e.g. no position paper required, and open hacking sessions
>> include creative individuals in the process
>>> peterw: seems the positon of the W3C has change over time wrt to
>> certificates/browser vendors
>>> 16:55
>>> bblfish
>>> peterw: has the W3C changed its heart on certificates or identity in
>>> the
>> browser
>>> 16:55
>>> harry
>>> 16:56
>>> scor
>>> harry: one of the reasons W3C didn't engage in the identity space: 1.
>> patents
>>> 16:56
>>> harry
>>> IETF
>>> 16:56
>>> scor
>>> https: divison between data format (W3C) and protocols (IETF)
>>> peterw: W3C was neutral and on the fence, 2 workshop to see if W3C
>> should
>>> be involved
>>> in this identity topic
>>> 16:58
>>> scor
>>> bblfish: we're reaching the hour
>>> 16:58
>>> scor
>>> harry: W3C has to attempt to engage the community issue. push the Web
>>> as
>> a
>>> royalty free platform
>>> if some part of the web are broken, ppl are tempted to use proprietary
>> technologies
>>> 16:59
>>> bblfish
>>> 16:59
>>> mischat
>>> 16:59
>>> scor
>>> W3C can only work as long as it gets concensus from its members
>>> 16:59
>>> mischat
>>> the book is CC share alive 3.0 ^^
>>> 17:00
>>> scor
>>> bblfish: get the bandwagon moving by building a network effect around
>>> WebID
>>> bblfish: most important is to get demos working
>>> 17:00
>>> harry
>>> yep, user-experience.
>>> sslstrip
>>> 17:01
>>> bblfish
>>> logout issue in ssl
>>> 17:02
>>> jeffsayre
>>> bblfish: We still need to approve last meeting's minutes.
>>> 17:02
>>> scor
>>> +1
>>> 17:02
>>> laszlo
>>> +1
>>> 17:02
>>> jeffsayre
>>> Thanks, Harry.
>>> 17:02
>>> laszlo
>>> thank you
>>> 17:02
>>> bblfish
>>> +1 for last meeting minutes
>>> 17:03
>>> jeffsayre
>>> +1
>>> 17:03
>>> bblfish
>>> bye harry
>>> 17:03
>>> Zakim
>>> -MacTed
>>> 17:03
>>> scor
>>> last meeting's minutes:
>> 17:03
>>> peterw
>>> meeting ended?
>>> 17:03
>>> Zakim
>>> -harry
>>> 17:04
>>> jeffsayre
>>> Need to discuss position paper submission for Identity in the Browser
>> workshop
>>> 17:06
>>> bblfish
>>> action: make position paper for California paper, formulate messaging
>> 17:06trackbot	noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
>>> 17:06
>>> trackbot
>>> Sorry, couldn't find user - make
>>> 17:06
>>> scor
>>> ACTION bblfish to make position paper for California paper, formulate
>> messaging
>>> 17:06trackbot	noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
>>> 17:06
>>> trackbot
>>> Created ACTION-21 - Make position paper for California paper, formulate
>> messaging [on Henry Story - due 2011-03-29].
>>> 17:06
>>> bblfish
>>> action: to have biweelkly unformal meeting
>>> 17:06trackbot	noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
>>> 17:06
>>> trackbot
>>> Sorry, couldn't find user - to
>>> 17:07
>>> scor
>>> ACTION bblfish to have biweelkly unformal meeting
>>> 17:07trackbot	noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
>>> 17:07
>>> trackbot
>>> Created ACTION-22 - Have biweelkly unformal meeting [on Henry Story -
>> due
>>> 2011-03-29].
>>> 17:09
>>> danbri [danbri@] entered the room.
>>> 17:09
>>> mischat
>>> +1 to that , what you can get in terms of benefits from webid followed
>> by
>>> a list of fixes which the browser vendors could provide to make webid
>>> an
>> even smoother user experience
>>> 17:16mischat	even I am following it now :)
>>> 17:17
>>> Zakim
>>> -laszlo
>>> 17:17
>>> bblfish
>>> bye
>>> 17:17
>>> Zakim
>>> - +1.805.416.aadd
>>> 17:17
>>> jeffsayre
>>> bye
>>> 17:17
>>> Zakim
>>> -mischat
>>> 17:17
>>> mischat
>>> bye all
>>> 17:17
>>> Zakim
>>> -scor
>>> - +1.574.277.aaaa
>>> -yngve
>>> 17:17
>>> yngve left the room (quit: Quit: yngve).
>>> 17:18
>>> Zakim
>>> -??P13
>>> 17:18
>>> bblfish
>>> Now we have to close the meeting
>>> 17:18
>>> peterw
>>> formally
>>> 17:18
>>> scor
>>> bblfish: yes, can you do that?
>>> 17:18
>>> Zakim
>>> -bblfish
>>> 17:18
>>> Zakim
>>> INC_WEBID()11:00AM has ended
>>> 17:18
>>> Zakim
>>> Attendees were bblfish, +1.574.277.aaaa, scor, +1.805.416.aacc, laszlo,
>> mischat, harry, +1.805.416.aadd, +1.781.273.aaee, MacTed, yngve
>>> 17:18
>>> bblfish
>>> ah it happens when everyone logs out of teleconf
>>> 17:18
>>> scor
>>> bblfish: and generate the minutes
>>> 17:19
>>> peterw left the room.
>>> 17:19
>>> mischat
>>> there was no rssagent
>>> 17:19
>>> claudio left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
>>> 17:19
>>> bblfish
>>> no?
>>> 17:19
>>> scor
>>> does that mean the minutes were not recorded?
>>> 17:19
>>> mischat
>>> i am not sure
>>> 17:19mischat	googles
>>> 17:19
>>> bblfish
>>> well my client recorded them
>>> 17:20
>>> mischat
>>> worth saving your client logs incase
> Social Web Architect

Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2011 12:15:32 UTC