HTML WG. public-html archive

Agenda and Issues

This list of issues is largely obsolete in favor of tracker's agenda planning view plus the two alternating teleconference reservations:

The teleconference bridge contact info is:

The remaining items on this page should migrate to tracker in due course.

Collaboration Tools and Tips

See also MailingLists for email conventions, updated public-html archive page with instructions on how to subscribe/unsubscribe, HTML WG participation FAQ.

Pending Issues, Tasks

Test case candidates

Note HtmlTestMaterials

These are claims about interoperability problems that I'd like to see explored in the form of test cases:

  • IE maps unknown start and end tags to empty elements; Other browsers assume unknown start tags are for non-empty elements with an inline content model
  • attributes do not need enclosing quote marks; the XML /> syntax for empty elements is ignored even if attributes are enclosed in quote marks
  • Gecko coerces unknown tags to upper case, Opera doesn't
  • browser varations in treatment of XML namespaces with DOM-based work arounds using scripts
  • IE will in some cases parse to a lattice not a tree
  • behavior for multiple definitions of same ID value

See van Kesteren 14 Mar for pointers to some more test materials; Graham replies with a pointer to some encoding tests.

Hunt 20 Mar 2007 takes issue with a number of XHTML 2 features; a reply from Holst makes a number of compatibility claims. It would be useful to see these subtantiated by test cases.

Admin TODOs

Chair solicits advice on these, but doesn't delegate them to WG decision.

Toward Cost-effective Teleconferences

A chair's job is to see that each persons time is well spent. Meeting time is very valuable; for example, with 12 people in a meeting, five minutes is one person-hour. Good records preserve the value of the time spent in meetings.

Meeting experts are unanimous on this point: even with the ubiquitous tools of organization and sharing ideas -- whiteboards, flip charts, Post-it notes -- the capacity for misunderstanding is unlimited. Which is another reason companies turn to computer technology. The best way to avoid that misunderstanding is to convert from "meeting" to "doing" -- where the "doing" focuses on the creation of shared documents that lead to action.

The Seven Sins of Deadly Meetings, By: Eric Matson, Fast Company April/May 1996, Page 122

See also: the MidwestWeeklyAgenda pattern in the ESW Wiki, along with MeetingRecords and ActionItems.

Ian Hickson's message of 27 March requests the following information:

  • What problem the meeting is supposed to be fixing
  • Why e-mail has failed to solve the issue, why a meeting is expected to solve the problem better
  • Who should call in
  • What people should read as briefing material before the call
  • What results from the meeting would result in the meeting being considered a success

An 18 April message clarifies that this request regards each agendum.

Meanwhile, of course, the teleconference medium is tangibly different from email in a number of ways. For example, in the teleconference survey, we find comments such as:

The current tidal wave of comments backwards and forwards appear to make little progress, is unfocused, and contains many comments that are treated as correct just because nobody bothers to refute them.

Bob Hopgood

A teleconference allows for straw polls and such to be taken in seconds, where they take days or weeks by email.


See also dependencies and liaisons in the charter.

Mobile BP
pending invitation to participate in HTML5 Hickson 8 March
there are some open TAG issues, esp TagSoupIntegration-54; e.g. XHTML modularization and substitution groups (tag issue XMLVersioning-41, TagSoupIntegration-54, RDFinXHTML-35)
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
RF video codec XG?

Your argument makes a good case for a standardization effort. If there are two other member organizations that support it, that's sufficient to start an incubator group.

By making your argument here, you're asking me chair a discussion of which video codec is right for the web. I'm nearly overwhelmed by the breadth of the discussion topics already in our scope without adding this one.

If there were consensus to add this to our charter, I would consider putting together a proposal to the W3C membership to do so. But opinions are clearly divided, so I suggest we leave it out of scope for this Working Group.

Connolly 6 Apr
At this point,
 > WHATWG folks want Theora.

Yes, it's a likable format.
Lie 19 Mar 2007 19:53:18 +0100

See also DIRAC. Video codecs are out of scope for the HTML WG; Please consider starting an XG.

XHR spec cites HTML charset rules. @@link to comment
let's keep metadata profiles (head/@profile) in HTML for use in GRDDL etc. (Monday, 9 July) Connolly

Also: HTML 5 spec draft includes a central registry of link relationships in section Other link types. since svn.348 Nov 22 2006

Dan Connolly, co-chair
$Revision: 1.71 $ of $Date: 2007/12/12 17:43:01 $
$Log: il16.html,v $
Revision 1.71  2007/12/12 17:43:01  connolly
US/EU telcon time is 12noon BOS, not 1p

Revision 1.70  2007/12/05 23:58:34  connolly
clean up telcon sched

Revision 1.69  2007/12/05 23:57:11  connolly
mostly obsolete in favor of tracker

Revision 1.68  2007/11/16 16:54:02  connolly
clean up roll call

Revision 1.67  2007/11/16 16:52:48  connolly
note on agenda re 1 Nov action review

Revision 1.66  2007/11/16 16:24:50  connolly
add aria, canvas to this week's agenda
move lots of stuff to tracker

Revision 1.65  2007/11/15 17:17:31  connolly
clean up ftf @@

Revision 1.64  2007/11/15 17:16:29  connolly
update for 16 Nov telcon

Revision 1.63  2007/11/12 06:29:00  connolly
updated Convene/admin for 16 Nov

Revision 1.62  2007/10/31 06:39:29  connolly
skip link to wiki issues list at top

Revision 1.61  2007/10/31 06:38:14  connolly
move ftf meeting item up

Revision 1.60  2007/10/31 06:36:46  connolly
fix IRC quotes

Revision 1.59  2007/10/31 06:35:44  connolly
- update logistics for 1 Nov
- invite short presentations at ftf
- items for this week: design principles, spec, issue tracking,
  XML serialization name

- leave ARIA pending for the week

- add conent type sniffing under IETF coord
- note central registry of link relationships under GRDDL coord

Revision 1.58  2007/10/26 17:48:45  connolly
track Simon's comments on Role module

Revision 1.57  2007/10/17 18:09:27  connolly
note Ruby on svg/html under tagSoupIntegration

Revision 1.56  2007/10/17 17:59:13  connolly
move ARIA up in priority; move issue tracking down

Revision 1.55  2007/10/17 17:48:31  connolly
update 18 Oct log pointer

Revision 1.54  2007/10/17 17:30:43  connolly
time of next meeting

Revision 1.53  2007/10/17 17:28:19  connolly
update 18 Oct time

Revision 1.52  2007/10/11 22:54:05  connolly
chair is confirmed; update log pointer

Revision 1.51  2007/10/10 22:24:24  connolly
flesh out ARIA integration a bit,
as well as SMIL 3 state

Revision 1.50  2007/10/10 22:03:24  connolly
move announcement mechanics, wiki from active to admin

Revision 1.49  2007/10/10 22:02:04  connolly
note recent status on Design Principles
move issue tracking from pending to active agenda
update for 11 Oct; note Dan's conflict with 1p ET time
update forms tf, spec review, XHTML name issues
add placeholders for SMIL 3, ARIA

Revision 1.48  2007/08/16 16:53:22  connolly
vevent markup for agendaData

Revision 1.47  2007/08/16 16:49:15  connolly
markup fix

Revision 1.46  2007/08/15 22:15:12  connolly
recurring telcon reservation

Revision 1.45  2007/08/15 19:59:28  connolly
put XHTML 2, WAI liaison issues on this week's agenda

Revision 1.44  2007/08/15 19:28:02  connolly
update ftf meeting item for discussion this week

Revision 1.43  2007/08/15 19:16:48  connolly
update Forms Taksforce item for discussion this week

Revision 1.42  2007/08/15 18:44:55  connolly
update on mjs's design principles action
move admin stuff later

Revision 1.41  2007/08/15 18:10:38  connolly
noodling on next meeting time

Revision 1.40  2007/08/15 17:42:54  connolly
note WebAPI liaison

Revision 1.39  2007/08/15 17:33:22  connolly
updating action status from 2 Aug; noodling on WG news mechanisms
fixed Ulsberg encoding bug (again)

Revision 1.38  2007/08/15 17:07:51  connolly
admin setup for 16 Aug

Revision 1.37  2007/08/06 15:33:49  connolly
Fraser survey results 16 July

Revision 1.36  2007/08/02 19:50:30  connolly
regrets Anne 16 Aug

Revision 1.35  2007/08/02 16:56:32  connolly
under spec reviews item, cite wiki index, task review survey results

Revision 1.34  2007/08/01 21:23:36  connolly
regrets Hickson for 2 Aug

Revision 1.33  2007/08/01 17:00:27  connolly
rough cut at 2 Aug agenda

Revision 1.32  2007/07/19 19:47:08  connolly
"don't break the web" design principle has been replaced

Revision 1.31  2007/07/19 15:13:34  connolly
regrets Sneddon for 19 July

Revision 1.30  2007/07/19 13:51:02  connolly
regrets Orton for 19 Jul

Revision 1.29  2007/07/18 19:20:23  connolly
telcon res

Revision 1.28  2007/07/18 18:56:41  connolly
update for 19 Jul telcon

Revision 1.27  2007/07/11 17:08:40  connolly
12 Jun agenda

Revision 1.26  2007/07/05 19:21:19  connolly
note XHTML 2 coordination over name for XML serialization

note WAI coordination on headers attribute

Revision 1.25  2007/07/05 18:50:37  connolly
found a tracker for Mobile BP comments

Revision 1.24  2007/06/07 16:49:23  connolly
- re-org for office hours; move telcon stuff down;
 move testing stuff up
- technical issues are migrating toward the ESW wiki
- flatten design principles list
- prune May ftf stuff

Revision 1.23  2007/06/02 00:14:32  connolly
note wiki list

Revision 1.22  2007/05/14 18:25:11  connolly
de-mangle Ulsberg's name
add doctype to avoid quirks mode

Revision 1.21  2007/04/26 17:05:20  connolly

Revision 1.20  2007/04/26 14:46:50  connolly
cite more orientation resources

Revision 1.19  2007/04/26 14:31:08  connolly
invite others to help with orientation via the ESW wiki

Revision 1.18  2007/04/25 21:51:51  connolly
note invited participants for 25 Apr

Revision 1.17  2007/04/25 20:09:33  connolly
add an ID to head heading for easier reference

Revision 1.16  2007/04/25 18:35:50  connolly
markup tweaks

Revision 1.15  2007/04/25 17:21:16  connolly
clarify "toward cost-effective teleconferences" section.

Revision 1.14  2007/04/25 17:02:01  connolly
#s in uk, france

Revision 1.13  2007/04/25 16:57:18  connolly
clarify telcon objectives

Revision 1.12  2007/04/24 14:13:00  connolly
link invited expert FAQ under mailing list mechanics

Revision 1.11  2007/04/23 23:02:09  connolly
swapping in telcon agenda material. Logistics mostly done

Revision 1.10  2007/04/13 18:28:54  connolly
note versioning test case sketch from Henri Sivonen

Revision 1.9  2007/04/13 18:25:25  connolly
more on versioning stuff

Revision 1.8  2007/04/13 18:18:36  connolly
elaborate who the HTML5 proposal is from, which
obsoletes earlier notes

Revision 1.7  2007/04/13 18:16:09  connolly
update on spec baseline
add "don't break the web" design principle item
more on RF video codec

Revision 1.6  2007/03/27 04:58:24  connolly
- cite some test materials
- note more examples re script and parsing
- cite comment on XHTML2's namespace name

- elaborate on issue names and numbers under TODO

Revision 1.5  2007/03/26 21:10:30  connolly
update face-to-face meeting options a bit