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Options for contributing to the work of the eGovernment Interest Group (eGov IG) include:
This page explains the requirements and procedures for becoming a participant of the eGov IG. It also explains how to contribute as a non-participant subscriber to the eGov mailing list.
If you have any questions, contact the W3C Team contact for eGov IG, Sandro Hawke.
The eGov IG mailing list archives are publicly available and can be read by anyone. If you would like to contribute online to the work of the eGov IG, you may subscribe to the eGov IG mailing list.
Subscribing to the mailing list does not make you a official participant of the eGov IG; however, it does allow you to comment and contribute through the mailing list, which is eGov IG's main online forum. If you later want to become a participant in Good Standing, follow the steps in the "Becoming a participant in Good Standing" section below.
To subscribe to the eGov IG mailing list, send email to public-egov-ig-request@w3.org with the word subscribe in the email subject header. To unsubscribe, send an email to the same address with the word unsubscribe in the email subject header. For additional help, consult the W3C's public email list pages. If you have any problems with this process, contact sandro@w3.org.
Participating in the eGov IG enables you to influence the development of the eGov IG deliverables, and you and your organization will be listed as contributors to the deliverables of the eGov IG where appropriate. Participant status requires a commitment on your behalf to support the work of the group.
Participants are expected to meet the requirements of the W3C Process document. See section 6.2.1 Working Group and Interest Group Participation Requirements
You will be notified when these forms are processed and you are added to the eGov IG mailing list.
If you do not work for a W3C Member organization and you think that you have the expertise and availability to participate, you may apply to become an Invited Expert. Note that the eGov IG is a public Interest Group and participation in it does not give you access to information that is W3C Member-confidential.
If you do not receive a reply within 10 days, contact the W3C Team contact for eGov IG, Sandro Hawke.