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Group meeting at TPAC 2016
This is the Meeting Page including Agenda for the Web Signage Business Group September 22-23 2016 f2f meeting in Lisbon Portugal. This meeting is part of the W3C's 2016 TPAC Meeting week.
Group members may add Potential Topics to this document; others may propose agenda topics by sending an e-mail to the group's public-websignage mailing list.
- Meeting Host = W3C
- IRC channel = #websigns; irc.w3.org:6665
- Dates = September 22-23 2016
- Time = See below; all times are the local time zone
- Location = Centro de Congressos de Lisboa; Praça Indústrias 1300-307 Lisboa Portugal MAP
- Meeting Room = 1.04 First Floor (Upper Floor)
Meeting Registration
Registration for this meeting is Mandatory; see registration site.
Everyone that registered for this meeting as an Observer is welcome to attend the meeting but priority seating will be given to group members.
List of registered participants: Member Only document.
Potential Topics
- Update from the last F2F meeting (at TPAC 2015)
- Sharing the status of establishment of WG
- Checking use-cases which need new APIs
- Considering details of APIs for web-based signage system
- Gap analysis between proposed APIs and existing APIs
- Coordination with the other WGs (if any)
- Introducing the current web-based signage implementation from the system vendor(s) (if any)
- Document update (Emergency profile?)
Thursday 22 September (9:00 - 15:00) / Minutes
- #1: Welcome, Logistics, BG Introduction (10 min)
- Self-introduction of the chair and the team contact
- Confirmation of Wiki URL, IRC, etc.
- Self-introduction of the attendees
- #2: Agenda bashing (10 min)
- Confirmation of the agenda
- Assigning scribers for the slots
- #3: Update from the last F2F meeting (30 min)
- Brief report of issuing the documents officially (Futomi Hatano, Newphoria)
- Use cases and Requirements
- Architecture and Requirements for Web-based Signage Player
- The liaison with ITU (Kiyoshi Tanaka, NTT)
- Liaison letter to ITU-T Q14/16 sent on 3 Mar 2016
- ITU-T Q14/16 (Shin-Gak Kang, ETRI)
- History of updating the charter draft (Shigeya Suzuki, W3C/Keio)
- Brief report of issuing the documents officially (Futomi Hatano, Newphoria)
Morning break (30min)
- #4: Introduction from Web-based signage implementers (90 min)
- NTT's Web-based Signage (Kiyoshi Tanaka, NTT)
- Introduction of Web-based Signage JS Player and proposal of APIs (Futomi Hatano, Newphoria)
- Use cases in LG webOS Signage(Jihye Hong, LG)
- Standardization of Digital Signage Service Platform based on HTML5 in TTA (Shin-Gak Kang, ETRI/TTA)
- ACCESS Web-based Signage (Toshihiko Yamakami, ACCESS)
Lunch break (60 min)
- #5: Review of the Web-based Signage WG Charter document (120 min)
- API discussion: Put the APIs into shape (use-case, gap analysis, and drafting)
- Power Management, (Clock Management), Remote Prompting, Other Contextual Information
- Other function (if proposed)
Friday 23 September (9:00 - 12:00) / Minutes
- #6: Review of the Web-based Signage WG Charter document (Continued)
- Buffer slot for the last slot of the previous day
- #7: BG document update (60 min) -> Skipped by luck of contribution
- Emergency Profile (if any)
- #8: Wrap-up & Next Steps (30 min)
- Confirmation of the next actions and the schedule
Discussion summary
Through the discussion at this meeting, we confirmed what APIs are developed in the WG, what we should do (actions), and when we should meet next. See the following sections in details.
Through the discussion of this meeting, the APIs to be developed in the WG were proposed as follows:
1. Power Management
Power control
This API manages the power status of the device and the panel
- Shutdown the OS
- Reboot the OS
- Reboot the web runtime
- Turn on/off the LCD panel
Power scheduling
This API manages the scheduling of changing the power status of the device or panel
- Turn on/off the device at the specified time
- Turn on/off the panel at the specified time
2. Remote Prompting
Controlling dialog boxes (promptings)
3. Other Contextual Information
Device Information API
This API allows us to get the information of the device
- Hardware serial number
- Manufacturer name
- Model number
- Friendly name
Location API (TBD)
Network Information API
This API allows us to get the setting of the network
- Type of network (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, etc.)
- IP version (IPv4, IPv6)
- IP address of the terminal
- Subnet mask
- IP address of the default gateway
- DHCP (true or false)
- IP address of the DNS
- MAC address of the terminal
Display Setting API
This API allows us to get and change the setting of the display (panel)
- Dimming
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Color space
- Panel volume (If speakers are equipped in the panel)
- Panel mute status (If speakers are equipped in the panel)
NTP Server Setting API (Category is TBD)
This API just gets and sets the IP address or host name of the NTP server to the underlying OS. Signage operators sometimes want to change the address of the NTP server set in terminals. If the operator manages a lot of terminals, changing the setting remotely is useful
Ambient environment API
This API provides the measurements of the sensors equipped in the terminal
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Ambient light
- Proximity
4. Interaction with other devices
smartphone, camera, etc.
To charter the WG, we have to continue to discuss some issues as follows:
1. Confirm the Architecture Model
Finally it will be an official BG document
- Shin-Gak Kang (ETRI))
2. Use cases
- Kiyoshi Tanaka (NTT)
- Futomi Hatano (Newphoria)
3. Identify the APIs in the model
4. Gap analysis
Please write your analysis in this page: Gap analysis for chartering the WG
5. Identfy APIs which will be developed as standars in the WG
Next f2f meeting
- The 1st candidate: 22,23 November (candidate) in Korea (TBC)
- The 2nd candidate: 29, 30 November