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Group meeting at TPAC 2012
We held a group meeting at 1-2 November at TPAC 2012.
Terreaux Office Level 0 - Terreaux
Thursday 1 November (13:30 - 17:00)
- Welcome 13:30 - 14:00
- Brief introduction from the chair — Futomi Hatano (Newphoria)
- Introductory of the BG for the observers — Futomi Hatano (Newphoria)
- Self-introduction of the participants including the observers
- Agenda Review — Futomi Hatano (Newphoria)
- Proposals from the BG members 14:00 - 15:00
- Multi-screen collaboration in disaster situation — Ryosuke Aoki (NTT) (Slide)
- Map function for signage — Toshiyuki Okamoto (KDDI)
- break 15:00 - 15:30
- Reviewing our draft 1 15:30 - 17:00
Friday 2 November (09:00 - 17:00)
- Welcome 9:00 - 9:10
- Brief introduction from the chair — Futomi Hatano (Newphoria)
- Agenda Review — Futomi Hatano (Newphoria)
- Joint meeting with MMI WG 9:10 - 10:30
- MMI WG will introduce their work to us.
- MMI Architecture
- EmotionML (Slide)
- Discovery and Registration (Slide)
- Potential of MMI Architecture for device integration (Slide)
- We will introduce our requirements to MMI WG.
- MMI WG will introduce their work to us.
- break 10:30 - 11:00
- Reviewing our draft 2 11:00 - 12:30
- lunch 12:30 - 13:30
- Joint meeting with DAP 13:30 - 14:30
- At DAP's meeting room (Salon Pasteur Level 1 - Rhône Pasteur)
- We'll describe "R5. Discovered by personal devices" to DAP members — Futomi Hatano (Newphoria) (Slide)
- Reviewing our draft 3 14:30 - 15:30
- break 15:30 - 16:00
- Our next activities 16:00 - 17:00
- Relationship with SysAppWG — Toshiyuki Okamoto (KDDI)
- What's next — Futomi Hatano (Newphoria) (Slide)
Reviewing "Web-based Signage Use cases and Requirements"
- Merging "R3. Communication with a personal device within proximity" into "R4. Communication with a pointed device".
- KAIST proposed a new requirement: "Prevent displaying time conflicts between scheduled contents and even-driven contents". They will post the detail to our pubic mailing list (already posted). We will discuss it continuously.
- Fixing XHR reference. Now, "XMLHttpRequest Level 2" has been renamed "XMLHttpRequest".
Joint meetings
We learned the summary of MMI Architecture, EmotionML, Discovery and Registration, and potential of MMI Architecture for device integration. MMI is strongly related to some our requirements. We will continue to investigate MMI.
We described one of our requirements to DAP members: "R5. Discovered by personal devices". We think that Web Intents and Network Service Discovery API are useful for the requirement. But at this time, no one can't say that it's true, because these APIs are work-in-progress.
We need to catch up with DAP activities and continue to discuss via their public mailing list.
Our next activities
What's next
We agree with the next activites as below.
- Relationship between the related WGs
- DAP WG, Web App WG, Sys App WG, WebRTC WG, MMI WG, NFC WG, Web Cryptography, HTML WG, SVG WG
- Making a new document
- Best Practice for Web-based Signage
- Continuing to update “Use cases and Requirement”
- Discussion on Map and Mapping using SVG
We need to make our milestone for our documents. The chair (Futomi) will propose the schedule for our documents and hear member's opinions. If we fall into disagreement over the issue, we will use the voting system.
Attendees list
Thursday 1 November
BG Members
- Charles McCathie Nevile (Yandex)
- Futomi Hatano (Newphoria)
- Gisung Kim (KAIST)
- Hiroshi Yoshida (Hakuhdo DY)
- Hiroyuki Aizu (Toshiba)
- Jaejeung Kim (KAIST)
- Naomi Yoshizawa (W3C/Keio)
- Peter Hutchins (Espial)
- Shin-Gak Kang (ETRI)
- Shinichi Nakao (Newphoria)
- Shinji Ishii (W3C/MIT)
- Soobin Lee (KAIST)
- Sung Hei Kim (ETRI)
- Toshiyuki Okamoto (KDDI)
- Wook Hyun (ETRI)
- Hidetoshi Yokota (KDDI)
- J. Alan Bird (W3C/MIT)
- Katsuhiko Kawazoe (NTT)
- Kiyoshi Tanaka (NTT)
- Koichi Takagi (KDDI)
- Manyoung Cho (Future Web)
- Masahito Kawamori (NTT)
- Mitsuru Yamada (KDDI)
- Ryoichi Kawada (KDDI)
- Ryosuke Aoki (NTT)
- Sangwhan Moon (Opera)
- Toru Kobayashi (NTT)
Friday 2 November
BG Members
- Futomi Hatano (Newphoria)
- Gisung Kim (KAIST)
- Hiroshi Yoshida (Hakuhdo DY)
- Jaejeung Kim (KAIST)
- Naomi Yoshizawa (W3C/Keio)
- Shin-Gak Kang (ETRI)
- Shinichi Nakao (Newphoria)
- Shinji Ishii (W3C/MIT)
- Soobin Lee (KAIST)
- Sung Hei Kim (ETRI)
- Toru Kobayashi (NTT)
- Toshiyuki Okamoto (KDDI)
- Wook Hyun (ETRI)
- Chong Gu (Huawei)
- Hiroki Yamada (W3C)
- Karen Myers (W3C)
- Kohei Kawakami (Nippon Television Network)
- Masayoshi Ishida (ORO)
- Noriya Sakamoto (Toshiba)
- Ryoichi Kawada (KDDI)
- Ryosuke Aoki (NTT)
- Shigeo Okamoto (MIC Japan/Keio Univ)
- Daniel C. Burnett (Voxeo)
- Deborah Dahl (Invited Expert)
- Bertha Helena RODRIGUEZ (Institut Telecom)
- James Barnett (Genesys)
- Kazuyuki Ashimura (W3C/Keio)
- Sebastian Feuerstack (Invited Expert) - MMI observer