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Group meeting at Seoul
This is the Meeting Page including Agenda for the Web Signage Business Group November 22-23 2016 f2f meeting in Seoul Korea.
Group members may add Potential Topics to this document; others may propose agenda topics by sending an e-mail to the group's public-websignage mailing list.
This is a meeting organized by the Web-based Signage BG chairs, mainly for preparation of creating WG.
- Meeting Host = ETRI
- IRC channel = #websigns; irc.w3.org:6665
- Dates = November 22-23 2016
- Time = See below; all times are the local time zone
- Location = KOREANA Hotel, Seoul Korea (MAP)
- Meeting Room = Prince room (located at the second floor of the Koreana Hotel)
Meeting Registration
Registration for this meeting is Mandatory; Register from [here] (Closed 15 Nov.).
Everyone that registered for this meeting as an Observer is welcome to attend the meeting but priority seating will be given to group members.
This is an initial idea of agenda (tentative). If you have some opinions, please provide me (via Public-ML or directly). The proposal of discussion items is also welcomed. If you have a plan to make a presentation, please let the BG chairs know in advance.
Tuesday 22 November (9:00 - 18:00) / Minutes
- #1: Welcome, Logistics, BG Introduction (10min)
- #2: Agenda bashing (10min)
- #3: Architecture Model (2.5h)
- Initial Document for Architecture of Web-based Signage Terminal Model (based on the result of discussion)
- #4 Use cases (2h)
- Web-based Signage Use cases (discussion paper)
- #5: APIs (3h)
- Identify the APIs in the model
- Gap analysis
- Identify APIs which will be developed as standards in the WG
- ---Items---
- Power Status Management
- Power Status Control
- Power Status Scheduling
- Remote Prompting
- Contextual Information
- Signage Operational Information (was Device Information)
- Signage Functional Information
- Location
This session was proceeded with modifying Gap Analysis Page
Wednesday 23 November (9:00 - 18:00) / Minutes
- #6: APIs (3h)
- Contextual Information
- Network Information
- Display Setting
- NTP Server Setting
- Ambient environment
- Interaction with other devices
- Contextual Information
- #7: Charter update (2h)
- #8: BG document update (2h)
- Emergency Profile
- #9: Wrap up (30min)
- Updated draft Charter of Web-based Signage Working Group (MS-WORD) (HTML on GitHub)
- Initial Document for Architecture of Web-based Signage Terminal Model
- Initial Idea of "Terminology and type of multi-screen handling model" for further discussion