From WAI-Engage: Web Accessibility Community Group
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@@Editor's note: This document is a work in progress meant to be built collaboratively and commented by the WAI-Engage community. Every member of this community is welcomed to either send comments directly to the editor through email at dboudreau [at] accessibiliteweb [dot] com or by editing the content below using the wiki. In order to keep track of all modifications, please provide a summary of all the changes brought to the document within the wiki interface and check if this is a minor edit or not. Thank you. (dboudreau, 2012/04/13)
Applicable WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria
The architecture function covers tasks and related quality control normally associated with the architecture of the information (Web content) and the architecture of the data.
Applicable Success Criteria by Principles
The applicable success criteria relevant to the Architcture role are organized by principles (perceivable, operable, understanding, robust) below.
Success Criteria
Specific Benefits
Sufficient Techniques
Success Criteria
Specific Benefits
Sufficient Techniques
Success Criteria
Specific Benefits
Sufficient Techniques
Success Criteria
Specific Benefits
Sufficient Techniques