About WAI-Engage
Navigation: Community Group home page, Wiki main page
WAI-Engage is an open forum for responsive development of material supporting web accessibility, including support for Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) resources.
Developers, designers, project leaders, administrators, scholars, producers and consumers with disabilities, and anyone interested in accessibility -- please join us and share your perspectives to help build resources that will be useful to the broader community.
WAI-Engage is a new type of W3C group; there is no time commitment or experience expected. This is a place to suggest, share, and develop ideas. We welcome everyone to this Community.
Join WAI-Engage
WAI-Engage is free and open to everyone. Anyone can read the wiki, the e-mail archives, etc.
If you want to join and edit the wiki:
- Get a W3C account (if you don't have one).
- From the WAI-Engage Community Group home page, select "Join this Group".
(You'll be prompted to log in if you aren't already.)
(If your account doesn't have an affiliation (e.g., employer), it will prompt you to update your account.) - The process is a little different based on whether or not you work for a W3C Member organization.:
- If you do work for a W3C Member organization, there's a button for you to request that your AC Rep sign you up for the group.
- If you do not work for W3C Member organization, there's a bit more for you to do. Because the work of WAI-Engage might turn into an open W3C publication, you need to say that the material shared on the wiki is not under copyright or patent — via the [W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA). You can join the group immediately on behalf of the organization, which we recommend in most cases. Or, you may request to participate without representing your affiliated organization.
(Updated information on joining may be available on the How Do I Join a Group information page.)
We are starting with just a few small, discrete projects (that are listed in the wiki Main_Page) to get the community going, refine how we will work together, gauge commitment, etc. Depending on how things go, the community might take on larger projects in support of WAI work.
WAI-Engage projects may develop into suggestions for work to be refined through the W3C Process to become W3C WAI publications. That will be left to the community to decide.
The WAI-Engage community does not replace existing communication channels, such as public comment lists and WCAG techniques submission forums. This community is also not a place for those working in accessibility to ask questions about and discuss how to implement accessibility techniques and guidelines. There are other mailing lists and forums to discuss these topics. For example:
Wiki Tips
Wiki CheatSheet (EOWG Work in progress)
- If you want to be notified by e-mail when a page is updated,
select the "watch" tab/link" on that page. Also, in "my preferences",
select "E-mail me when a page on my watchlist is changed"
- There's a list of all WAI-Engage participants, and the Who we are page has short intros of some individuals who are in the WAI-Engage Community Group.