Existing and current relevant work

From Talent Marketplace Signaling Community Group
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Here we list some of the other work that is relevant to Talent Markeplace Signaling W3C Community Group. This is known to be an incomplete list, but please suggest additons.

Work relating to Job Descriptions

Work relating to Competency descriptions and frameworks

  • CASS Competency and Skills System (CASS) "provides a robust common language and translation method for competencies, evidence of attainment, and associated resources".
  • IMS CASE Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange™ (CASE™) specication from IMS.
  • ASN Description Framework Schema "A core set of RDF properties and classes that can be combined in community profiles with properties and classes defined by others to describe competency frameworks." See also the CTDL-ASN Profile used by the Credential Engine.

Work relating to schema.org for adjacent domains