Better more flexible coding of Occupational Category

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Issue description: the property occupationalCategory definition requires O*Net-SOC taxonomy, which is too prescriptive & US-centric. See also issue 2192 and PR 2207 which adds CategoryCode to range of occupationalCategory.

Discussion: mail list April 2019 thread on Better more flexible coding of Occupational Category

  • Build on PR 2207 to use CategoryCode for occupationalCategory
  • Change definition to weaken mandate to use O*Net and to suggest alternatives.
  • Change definition with respect to handling of textual label, formal code and scheme

We need to address the difference between occupationalCategory and relevantOccupation (the latter of which can be used to point to an Occupation with an occupationalCategory)


Status: accepted into release 3.7. June 2019 (see issue 2192, andPR 2207).

New Definition: A category describing the job, preferably using a term from a taxonomy such as BLS O*NET-SOC, ISCO-08 or similar, with the property repeated for each applicable value. Ideally the taxonomy should be identified, and both the textual label and formal code for the category should be provided.

Note: for historical reasons, any textual label and formal code provided as a literal may be assumed to be from O*NET-SOC.

Example 1: using ISCO-08

(This is straight from PR 2207, note that it uses relevantOccupation

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "JobPosting",
  "title": "Systems Research Engineer",
  "hiringOrganization": {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "name": "ACME Software"
  "relevantOccupation": {
    "@type": "Occupation",
    "name": "Research Engineer - Electronic, Electrical and Telecommunications Systems",
    "occupationalCategory": {
       "@type": "CategoryCode",
       "inCodeSet": "ISCO-08",
       "codeValue": "215",
       "name": "Electrotechnology engineers"

Example 2: using a version of O*NET SOC

This uses the datePublished property of CategoryCodeSet to specify which year's edition of SOC is being used

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "JobPosting",
  "title": "Systems Research Engineer",
  "hiringOrganization": {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "name": "ACME Software"
  "occupationalCategory": {
     "@type": "CategoryCode",
     "inCodeSet": {
          "@type": "CategoryCodeSet",
          "name": "O*Net-SOC",
          "dateModified": "2019",
          "url": ""
     "codeValue": "15-1211.00",
     "name": "Computer Systems Analysts",
     "url": ""