W3C Community and Business Groups

Interested in building community around a Web technology? W3C has created Community Groups and Business Groups so that developers, designers, and anyone passionate about the Web has a place to have discussions and publish documents.

Anyone with an account can propose a new group:

  1. Propose a group by submitting a title and short description. Choose Community Group or Business Group according to your needs.
  2. Have four other people support the group (by pushing a button)
  3. People join the group (by signing the contributor agreement) and you are up and running!

The W3C Forum is a general venue for building momentum for your ideas, especially before you propose a new group.

On this page you will find recent news about created and proposed groups, and the latest posts from existing groups and the W3C Forum. Learn more about Community and Business Groups.

Created Groups

Federated Social Web Community Group

The mission of the Federated Social Web Incubator Group is to investigate the core functionality and the overall technical architecture for a federated social web, provide a set of community-driven specifications and a test-case suite for a federated social web that offers a compelling experience for users.


Groupname 2

Aenean dapibus aliquet tortor, vel varius felis commodo ut. Cras lacinia, turpis vitae tempor rhoncus, massa elit fringilla purus, sit amet hendrerit massa elit fringilla purus, sit amet hendrerit sit amet dui massa eros sit amet dui...


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Proposed Groups

Groupname 1

Aenean dapibus aliquet tortor, vel varius felis commodo ut. Cras lacinia, turpis vitae tempor rhoncus, massa elit fringilla purus, sit amet hendrerit massa elit fringilla purus, sit amet hendrerit sit amet dui massa eros sit amet dui...

3 out of 5 supporters


Groupname 2

Aenean dapibus aliquet tortor, vel varius felis commodo ut. Cras lacinia, turpis vitae tempor rhoncus, massa elit fringilla purus, sit amet hendrerit massa elit fringilla purus, sit amet hendrerit sit amet dui massa eros sit amet dui...

3 out of 5 supporters


View all proposed groups

News from Community and Business Groups