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Community & Business Groups

Semantic Web Programming Languages Community Group

See also the RDF-DEV Community Group. A community focused on the adoption of Semantic Web concepts within contemporary and new programming languages. These will incorporate W3C Semantic Web standards for Ontology, Linked data and representations as integral parts of the development tool chains. Particularly the group will aim to 1. Develop new semantically-aware programming languages, 2. Modify existing languages to be semantically-aware 3. Develop design patterns for semantically-aware programming. 4. Develop Ontologies for computer programming concepts to allow inter-lingual sharing of basic and domain-specific algorithms.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

understanding the difficulties experienced with Description Logics

I am looking for people to spend 15 minutes with a study into the difficulties experienced understanding and reasoning with DLs. See

All responses will be anonymised and only aggregate results will be published.

Everyone who has participated so far has found the experiences interesting 🙂

Many thanks,

Paul Warren