Comparison of RDFJS libraries

From RDF JavaScript Libraries Community Group

This is a comparison of JavaScript libraries for working with RDF.

Library features compared

  • Name
  • URL
  • Source
  • Docs
  • License
  • First Release
  • Latest Stable Release
  • Platform support (Browser-side, Node.js, AMD, etc)

Parsing libraries

List any libraries capable of parsing triples/statements out of another format:

  • Media types that can be parsed: RDF/JSON, JSON-LD, N3, Turtle, RDF/XML, RDFa, ...
  • Environment, where does it run: Browser, Node.js, AMD, CommonJS, ...
  • Interface: Which APIs/interfaces does it implement (RDF Interfaces, Streams API, Node.js Streams)
Library License Media types Characteristics Environment Interface
node-rdf Public Domain (Unlicense) Turtle node.js RDF Interfaces
sparql-spin-js3 Public Domain (Unlicense) SPARQL (Parsed into SPIN vocabulary) node.js Custom
rdfstore-js MIT SPARQL, Turtle browser, node.js RDF Interfaces
rdfquery MIT RDFa browser Custom
N3.js MIT Turtle, TriG, N-Triples, N-Quads streaming browser, node.js Custom, Node.js Streams
SPARQL.js MIT SPARQL 1.1 browser, node.js Custom
jsonld.js BSD JSON-LD browser, node.js JSON-LD
green-turtle BSD RDFa, Turtle, Microdata (partial) browser RDFa API
RDF-Ext MIT JSON-LD, RDF-XML, Turtle browser, node.js RDF Interfaces
rdflib.js MIT RDF/XML, Turtle, N3, RDFa browser, node.js Custom
graphy.js ISC Turtle, TriG, N-Triples, N-Quads streaming browser, node.js RDFJS Interfaces

SPARQL/Query libraries

  • Query language (SPARQL/1.0, SPARQL/1.1, SPARUL, SPIN)
  • Query API
Library License Language Interface
rdfstore-js MIT SPARQL 1.0 (and 1.1 subset) Custom
rdflib.js MIT SPARQL (1.0 subset) Custom

Data storage libraries

  • Storage method (memory, disk-backed, disk-indexed)
  • I/O style (in-line, synchronous, asynchronous)
  • Referenced standards (RDF Interfaces)
Library License Storage method Standards
node-rdf Public Domain (Unlicense) Memory RDF Interfaces
rdfstore-js MIT Memory, MongoDB Custom
N3.js MIT Memory Custom
LevelGraph MIT LevelDB (+IndexedDB) Custom
RDF-Ext MIT Memory, SPARQL, REST/LDP RDF Interfaces
rdflib.js MIT Memory; link following Custom
graphy.js ISC Memory RDFJS Interface

UI data binding libraries

  • Integrations with other libraries and frameworks
  • Data binding approaches
  • Referenced standards (RDF Interfaces)
Library License Integrations Bindings Standards Notes
mavoweb/mavo MIT, GitHub, Dropbox Uses on RDFa + mv-* custom attributes RDFa, JSON-LD Built at MIT CSAIL by Lea Verou
antoniogarrote/backbone MIT Backbone , rdfstore-js Backbone REST, LDP Last commit in 2013


antoniogarrote/semantic-ko MIT KnockoutJS, rdfstore-js Knockout Turtle, JSON-LD, SPARQL Last commit in 2012

7c37401...semantic Documentation


  • Voacabulary (RDFS, OWL-Lite, OWL-DL, OWL-Full, OWL2-EL, OWL2-QL, OWL2-RL, etc)
  • Reasoner type (Forward-chaining, backward-chaining)
Library License Vocabulary Reasoner type
rdflib.js MIT owl:sameAs, owl:FunctionProperty, rdfs:domain rdfs:range



See also