3rd Ontolex Workshop @ LDK 2021

From Ontology-Lexica Community Group

3rd Ontolex Workshop @ LDK 2021

Date and place

Date: 4/09/2021 in Zaragoza (Spain), co-located at the 3rd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2021) as a post-conference event.

Venue: I3A (“instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón”). Details on how to arrive are provided in this link.

Format: hybrid (physical and online meeting). The connection details for the online participants will be announce in due time.


The event is open to any member of the Ontolex W3C Community group as well as to anyone else interested in ontology lexica.

There is no registration fee, although registration is mandatory and should be done through the LDK'21 registration system.


  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano (Bielefeld University)
  • Dr. Jorge Gracia (University of Zaragoza)
  • Dr. John McCrae (National University of Ireland at Galway, NUIG)
  • Dr. Julia Bosque-Gil (University of Zaragoza)


The event will consist of a number of status update presentations on different topics followed by open discussions. The goal is to get a good picture of the current state of Ontolex and to agree on future directions for both the model and the research community behind it.

The workshop will discuss a number of issues regarding the representation and encoding of lexical resources as linked data. We will review the current progress of the Ontolex group in capturing and describing in particular morphological aspects of lexical resources, as well as the latest advancements in the development of a module to encode corpus information, frequency and attestations (FrAC). We will also discuss the future direction and topics that the Ontolex group will focus on in the next years, with emphasis on the modelling needs perceived by the Ontolex community and which could be addressed in potential future modules, e. g. support for etymological description or multimodality.


(All times in CEST)

start end topic moderator
15:00 15:15 Ontolex: introduction and current status Ontolex chairs
15:15 15:45 lemon core: suggested updates (e.g., on ontolex:Form), versioning, sustainability Julia Bosque and Fahad Khan
15:45 16:15 FRaC module Christian Chiarcos
16:15 16:45 Morphology module Max Ionov
16:45 17:00 Prospective modules (multimodality, etymology, phonology, ...) Christian Chiarcos
17:00 17:30 coffee break -
17:30 18:00 Terminology: issues and best practises Patricia Martín-Chozas and Thierry Declerck
18:00 18:30 Syntactic and semantic frames Alexander Kirillovich
18:30 19:00 Open discussion, new chairs nomination, and closing Ontolex Chairs