Additions/changes in core proposal

From Financial Industry Business Ontology Community Group

Proposed Additions and Changes to Schema Core in (sdo-deimos)

New Types

  • MonetaryAmount - A monetary value or range.
  • FinancialProduct - A product provided to consumers and businesses by financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, consumer finance companies, and investment companies which comprise the financial services industry.
  • BankAccount - A product or service offered by a bank whereby one may deposit, withdraw or transfer money and in some cases be paid interest.
  • DepositAccount - A type of Bank Account with a main purpose of depositing funds to gain interest or other benefits.
  • LoanOrCredit - A financial product for the loaning of an amount of money under agreed terms and charges.
  • PaymentCard - A payment method using a credit, debit, store or other card to associate the payment with an account.
  • InvestmentOrDeposit - A type of financial product that typically requires the client to transfer funds to a financial service in return for potential beneficial financial return.
  • PaymentService - A Service to transfer funds from a person or organization to a beneficiary person or organization...
  • CurrencyConversionService - A service to convert funds from one currency to another currency.

New Properties

Updates to existing terms

  • CreditCard - Now also subtype of PaymentCard & LoanOrCredit.
  • amount - Added MonetaryAmount to range and LoanOrCredit & MonetaryAmount to domain.
  • acceptedPaymentMethod- added LoanOrCredit to range.
  • currency - Added MonetaryAmount to domain.