Main Page
Welcome to the Declarative 3D Community Group Wiki!

- Declarative 3D for the Web Architecture Community Group public page
- Web3D2013: Principles, Current Approaches, and Research Agenda
- Paper
- Slides
- Group charter
- Level of Integration - A measure for integration of 3D technologies into the W3C technology stack
- Use Cases and Requirements - This document presents the major use cases where embedding 3D data in HTML using declarative approach provides significant benefit. From these use cases, we deduct the different required dimensions for the D3D specification.
- Building Blocks of Dec3D - Should we merge this page with the Use Cases and Requirements page?
- Existing prototype systems - Maybe on this page we should make a table that will compare X3DOM and XML3D w.r.t. the specified use cases and requirements?
- Why use Declarative 3D - Some plain english (intended eventually for the general public) explanations on why Declarative 3D is useful
- Related technologies (such as SVG, WebGL, X3D, COLLADA ... )
- Intersection of Declarative 3D with other W3C Groups and Technologies