Main Page/LBSScopeAndRoadmap

From Automotive and Web Platform Business Group

Automotive and Web Platform Business Group LBS work


  • Create specifications about LBS, including Data Format Specification, Client API Specification, and Service Specification.
  • Create conformance tests to cover new specifications that get defined.
  • Provide use cases and other reports to identify additional needed standards work and to drive successful automotive web deployments.

Scope of Work

The IVI-LBS domain cover basic features:

  • Basic navigation:
    • Navigation Core, including Location Input, Route Calculation, Route Guidance.
    • Map Viewer, including Map Rendering and View Control
  • Basic extensions:
    • Point Of Interest (POI), providing a POI Search interface with a content access module mechanism allowing to extend the search to external data sources.
    • Traffic Info, providing a Traffic Incidents Service.
    • Geocoding, enrich geographic coordinates with a description of the location and vice versa
  • Vehicle Positioning
  • HMI extension:
    • Speech Services (output, input and dialog).



The group will develop three Specifications for IVI LBS:

  • LBS Data Format, which might be available for IVI LBS. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the LBS Client API and LBS Service Specification.
  • LBS Client API, which is WebIDL-based API.
  • LBS Service Specification, which is websocket-based API.

The Contributor License Agreement (CLA) Patent section does apply to Specifications.

Test Suites

High-quality, comprehensive and automated test suites are important interoperability drivers. The group will endeavor to create test suites for each specification it releases. Test Code will be contributed under a 3 clause BSD License. The Contributor License Agreement (CLA) Patent section does not apply to test suites.

Non-normative Reports

Since participants will reflect diverse interests within the automotive ecosystem, the group plans to document a variety of (non-normative) use cases and other reports. These may serve as input to other W3C (or non- W3C) groups to indicate capabilities that need to be standardized. The Contributor License Agreement (CLA) Patent section does not apply to these non-normative reports.


Q3 2016 Q2 2017 Afterwards
LBS Data Format [BG report] LBS Client API [BG report]
LBS Service Spec [BG report]
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