Alternative 1 model proposal
Alternative 1 Model
This page contains a description of an alternative model for a proposed Archive extension for the vocabulary (alternative to the Initial model proposal)
Discussion of the model should take place on the Architypes public mailing list.
Premise behind Model
This model attempts to separate out the question of ‘what’ something is, from the fact it is in an archive and therefore has a set of archive specific properties related to it. It does this by removing the 'ArchiveCollection' and 'ArchiveItem' types and introducing a single type of 'ArchiveComponent' (originally this proposal used ArchiveProperties, but following discussion on the Architypes public mailing list ArchiveComponent seems like a better property name.
The 'what' of a thing is left to existing standard SDO types (e.g. Collection, CreativeWork).
This proposal draws considerably on the [Initial model proposal], and makes no changes to the new Archive type proposed therein.
Basic Model
This diagram shows the basic relationship between the proposed archive specific, types plus relevant Schema types in the model. This is not a fully comprehensive diagram, for full details of the types and properties see below.
Note: For simplicity and clarity most properties are shown as being of type Text. In practice many would resolve to other types. eg. location would reference a Place.
Core Types
Institution with archival holdings. An Archive, or Archives, is an organization which keeps and preserves archival material and potentially makes it accessible to the public.
A subtype of LocalBusiness - a combination of Organization and Place - providing the attributes to describe, when appropriate, the physical and/or organizational presence responsible for an ArchiveCollection.
- archiveHeld [new]
An intangible type to be applied to any archive content, carrying with it a set of properties required to describe archival items and collections "ArchiveUnit" has been suggested as an alternative name for this type
- accessConditions [new]
- holdingArchive [new]
- accessConditions [new]
- itemCondition [new]
- location [existing]
1. Full Data Model of an item in a collection
Based upon the following real world example: Sound Recording of Lines from My Grandafther's Forehead (Radio)
@prefix : <> . #An item in an archive (Note the definition of two types (schema:AudioObject, schema:ArchiveComponent). <> a schema:AudioObject, schema:ArchiveComponent ; schema:accessConditions "Please check with the Theatre and Performance enquiry team regarding access arrangements before making an appointment to listen to this item." ; schema:dateCreated "1971-1972"^^schema:Date ; schema:description "Sound recording of the first radio broadcast of Lines from My Grandfather's Forehead by Ronnie Barker and others. Duration: max 90 mins." ; schema:about “Comedy”; schema:duration "PT90M" ; schema:inLanguage "EN" ; schema:isPartOf "" ; schema:location "" ; schema:name "Sound Recording of Lines from My Grandafther's Forehead (Radio)" ; schema:playerType "Audio Cassette" ; schema:identifier "GB 71 THM/407/8/3" . #A sub-collection in an Archive (Note the definition of two types (schema:Collection, schema:ArchiveComponent). <> a schema:Collection, schema:ArchiveComponent ; schema:description "This section contains audio recordings of Ronnie Barker in theatre performances, radio, and copies of vinyl records featuring his comedy songs and sketches." ; schema:about “Comedy”, "Ronnie Barker”; schema:hasPart "" ; schema:inLanguage "EN" ; schema:isPartOf "" ; schema:name "Ronnie Barker Collection: Audio Recordings" ; schema:temporalCoverage "1954-2005" ; schema:identifier "GB 71 THM/407/8" . #A collection in an Archive <> a schema:Collection, schema:ArchiveComponent ; schema:about “Comedy”, "Ronnie Barker”; schema:accessConditions "This archive collection is available for consultation in the V&A Blythe House Archive and Library Study Room by appointment only. Full details of access arrangements may be found here: Access to some of the material may be restricted. These are noted in the catalogue where relevant." ; schema:creator [ a schema:Person ; schema:name "Ronnie Barker" ; schema:sameAs <> ] ; schema:description "The collection consists of memorabilia material collected by Ronnie Barker to document his career. Materials include scrapbooks compiled by Ronnie Barker with press cuttings, reviews, memorabilia and photographs of his theatre, television and film work, photographs, manuscript material, scripts, correspondence, certificates and awards, press and marketing materials, audio recordings, audio visual recordings and material relating to special events and honours in his career." ; schema:hasPart "" ; schema:inLanguage "EN" ; schema:location "" ; schema:name "Ronnie Barker Collection" ; schema:temporalCoverage "1929-2005" ; schema:holdingArchive ""; schema:identifier "GB 71 THM/407/8" . <> a schema:Archive ; schema:address "Blythe House23 Blythe Road, London W14 0QX, England" ; schema:name "V&A Theatre and Performance Collections" ; schema:archiveHeld <> schema:url <> .
2. Data Model of an ArchiveUnit that could be either a Collection or a specific Item
Based upon the following real world example: Records of the National Federation of Women's Institutes: Reminiscences
#This could be a collection or a specific item in an Archive - this is left unspecified <> a schema:CreativeWork, schema:ArchiveComponent ; schema:description "Typescripts of memories of early WI members, documents related to origins of WI markets including a history of the first by Nugent Harris (1948), typescript history of the movement, items of correspondence of Nugent Harris and copy of his reminiscences, Lady Worsley Taylor's notes on the history of the organisation 1914-1919, notes for WI reminiscences by Miss Strachan." ; schema:about “Women's Institutue”, "Nugent Harris”; schema:inLanguage "EN" ; schema:isPartOf "" ; schema:name "Records of the National Federation of Women's Institutes: Reminiscences" ; schema:temporalCoverage "1919-1950" ; schema:identifier "GB 106 5FWI/H/05" .
3. JSON-LD Inserts into individual pages
Based upon the following real world example: Sound Recording of Lines from My Grandafther's Forehead (Radio)
Page for an AudioObject Item in the archive
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@id": "", "@type": ["AudioObject","ArchiveComponent"], "identifier": "GB 71 THM/407/8/3", "name": "Sound Recording of Lines from My Grandafther's Forehead (Radio)", "about": "Comedy", "description": "Sound recording of the first radio broadcast of Lines from My Grandfather's Forehead by Ronnie Barker and others. Duration: max 90 mins.", "inLanguage": "EN", "dateCreated": "1971-1972", "duration": "PT90M", "playerType": "Audio Cassette", "accessConditions": "Please check with the Theatre and Performance enquiry team regarding access arrangements before making an appointment to listen to this item.", "location": "", "isPartOf": "" } </script>
Note the definition of two types ("@type": "AudioObject, ArchiveComponent")
Page for a sub-collection in the archive
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@id": "", "@type": ["Collection","ArchiveComponent"], "identifier": "GB 71 THM/407/8", "name": "Ronnie Barker Collection: Audio Recordings", "description": "This section contains audio recordings of Ronnie Barker in theatre performances, radio, and copies of vinyl records featuring his comedy songs and sketches.", "about": ["Comedy","Ronnie Barker"], "inLanguage": "EN", "temporalCoverage": "1954-2005", "hasPart": "", "isPartOf": "" } </script>
Note the definition of two types ("@type": "Collection, ArchiveComponent")
Page for a collection in the archive
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@id": "", "@type": ["Collection","ArchiveComponent"], "identifier": "GB 71 THM/407/8", "name": "Ronnie Barker Collection", "about": ["Comedy","Ronnie Barker"], "creator": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Ronnie Barker", "sameAs": "" }, "description": "The collection consists of memorabilia material collected by Ronnie Barker to document his career. Materials include scrapbooks compiled by Ronnie Barker with press cuttings, reviews, memorabilia and photographs of his theatre, television and film work, photographs, manuscript material, scripts, correspondence, certificates and awards, press and marketing materials, audio recordings, audio visual recordings and material relating to special events and honours in his career.", "inLanguage": "EN", "temporalCoverage": "1929-2005", "accessConditions": "This archive collection is available for consultation in the V&A Blythe House Archive and Library Study Room by appointment only. Full details of access arrangements may be found here: Access to some of the material may be restricted. These are noted in the catalogue where relevant.", "location": "", "holdingArchive": "", "hasPart": "" } </script>
Note the definition of two types ("@type": "Collection, ArchiveComponent")
Page for an archive
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@id": "", "@type": "Archive", "name": "V&A Theatre and Performance Collections", "url": "", "archiveHeld": "", "address": "Blythe House23 Blythe Road, London W14 0QX, England" } </script>