We invite you to join the new Web Payments Working Group, launched 21 October 2015. From the press release:
[The standards from this group] will support a wide array of existing and future payment methods, including debit, credit, mobile payment systems, escrow, and bitcoin and other distributed ledger technologies. Standardized APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) will establish a foundation for simplified checkout and payment experience, greater transaction security, automated secure payments, and more payment options for merchants and users alike. These APIs will allow users to register payment instruments (such as credit cards or payment services) and select the right payment type through the browser, making payments faster, more secure, and easier, particularly on mobile devices.
Here’s how to get involved and help improve payments on the Web!
How to Participate
The technical discussion for the Web Payments WG will center around the mailing list, public-payments-wg@w3.org (archive), including minutes from weekly teleconferences and face-to-face meetings. The public may join the open technical discussions on the mailing list, though all input on the list should remain focused on the group’s agenda. Teleconferences and face-to-face meetings, as well as group decisions, are reserved for Working Group participants.
If you wish to join the Web Payments Working Group, there are 2 paths: joining as a W3C Member, or becoming an Invited Expert.
W3C Members fund the work of the group, and typically provide active resources and direct implementation experience. If you’re affiliated with a W3C Member organization:
- (If you don’t have any W3C Member account) Use the W3C Member account request form and get a W3C account,
- (If your organization has not yet joined the group) Ask your AC Representative (Member-only) to join the group using the join form,
- And then ask your AC Representative (Member-only) to nominate you using the nomination form.
When you have joined the group, you will also be automatically subscribed to the group’s Member-only mailing list. See the Instructions for joining the Web Payments Working Group for the details of the participation procedure.
If you do not work for a W3C Member organization, please first consider whether your employer can join W3C and get the benefits of Membership.
Invited Experts are often important to a Working Group, when they fill gaps in expertise, and when they commit to a level of participation beyond the average Working Group participant, such as acting as a test lead, a specification editor, a reliable scribe, or a chair. If W3C Membership is not an option, and you have the expertise and commitment to participate, please contact the staff contact, Doug Schepers.