W3C Architecture Domain

XML Linking Implementations

To get updates, fill in the sections of the Implementation Questionnaire when relevant and send the result to Henry S. Thompson, or to the www-xml-linking-comments@w3.org public list (archive)

A text based version of the formulaire is also available if more convenient,

XLink References:

  1. SVG (normative)

XLink Implementations
Name simple links traversal extended links traversal third-party links show='new' show="replace" show="embed" actuate="onLoad" linkbases
XBRLAPI (XBRLAPI.ORG) yes yes ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
XLip (Fujitsu) yes yes yes yes yes yes incomplete yes (with onLoad)
X2X (Empolis) N/A N/A transform N/A N/A transform N/A partial
XTooX yes
Mozilla (and Netscape 6) yes no no yes yes no incomplete no
Amaya (W3C) yes no no no no no no no
XLink2HTML yes yes ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? no
4XLink (FourThought LLC/Python) partial partial ??? ??? ??? yes yes no

XPointer References:

XPointer Implementations
Name Bare names Child sequences id() function Full XPath range-to string-range Namespace support


In GUI multiple non-contiguous ranges
XLip (Fujitsu) partly yes no no no no no yes no no
X2X (Empolis) yes yes yes no no partial no no N/A N/A

libxml (Gnome)

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no not at UI
Amaya (W3C) yes no yes no partial partial partial yes yes no

(FourThought LLC/Python)

yes yes yes yes no no yes yes no not at UI

(Gavin Nicol)

no no no no partial yes yes yes no yes
XPointerLib, Doug Daniels, Connexions Project yes yes yes partial yes partial no yes yes no

XML Base References:

XML Base Implementations:

Valid HTML 4.0! Daniel Veillard
$Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2005/05/12 13:00:11 $