IG-SP breakout on TPAC15

From Web of Things Interest Group

SP breakout results (a posteriori):

1. There are lots of items in the SP toolbox
2. WoT needs new SP tools (that are not present in the current toolbox)
3. New SP tools can come in 2 forms:
3.1 New SP tools that morph existing tools (smaller, lighter...) i.e. doing old tricks in new forms
3.2 New SP tools that do new tricks
4. The new tools need to come as standards
5. They do not yet exist (they emerge right now)
  • Next steps:
1. Update SP landscape for WoT esp. add the elevator pitch
2. Review and check consensus (relative to the Wiki pages)
3. Get input from [WoT-IG] on expectations on the SP part of the WoT landscape (level of abstraction/detail, text volume, text organization [subchapter, own doc, appendix] etc)
4. Spawn off actual document and evolve it in Github

The breakout minutes can be found here.

SP breakout plan (a priori):

  • Invite SP stakeholders from other W3C IGs/WGs too (right now that's meant as a suggestion, follow-ups are needed to establish that)
  • Present SP landscape for WoT - what is the state-of-art (coverage/maturity etc.)?
  • Discuss these findings
  • If time allows:
  • Present SP challenges for WoT - what are the drivers behind the evolution of SP mechanisms?
  • Present the SP requirements of the WoT use cases
  • Wrap-up: Discuss and agree on follow-up steps