Breakout topics 30-10-2015

From Web of Things Interest Group

Participants: Adamu Haruna (Nokia), Sebastian Käbisch (Siemens), Kunihiko Toumura (Hitachi), Daniel Peintner (Siemens), Katsuyoshi Naka (Panasonic), Takuki Kamiya (Fujitsu), Reynier Overhoff (UNI K.K.), Frank Reusch (RWE), Darko Anicic (Siemens)

Agenda & Minutes:

- Feadback of the Plugfest (What is missing in TD?, What should be changed?)

 - less plugfest participants at the breakout session
 - plugfest members provided 14 different TD files (also see [1])
 - almost all of them were based on REST approach
 - there was an email that TD does not includes what RAML provides (ask for a presentation for next web meeting)
 - TD should also work for non-REST based approaches (e.g., Web Socket, XMPP, etc.)
 - there will be a clear process how the conrete binding for HTTP,CoAP, XMPP, etc. will look like based on a given TD
 - we need more example for non-REST based approaches --> RWE will provide an TD based on Lemonbeat demo

- TD optimization: Optimized representation of TD which is feasible to constrained devices (what kind of apporaches should we follow?)

- Daniel Peintner presents the current work in the W3C EXI WG (see slides[2])
- WG will realse a EXI4JSON approach
- TD can take advantige of this if a fix vocabulary is defined
- Daniel present some compression numbers based on the TD provided for the plugfest

- How to involve other context (e.g., from domian ontologies, geo ontologies, etc.) in the TD? (slides)

- Darko Anicic presents some slides about this topic 
- TD do not give an answer about “Who are you?” (is only interpretable to humans and not to machines)
- TD can enables hocks to include domain independent (e.g., SSN) and domain dependent models (e.g., Haystack)
- Darko is going to present some examples in cooperation with the SDW WG and will present the result one of the next web meeting
- slides can be found here

- generic topics

- Thing capabilities can change over the time (e.g., new function are added), the TD should be modefied at runtime --> will be also involved in the scope of TD
- Security consideration is missing  --> will be discussed in the next web meeting