Example for Checkpoint
9.2, continued.

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Keyboard access to links and form controls may be specified in a few ways:

Keyboard shortcuts:
Keyboard shortcuts allow users to combine keystrokes to navigate links or form controls on a page. Note. Keyboard shortcuts may be handled differently by different operating systems, the primary difference being which keys to press to activate the shortcut. On Windows machines, the "alt" and "ctrl" key are most commonly used while on a Macintosh, it is the apple or "clover leaf" key.

Tabbing order:
Tabbing order describes a (logical) order for navigating from link to link or form control to form control (usually by pressing the "tab" key, hence the name).

Device-independent control for embedded interfaces:
Some elements import objects whose interfaces cannot be controlled through the markup language. For example, in HTML: applets, and multi-media players. In such cases, users should ensure that if the imported objects themselves do not provide accessible interfaces, that an alternative does.

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Chuck Letourneau & Geoff Freed

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

Copyright © 2000 W3C