In order to demonstrate the accessibility and appearance of the new features of HTML 4.0 and Cascading style sheets, we have used those techniques frequently throughout this curriculum. The authors have made every attempt to code examples in such a way that no important explanatory information is lost if you use older or less sophisticated technology. However, because of the design choices we made, appreciating the full effect of the examples will require you to:
- use an HTML 4.0 and CSS 1.0 aware browser to view the curriculum (e.g. the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Navigator, Opera)
- enable image loading, Java, and cascading style sheets in your browser
- use a display resolution of 800 x 600
- ensure your computer has an audio card and suitable speakers
- ensure you have downloaded and tested the various multimedia players required
Optional: an HTML editor (to code examples or test things on-the-fly), HTML 4 and CSS reference manuals (on hand to answer detailed questions about those topics).
Next section is: Using the curriculum...