This page describes the WCAG 2.0 document diagrams in the "Introduction to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Working Draft Documents" and other documents.
Diagram with General Techniques on the top and HTML Techniques, CSS Techniques, and ...other Techniques at the bottom. Lines with arrows at both ends go from the General Techniques at the top to the specific techniques at the bottom, and from the specific techniques back up to the General Techniques.
Diagram with Generated Tests on the top and HTML Test Suite, CSS Test Suite, and ...other Test Suite at the bottom. Lines with arrows go from the specific test suites a t the bottom to Generated Tests at the top.
Diagram with WCAG 1.0 on top of the Techniques section. Checklist of Checkpoints is to the right of WCAG 1.0.
Lines between the sections are:
Diagram with WCAG 2.0 on top of the Techniques section which is on top of the Test Suites section. Checklist success criteria is to the right of WCAG 2.0.
Lines between the sections are:
Within the sections are details, which are described previously in this page: