- Important note: This Wiki page is edited by participants of the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines working group (UAWG). It does not necessarily represent consensus and it may have incorrect information or information that is not supported by other Working Group participants, WAI, or W3C. It may also have some very useful information.
Instructions for commenting on HTML5
From WAI UA Wiki
Commenting on HTML5 for PFWG
Just learned: You have to be a member of the HTML5 A11Y Task Force to edit the wiki. Jeanne or Michael Cooper will edit the page for you if you send your info to us. Or put it in the UAAG wiki and Jeanne will copy it over. Please let Jeanne know by email - jeanne@w3.org - if you want it done.
- Check if your name is listed on the PFWG wiki as a reviewer for that section
- if not, edit the page to add your name. If you are not comfortable editing html tables, or do not have permission to access the PFWG wiki, contact jeanne@w3.org to have your name added.
- Click the link(s) in the 2nd column, Section(s), to open the sections of HTML5 that you will be reviewing.
- Click the wiki link in the 1st column, Review(s), to open the wiki page to make comments in. This may create a new page if no one else has made comments yet. If you do not have permission to edit the page, read these instructions and send your comments to Jeanne. Be sure to let me know what section you are editing and the contact info that you want me to list.
- (As yet, there are no examples of the types of comments that PFWG is looking for. I will add more information as it comes available. )
- HTML5 is looking for technical arguments and specific use cases. Put in a lot of detail justifying the change. Proposed wording may be helpful.
- Describe your comment using the HTML5 section names (not numbering) because the numbering changes frequently.
- Put your name and contact information with your comment so PFWG members know how to follow-up if necessary.
- If you come across a concern that does not fit in your section, add your comments to the HTML5 review by UAWG notes wiki page. Please include your name and date.