Suggest at start we use the wiki to edit guidelines, checkpoints, normative inclusions and exclusions and notes, but not some of the other supporting materials.
CheckpointSandbox (for practice)
Issues List
UAAG 2.0 Document
CompiledUaag2 (built using "Include")
Pages for each guideline
InOutDevIndep Support input and output device-independence
UserAccessToContent Ensure user access to all content
ConfigToNotRender Allow configuration not to render some content that may reduce accessibility
UserControlRender Ensure user control of rendering
UserControlUi Ensure user control of user interface behavior
UseApis Implement interoperable application programming interfaces
OpEnvSettings Observe operating environment conventions
AccessibleSpecs Implement specifications that benefit accessibility
NavMechanisms Provide navigation mechanisms
OrientUser Orient the user
ConfigAndCustom Allow configuration and customization
AccessibleDocumentation Provide accessible user agent documentation and help