Test Results

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Test results
Test Suite Test Case Tester User Agent Platform Result Date Notes
294: div element with role="menubar" and child div with role="menuitem" with aria-haspop="true" and aria-owns with value referencing ID of a div outside the menubar whose role="menu" and style="display:none:" containing two divs with role="menuitem" and text contents, with onload script that sets style="display:block" on the menubar and sets focus on the first item in the menuJames CraigSafariAXAPIfail22 October 2013 Blocked by https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=123133
294: div element with role="menubar" and child div with role="menuitem" with aria-haspop="true" and aria-owns with value referencing ID of a div outside the menubar whose role="menu" and style="display:none:" containing two divs with role="menuitem" and text contents, with onload script that sets style="display:block" on the menubar and sets focus on the first item in the menuRichard SchwerdtfegerFirefoxMSAA + IAccessible2pass29 October 2013
294: div element with role="menubar" and child div with role="menuitem" with aria-haspop="true" and aria-owns with value referencing ID of a div outside the menubar whose role="menu" and style="display:none:" containing two divs with role="menuitem" and text contents, with onload script that sets style="display:block" on the menubar and sets focus on the first item in the menuCynthia ShellyInternet ExplorerMSAA + UIA Expresspass3 December 2013With AccEvent, IE11, on Windows 8.1, using mode WinEvents out of context OBJ_Focus Name="Menu item 1" Role=menu item State=focused,focusable