Test Results

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Test results
Test Suite Test Case Tester User Agent Platform Result Date Notes
1650: INPUT type="file" with no aria-labelledby and no aria-label, does not have a role="presentation", is not referenced by a <LABEL> element, and has a title attribute equal to "foo". James CraigSafariAXAPIfail16 August 2012
1650: INPUT type="file" with no aria-labelledby and no aria-label, does not have a role="presentation", is not referenced by a <LABEL> element, and has a title attribute equal to "foo". Jason KissSafariAXAPIpass30 October 2012Special case where input @type=file has predefined name so AXHelp used to hold @title value
1650: INPUT type="file" with no aria-labelledby and no aria-label, does not have a role="presentation", is not referenced by a <LABEL> element, and has a title attribute equal to "foo". Richard SchwerdtfegerFirefoxMSAA + IAccessible2pass13 November 2012
1650: INPUT type="file" with no aria-labelledby and no aria-label, does not have a role="presentation", is not referenced by a <LABEL> element, and has a title attribute equal to "foo". Christy BlewInternet ExplorerMSAA + UIA Expresspass29 March 2013