This Wiki page is edited by participants of the HTML Accessibility Task Force. It does not necessarily represent consensus and it may have incorrect information or information that is not supported by other Task Force participants, WAI, or W3C. It may also have some very useful information.
Work Topics
From HTML accessibility task force Wiki
Caution: the actual list of agreed-upon work items is at but I have left this here in case the history is useful - Liam
Open Last Call Issues
- ISSUE-30 "longdesc" - affects Non-conforming features section of spec
Formal Objections
- ISSUE-31 "alt-conformance-requirements" - affects The img element section of spec - bugs 8171, bug 9215, bug 9216 Adopt the REQUIREMENTS portion of the "Provide detailed instructions and examples for doing so to all readers of the HTML specification."
- Fig-Caption as Fallback Alt - Note: Conflated between longdesc and alt decisions. Disentangle and remove as fallback. Bug?
- Meta Generator Exception - Leif filed a Formal Objection to this on April 18, 2011: "Objection to generator decision (Re: Working Group Decision on ISSUE-31 / ISSUE-80 validation survey)" - and submitted a Draft Change Proposal on April 20th; Maciej replied "Yes, we will consider your submission. Thank you for providing additional info." See also Bug 9212: Change the Generator Mechanism for img from Document Level to Element Level
- ISSUE-142 "poster-alt" - affects The video element / poster attribute section of spec - Now in process toward a consensus approach in Media Subteam as Text Alternatives for Paused Media Must support i18n. Formal Objection may become OBE. Bug 12228 - All Media Elements should have the ability to have both short and longer textual descriptions associated to the element.
- Ownership/Hosting of Alt Techniques Document Formal objection received in poll to publish
Additional Items For Last Call Review
Text Alternatives
- ISSUE-31 "alt-conformance-requirements" - affects Requirements for providing text to act as an alternative for images section of spec
- ISSUE-80 "title-alternative" - affects Requirements for providing text to act as an alternative for images section of spec - See also Request to Reconsider ISSUE-80 decision
- Bug 9216: Provide a CAPTCHA example that is in accord with WCAG 2 or Defer to "HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives" - Spec reference: Images whose contents are not known
- Bug 9215: Provide a Webcam example that is in accord with WCAG 2 or Defer to "HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives" - Spec reference: Images whose contents are not known
- ISSUE-131 "caret-location-API" - This API does not yet provide the ability to supply an assistive technology with the bounds of a drawing object on the physical canvas bound to canvas elements in the canvas subtree. To do this properly the specification needs to provide clickable canvas regions, representing the canvas element in the subtree. This would mean the inclusion of hit testing capability in canvas that would bind pointing device events retrieved from the canvas drawing surface to the canvas subtree. - affects canvas section of spec
- Bug 11239 Draw Focus - drawFocusRing needs to be separated into separate functions to separate the concept of focus rings and the drawing of visual points of regard for managed children. Also, a defect exists whereby an author can choose to use canDrawCustom when no system setting is provided for how the ring should be drawn and author will be allowed to draw a focus ring without driving a magnifier. (Note: this issue was raised with the chairs, the additional information was provided but not discussed) - affects Focus Management section of Canvas 2D API spec
- Bug 11342 Text Metric - A text baseline needs to be added to the textMetrics. (Note: the chairs asked for more clarification on what textMetrics were provided, the additional information was provided but not discussed). The revised text is provided in the updated change proposal. - affects Text section of Canvas 2D API spec, last paragraph referencing TextMetrics interface
- Media Navigation Strategy - See Content navigation by content structure requirements - Still undefined - affects The Video element section of spec
- Discovery, Selection, and Playback of Alternative Media - affects The Video element section of spec - see also Media Accessibility User Requirements
- Bug 12547 - MEDIA CONTROLLER requires readyState for grouped multitrack
- Bug 12546 - MEDIA CONTROLLER requires autoplay attribute for grouped multitrack
- Bug 12545 - MEDIA CONTROLLER requires loop attribute for grouped multitrack
- Bug 12548 - MEDIA CONTROLLER requires onended eventOpen
- Bug 12544 - MEDIA CONTROLLER requires track kind for in-band tracks
- Bug 12405 - There's a problem with overlaying a sign-language video and using native controls, because the overlaid video overlaps the native controls
- Bug 11391 - Provide examples of actual <track> usage, user agent implications
- Bug 11593 - <video> the <track> @kind attribute should include the all of the identified accessibility content types - Rejected, re-opened but may likely be able to be closed now
- Bug 12141 - <video> Specifically state that all <track> options be exposed to the end user
- Clean Audio - Current Media Subteam discussion on how to incorporate in @kinds
ARIA Integration
- Bug 11891 ARIA Processing for the WAI-ARIA section 3.2.7 - A section needs to include text on the syntactic processing of ARIA role, states, properties (Note: Michael Cooper has an action item to provide this text A11Y-ACTION-112; All the text but the role attribute was created at the HTML Accessibility Face to Face in San Diego) - affects WAI-ARIA section of spec
Drag and Drop
- Drag & Drop Requires Verification. We believe the spec is correct, but we have not verified because we lack an implementation to test with. No need to reference an issue in the spec.
- Access Key Needs to be brought forward from HTML4 with appropriate enhancements. See Access requirements from PF - affects Assigning keyboard shortcuts section of spec
Table Summary
- Issue-32 Table Summary - affects summary in Non-conforming features section of spec
Accessibility API Mapping
- Work begun, no spec reference, see editors' draft of HTML Platform to Accessibility APIs Mapping Guide
- ISSUE-155 "table-border" - applies to border attribute section of spec