ACTION-129: Carry to PF the request to clarify that ARIA Described-by text can include markup, and that any such markup needs to be exposed to a11y apis

Carry to PF the request to clarify that ARIA Described-by text can include markup, and that any such markup needs to be exposed to a11y apis

Janina Sajka
Due on:
June 8, 2011
Created on:
June 1, 2011
Related emails:
  1. Re: Two efforts to kill longdesc (from on 2011-06-02)
  2. Re: Two efforts to kill longdesc (from on 2011-06-01)
  3. RE: Two efforts to kill longdesc (from on 2011-06-01)
  4. Two efforts to kill longdesc (from on 2011-06-01)
  5. Minutes from Media Subteam for 1 June (from on 2011-06-01)

Related notes:

Done. PF has added to ARIA.Next.

Janina Sajka, 14 Sep 2011, 18:16:49

Display change log.

Chair, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 129.html,v 1.1 2019/04/12 13:58:32 vivien Exp $