ACTION-87: Consider a way to query the DOM interface to determine what the key mapping is for a particular action, so that help text could be generated to include user-unique instructions.

Consider a way to query the DOM interface to determine what the key mapping is for a particular action, so that help text could be generated to include user-unique instructions.

James Craig
Due on:
May 23, 2014
Created on:
May 16, 2014
Associated Product:
IndieUI: Events (Future Release)
Related emails:
  1. Re: [Events] UI Triggers for IndieUI Events 1.0 (from on 2014-05-17)
  2. Re: [Events] UI Triggers for IndieUI Events 1.0 (from on 2014-05-16)
  3. Re: [Events] UI Triggers for IndieUI Events 1.0 (from on 2014-05-16)

Related notes:

No additional notes.

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