Member’s perspective


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Keeping up with meetings

  1. Review all items on the upcoming agendas page
    • Agendas will include links to Issues, pull requests (PRs), and discussions
    • Members should:
      • Indicate thumbs up, thumbs down, or considering on the summary, presented options, and other comments
        • Use thumbs down on a proposed change stop the item from moving forward without further discussion
      • Add comments to suggest changes or concerns
        • Comments for “thumbs up” votes are appreciated and welcome
        • Comments for “thumbs down” and “considering” are necessary
        • If a comment includes a suggestion or concern but should not stop forward movement, add "OK to publish" or "OK to move forward" and then the suggestion or concern.
        • If a comment must be addressed before the item moves forward, thumbs down the issue
  1. Attend the AGWG teleconference
    • If you miss the AGWG teleconference, read the minutes and review any items that were approved to merge.
      • If an item was approved in meeting, you have 5 days to review and comment on it after the approval. If you feel it should not have been approved, add a comment explaining what changes are needed and thumbs down the item.
  2. Attend subgroup and task force meetings, if participating
  3. Review and comment on issues, PRs, and discussions in the “Future Agenda” Github queue
  4. Review and comment on issues, PRs, and discussions of interest in the “Please Review” Github queue

Leading a subgroup