Comment Summary 2-2-7


From TPAC 2017 11/8 discussion.

Proposed 2.2.7 Interruptions (Minimal) (AA):

A mechanism is available to postpone or suppress interruptions, unless they provide a timeout warning, are initiated by the user, or involve an emergency.

Comparing 2.2.4 Interruptions (AAA) and 2.2.7 from November Editors Draft

Interruptions can be postponed or suppressed by the user, except interruptions involving an emergency.

A mechanism is easily available to postpone and suppress interruptions and changes in content, unless they are initiated by the user or involve an emergency.

Open Issues and Proposed Responses

Proposed response for Issue 554

Because content changes are already covered by 2.2.2, we have removed that from 2.2.7.

Proposed response for Issue 529

We added a timeout warning into the exceptions for 2.2.7 (which keeps it consistent with 2.2.1 Extend exception "warned before time expires").

To Do

  • Need definition for "interruption". We need to clearly understand what does and doesn't count as an interruption and have a tight definition of "interruption". Examples:
    • in-page news prompts
    • in-page adds on load vs. in-page adds on a timer
    • promotion (coupon) that pop-up when you focus on a page element
    • satisfaction survey
    • network connection issues
    • email?
  • Possible definition: interruption is an uninvited change of context.
  • Emergency is already a defined term, but it needs to be added as a link.

Links for Reference