Tracker summary for James Nurthen

Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 6 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-83 (edit) open Re-write Understanding SC3.3.4 technique for Situation D (and perhaps E) to meet option 2 of success criteria. James Nurthen 2010-04-22
ACTION-137 (edit) open Draft an advisory technique of how to create hidden text and what are the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. James Nurthen 2011-08-11
ACTION-139 (edit) open Write a note for 1.1.1 understanding in order to clarify that buttons need not have all of their context as part of their label - they need only make sense within their context. James Nurthen 2011-08-11
ACTION-164 (edit) open Add another example to F69 for the DIV overflow case James Nurthen 2011-11-03
ACTION-166 (edit) open Write new technique for 1.4.4 failure for CSS related to failure related to zoom. James Nurthen 2011-11-17
ACTION-176 (edit) open Create a Note for the WAI-ARIA techniques so that examples which seem to contradict the "use semantic elements" statement in the aria spec can refer to James Nurthen 2012-09-16 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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