Proposed Timeline for the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
Working Group
This plan will be updated as we complete and set milestones.
April 2003
- 17 April telecon: discuss proposals for upcoming draft, charter
- 18 April: publish internal draft
- 24 April telecon: discuss upcoming draft. Approve for publication to
the W3C Techincal Reports (TR) page.
- 29 April: WCAG 2.0 Working Draft published on TR, replaces 22 August
2002 WD
June 2003
- 12 June - finish discussion of checkpoints marked with ?? and draft
conformance section
- 13 June - publish new internal draft
- 19 June - bless draft for publication to TR
- 23 June - publish draft to TR
- 24 June - send requests for review, announce new draft to WAI IG
- 25 June - begin collecting issues and questions from reviewers
July 2003
August 2003 - ??
September 2003
- Publish new TR that updates the 23 June WD
May 2004
Last updated: $Date: 2003/06/10 04:08:04 $ author: Wendy Chisholm