XR Subgroup - Meeting Summary

From Silver

Meeting 1 Summary (18th May)

Lot of potential in this area, challenge is going to be to not boil the ocean, so we are more than likely going to focus on Captions and Audio Descriptions within Mixed Reality environments as our first step. Very much in infancy of putting everything together. The outline of steps that we are going to follow will be:

  1. identify the user needs,
  2. write the functional outcomes,
  3. write the tests,
  4. write the methods to pass the tests.
  5. write the “how to” and “supporting documentation”
  6. write the guidelines

The aim is to have this finished by end of August. Our first task is going to be making sure that we get all of the right people together to look at this (Inclusive Design for Immersive Web Standards Workshop from November last year suggest that W3C has 9 working groups that may be interested) and to make sure that we get all of the information together before we move on.

Labor Day next week so next meeting is 1st June. 9am EST / 2pm UK time

Meeting 2 Summary (1st June 2020)

Mike to start working on the process that we are going to be following for working in the XR subgroup. The majority of work will take place using gitHub for communication, making use of issues/project boards etc. Will be online and working by Friday. Call information will be sent out to people on Friday of every week along with basic discussion points.