Design Sprint Participants
The following people participated in the Design Sprint of 2018 held in San Diego, California prior to the CSUN AT 2018 conference. We thank them for the generous gift of time that they donated to the Silver project.
- Camron Shimy, Google, (Sprint Facilitator)
- Alice Boxhall, Google
- Shari Butler, Pearson
- Wendy Chisholm, Microsoft
- Michael Cooper, W3C
- Wayne Dick, Knowbility
- Rob Dodson, Google
- Lainey Feingold, Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Lucy Greco, University of California Berkley
- Charles Hall, MRM/McCann
- Shilpi Kapoor, BarrierBreak
- George Kerscher, DAISY Consortium, Benetech
- Sharon Krevor-Weisbaum, Brown, Goldstein & Levy, LLP
- Matt King, Facebook
- John Kirkwood, CityMouse, Inc
- JaEun Jemma Ku, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Shawn Lauriat, Google
- Chaals McCathy-Neville, Yandex
- Jan McSorley, Pearson
- Whitney Quesenbery, Center for Civic Design
- Melanie Richards, Microsoft
- John Rochford, University of Massachusetts Medical School
- Jeanne Spellman, The Paciello Group (TPG)
- Adam Spencer, Accessibil-IT
- Makoto Ueki, Infoaxia, Inc.
- Leonie Watson, The Paciello Group (TPG)